Principles Of Healthy Nutrition

Principles Of Healthy Nutrition.The purpose of food is to increase life span (eat to live and not live to eat), purify the mind and contribute to physical strength. Food is the fuel the body needs to sustain itself vital, so let’s imagine what happens when this fuel is impure: our organic engine stops working properly until sometime moment stops. To prevent this from happening we must nourish the body with natural components. Many of the problems posed to the time for healthy eating is that we find it impossible to replace the foods that we eat daily for other more natural and free of chemical preservatives.

Without going into detail, a complete and integral diet must contain foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, fat (in a higher proportion of vegetable origin), fibers, sugars (but not as refined white sugar), vitamins and minerals, and water. Considering all the previous elements is how the body obtains energy and vitality for its functioning, which also involves the process of evacuating toxic waste (for example; the fiber facilitates the elimination of organic waste). Likewise a good food diet should always be accompanied by the practice of physical exercise, since activity constitutes the ‘necessary complement’ to achieve a healthier life.

Essential foods that a healthy diet should contain

• Proteins: lean red meat (without fat), chicken, fish, eggs, milk skim, cheese, wheat germ, corn germ, lentils, soybeans, beans (beans), brown rice, almonds, soy breaded, fruits and vegetables.

• Complex carbohydrates (starches): whole grains in general, pasta (made with semolina or whole wheat flour), pizzas, beans, potatoes (potatoes), sweet potatoes, skim milk, ice cream.

• Simple carbohydrates (sugars): honey, fruit sweets (made with honey), dried fruits, jellies, molasses, desserts made with

honey, dates and dried figs.

• Foods high in healthy fat: corn oil, sunflower oil, grape oil, olive oil, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, olives, chestnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame, avocado, dairy products skimmed, mayonnaise, vegetable margarine, fish, poultry.

• Foods rich in vitamins and minerals: fresh fruits and vegetables in general, seaweed, sea salt.

• Foods rich in fiber: whole grains, bran (bran), wheat, leafy vegetables, vegetable roots, fruit pulp.

Healthy Food: Foods That Promote Health

When we speak of “healthy food” we refer to the quality of the food and preparations, and not precisely the amount of them.

There is a general idea that eating healthy is eating little or going hungry, when in fact the opposite is true. Foods with a high fiber content, such as brown rice or bread, fresh fruit, and vegetables, notably satisfy the appetite and do not provide excess fat and calories. At the same time, this class of food constitutes a source important vitamins and minerals, help prevent constipation and are highly effective in regulating the absorption of glucose and fatty acids during the digestive process.

Regarding cereals and their role in “healthy nutrition”, we must take into account note that whole grains provide more vitamins, fiber and protein than refined or white. A large part of the fiber, oil, vitamins of the B complex, iron, vitamin E and a quarter of the protein content wheat, comes from the germ bases and the layers of starch that surrounds the nucleus. Some of these layers are discarded in the process of refining of non-whole grains (as in the case of white flour). Something similar happens with white rice, which has less fiber and more starch than brown rice.

by Abdullah Sam
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