What Should Be Professional Attitude of Teachers

Professional Attitude of Teachers.Indeed education must begin with a solution to the teacher-student contradiction. Education must reconcile the poles of contradiction so that it is able to humanize both teachers and students. This solution is also not unacceptable in the education banking concept. On the other hand, educational banking maintains and even stimulates contradictory attitudes through the following attitudes and oppressive practices as mirrors of society as a whole:

What Should Be Professional Attitude of Teachers

  • Teachers teach and students are taught;
  • Teachers know everything and students know nothing;
  • The teacher thinks, students tap into the teacher’s mind;
  • The teacher talks and the students listen obediently;
  • Discipline is set by the teacher and students obey the established discipline;
  • The teacher chooses and implements his choice and the students comply;
  • The teacher acts and the students have the illusion of acting through the teacher’s actions;
  • Teachers select program content and students without dialogue adapt to program content;
  • The teacher confuses the authority of science with his own professional authority, which is packaged against the freedom of students;
  • The teacher is the subject of the learning process, while the student is the object

It is not surprising that the concept of educational banking regards students as adaptable, manageable beings. Student work is nothing more than holding deposits entrusted to them. Students do not develop a critical awareness of the results of their intervention in the world as transformers of that world. The more genuinely they accept the passive role imposed on them, the more likely they are only to adapt to the world as it is and their skills fragmented to the reality it stores.

Attitude of Teachers to Their Duties

All teacher decisions and actions in the learning process have an impact on the achievement of educational goals, and all forms of teacher attitudes towards their duties, both teacher and non-teacher tasks, have a direct impact on students, both positive and negative, both in the short term. and long term. For this reason, professional teachers in carrying out their duties and roles must be careful, patient, disciplined, creative and humble.

Attitude of caution

This precautionary attitude does not mean stifling the autonomy and creativity of the teacher, thus making the teacher ‘afraid’ of making mistakes. But what is meant by prudence in this context is wisdom, not “reckless”, full of consideration (of the impact), and not reckless in taking educational actions, especially in achieving full educational goals.

The attitude of teachers to educational tasks (teacher and non-teacher) is very necessary considering that in the implementation of the learning process in practice tends to be transactional and situational. This means that not all aspects of education can be planned, and what happens in practice is not always according to what was planned beforehand, especially the problem of the classroom atmosphere (class management). Therefore, in different situations, conditions and opportunities, teachers must apply their abilities differently according to the objectives, material, available media, student characteristics, and situational conditions. So flexibility in implementing learning programs, wisdom in making decisions, and wisdom in taking action is needed.

Many cases of students having low motivation to learn, even phobia of certain subjects, very hatred and trauma to certain teachers, stress and mental depression. All of this is the impact of the teacher’s careless attitude, prioritizing emotions rather than hearts, so that his wisdom in acting is lost. This is where the importance of being prudent in making decisions and taking action, especially towards students.


A patient attitude can be had if the teacher has emotional stability as a personality trait of adults. Emotionally stable teachers will not get angry easily and will not be hasty (careless) in all their actions. There are many incidents at school that easily provoke a teacher’s anger. However, a teacher who has emotional stability, will remain patient and wise in dealing with these annoying events.

Patience is closely related to the attitude of prudence. The impact on the teacher will have noble qualities and attitudes, including: (a) compassion for students (embedded in the nature of affection for students); (b) painstakingly ing pamulange (diligent and tenacious in teaching students); (c) lumuh ing pamrih (sincere and not tendentious in carrying out tasks); (d) responsive sasmita (understand the child’s personality, individual differences of each student, understand the situation and conditions, so that in all actions are not emotional); (e) Filling the grill(does not cause prejudice that is not – not in all his actions; for example, every student asks the teacher to get angry, so students should think that the teacher is not peculiar to answer it so as to cover up his dissatisfaction with an angry style); (f) jatmika ing solah (sympathetic because all his actions are full of wisdom); (g) antepan ing bebudene (polite in behavior, not easily angry and not easily offended) (Asmuni Syukir, 1985: 17-18).

All attitudes and traits related to teacher patience are very influential in shaping the personality of students as expected in educational goals.


In this context, what is meant by discipline is an attitude that shows loyalty and obedience to the rules or norms that apply. This definition is identical to the origin of the word discipline, which is the word ” disciplus ” which means loyal followers.

Teachers must be disciplined in carrying out their duties, but not discipline in the sense of old-fashioned discipline which means discipline as obeying provisions based on coercion or external authority, external discipline, or automatic discipline.

Teachers must be disciplined in the modern sense, namely obedience to the rules based on awareness and sense of responsibility, so that people will carry out the rules not because of external supervision, but because of internal control. This is called self-control or self-discipline .

