Pomodoro study technique: what is it and how to apply it?

When it comes to being productive and complying with scheduled activities, it is worth knowing the techniques or strategies that can help us. The Pomodoro Technique (Tomato Technique in Spanish, since  pomodoro  means tomato in Italian) is a time management method created by  Francesco Cirillo in the eighties. Why did he call her that? Cirillo called it that because, to start it, he used a tomato-shaped clock.

Step 1: prioritize activities

To carry out the Pomodoro Technique, you will need to know the activities that you must carry out (prioritizing them according to their importance).


Step 2: timing and segmenting

After you are clear about your tasks, the next thing is to have a timer on hand  that divides your study time into  25-minute blocks  (pomodoros) separated by  five minutes of rest .

During those 25 minutes, you should focus only on one activity, without thinking about anything else; then you can take five minutes to distract yourself.

Step 3: time for breaks

When you have completed four pomodoros, you can take a longer break, of fifteen or twenty minutes. Once you have finished a task, you can move on to the next; the important thing is that you do not mix them and that you start they are always the most important.

When applying this methodology you must take into account:

  • Your performance capacity
  • That during those 25 minutes you should not do any more tasks, or attend to any type of distraction that arises
  • The daily tasks (it is advisable to have a sheet where you write down the new tasks that arise) and the time you need to do them

Why is it a good study method?

The Pomodoro Technique is based on the idea that regular breaks serve to improve  mental agility  and also prevent multitasking actions, which do not allow us to concentrate one hundred percent.

In addition, by focusing efforts in just 25 minutes, the results are greater and  productivity increases . Its ultimate purpose is to condition our work behavior and in turn make us set realistic goals at specific times and  feel satisfaction  in achieving them.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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