Postcoital depression: why do women cry after making love? Causes and cure

Among men it is an extremely rare phenomenon, among women it is much more widespread than you think, at least judging from what my female patients tell me: I am talking about crying after orgasm or crying following a relationship even when the woman does not reach orgasm. The first thing I feel like doing is reassuring men to listen: post-relationship crying  shouldn’t scare mennor make them feel inadequate or guilty for doing something wrong towards their partner, because most of the time it is a cry that simply frames a very strong emotion felt by the woman during the relationship. At other times, however, the crying of the woman after sex may be the symptom of the “post sex blues” also called “post coital depression”. Let’s analyze the various possible scenarios wel
The woman cries after intercourse for too much pleasure
Sometimes, tears can be caused by the strong intensity of the moment , by joy and emotion , by a  pleasure so intense and profound that it makes you cry. After all, women, much more than men, also express themselves with tears and tears  can be their own way to express the strong emotion of the moment. Crying while making love or afterwards can be the natural way in which a woman expresses her emotions.

The liberating cry after sex
Often for the woman  the cry after orgasm is a liberating cry : during the intimate relationship there is the tension towards pleasure, with the achievement of pleasure we let ourselves go completely and afterwards tears can come . The tension suddenly melts after the peak of pleasure, the woman enters a “new phase” of the moment and a state of deep emotion takes over.

The woman cries because the man leaves after sex
When a woman is deeply in love with her partner, the moment immediately after reaching orgasm can be experienced as a sort of loss : the climax of pleasure has been reached and the woman and the man separated, a feeling that could be experienced by the woman as a spell that breaks, hence the melancholy and sadness that can lead to tears. The suggestion for men, in these cases, is to stay close to their companions and embrace them, so that physical contact and intimacy do not stop.

The woman cries for  post sex blues or post coital depression Post
-orgasm crying can also depend on a state other than simple emotional release or emotion. After reaching pleasure, there can be a profound state of sadness, a feeling of loneliness, up to anguish, called by psychologists “post sex blues” or “post coital depression”.

What causes post-coitus depression?
This particular type of depression does not necessarily depend on sexual intercourse itself, which may have been very rewarding, nor on the couple relationship, which can be satisfying. But then why does it happen? At the basis of this transitory state of depression, which can lead to crying, there can be a physiological cause and a psychological component, which may also be present simultaneously:
1) physiological cause : post-orgasmic sadness can be triggered by the sharp  drop in endorphins in the blood that reached their peak during orgasm and then precipitated immediately afterwards, giving a sensation of relative reduction, before returning to normal levels;
2) psychological causes: the psychological component can be very varied, however most of the time the crying is caused by a psychological breakdown that occurs in the woman after sexual intercourse due to the tension and performance anxiety accumulated before and during intercourse. At the base of this component there is a lack of self-esteem on the part of the woman. Tips for overcoming postcoital depression?
Usually the post sex blues “is transitory: it tends to disappear completely in a few minutes. In any case it is important to learn to recognize it and understand its origins, as well as to talk about it with your partner so as not to make him feel uncomfortable or inadequate. When sadness and post-orgasmic crying depend on psychological causes, strategies can be developed to contain them, such as asking your partner for closeness, pampering and reassurance. When, on the other hand, there are physiological causes, it is necessary to learn to accept them without judging them and to explain well to the partner what is happening, so as not to make him feel unnecessarily responsible. The important thing is to share a couple and face these situations together.



by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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