Teacher discipline in carrying out tasks is needed as an exemplary attitude and an example for students. Teachers are not worthy of giving disciplinary orders to their students if they are unable to do discipline themselves. Herein lies its relationship with efforts to achieve educational goals.


In this context, creativity is defined as a process that manifests itself in fluency, flexibility and authenticity in thinking. Fluency in the meaning of the word is able to provide many ideas in a limited time. Flexibility is able to see various possible uses of something, various points of view of a problem. Authenticity is able to provide answers that are unexpected, unthinkable by others. (Munandar, 1988, in the IKIP Surabaya Lecturer Team, 1994: 15).

Professional teachers must have creativity, because the world of education requires innovation and improvisation in accordance with the demands of situations and conditions, in addition to the situational and transactional nature of the teacher’s ‘job’. On the other hand, creativity is very useful for getting rid of very tiring routines, facilitating problem solving, both those involving professional problems and personal problems . Teachers who are full of creativity will be able to enjoy their assignments and have high work motivation. The impact is high student motivation, because the learning process is full of variation, innovation and improvisation.

Attitude of Humility

Professional teachers must have a humble nature and attitude, because teachers are not the only factors that determine children’s development. Teachers who are humble ( tawadhu ‘ ), are teachers who are not arrogant and not proud of themselves, and recognize and respect the existence of others, including their students. The teacher’s attitude is very influential on students who want to actualize themselves to find their identity. Because all influences, especially from the teacher who is the reference figure, can be personally accepted and processed according to their individuality, which then becomes a part of themselves.

What Should Be the Professional Attitude of Teachers?


As educators, teachers play a significant role in shaping the lives of their students. In addition to providing valuable knowledge and skills, they also serve as role models and mentors. To be effective in their profession, teachers must exhibit a professional attitude that fosters a positive learning environment. In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of a professional attitude that teachers should embody.

The Role of Professionalism in Teaching

Professionalism is essential in any field, and teaching is no exception. It encompasses a range of traits and behaviors that contribute to effective teaching and positive student outcomes. When teachers maintain a professional attitude, they create an atmosphere of respect, trust, and credibility, which enhances the teaching and learning experience.

Commitment to Continuous Learning

Teachers should always strive to expand their knowledge and skills to stay up-to-date with the latest educational practices. By participating in professional development seminars, attending workshops, and pursuing advanced degrees or certifications, teachers demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning. This attitude not only benefits the teachers themselves but also their students, as they can impart the most relevant and innovative educational practices.

Respect for Students

Respecting students is a fundamental aspect of a professional attitude. Teachers should treat each student with dignity, recognizing their unique qualities and abilities. By creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, teachers foster trust and encourage student engagement. They should listen actively to their students, value their opinions, and provide constructive feedback that promotes growth and development.

Effective Communication Skills

Communication is a vital component of effective teaching. Teachers with a professional attitude possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, allowing them to convey information clearly and concisely. They should be able to adapt their communication style to the needs of different students, ensuring that all learners can understand and participate in the learning process. Additionally, teachers should actively listen to their students and encourage open dialogue.

Ethical Conduct

Ethics and integrity are integral to the professional attitude of teachers. They should adhere to a code of conduct that upholds honesty, fairness, and confidentiality. This includes respecting the privacy of students and maintaining appropriate boundaries. Teachers should also avoid favoritism and ensure equal treatment for all students. By exhibiting ethical behavior, teachers gain the trust and respect of their students, colleagues, and the wider community.

Flexibility and Adaptability

In today’s rapidly changing world, teachers must be flexible and adaptable. They should be open to new ideas and willing to adjust their teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of their students. A professional attitude includes embracing innovation and incorporating technology into the classroom when appropriate. Teachers should also be able to adapt their lesson plans and teaching strategies to accommodate different learning styles and abilities.

Collaborative and Reflective Practice

A professional attitude extends beyond the classroom walls. Teachers should actively collaborate with their colleagues, sharing ideas and best practices to continuously enhance their teaching methods. Collaboration allows for a collective growth mindset, creating a supportive professional community. Additionally, teachers should engage in reflective practice, regularly evaluating their teaching approaches and seeking feedback from students and colleagues. This self-reflection enables teachers to improve their instructional techniques and better serve their students.


The professional attitude of teachers significantly impacts the learning experience and overall development of students. By embodying traits such as continuous learning, respect, effective communication, ethical conduct, flexibility, collaboration, and reflective practice, teachers create a conducive environment for student success. Striving for professionalism benefits not only individual teachers but also the entire educational community. Let us foster a professional attitude among educators to shape a brighter future for our students.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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