Pinworms: Symptoms and Natural Remedies for Adults and Children

The pinworm , better known as intestinal parasites, can affect both adults and children even though they are much more common in the past. What are the symptoms and natural remedies to use in case of oxyuriasis?

Oxyuriasis is an intestinal infestation caused by Enterobius vermicularis. The main symptom is perianal itching. This type of problem mostly affects the ‘ intestine large intestine and anal area. A small white parasite that looks like a worm is involved.

Symptoms of oxyuriasis

Pinworm infection mainly affects children with particular reference to school age and preschool age. Oxyuriasis is also called enterobiasis . Quite characteristic symptoms may appear in both children and adults, including anal itching, intestinal symptoms, and sometimes nervous disorders.

The parasite reaches the perianal skin folds, where it deposits its eggs , which hatch in the duodenum. In the duodenum and ileum the eggs hatch and thus the formation of the adult worm takes place which passes from this area to the cecum tract. The eggs appear anal after about 20-40 days from the start of the infection.

The following may appear : irritation of the perianal region and scratching lesions that risk becoming infected. Insomnia, irritability and convulsions are symptoms that can occur in children, while in women this problem can lead to an infection of the vaginal and uterine area and cause vaginal discharge and itching.

Natural remedies for intestinal parasites

What can we do if intestinal parasites are present in our bodies or in that of our children? Natural remedies for pinworms are mostly about nutrition . We will therefore have to pay particular attention to what we eat.

It is also very important to contact your doctor to understand which treatment to apply on yourself or your children. Certain foods can help limit the proliferation of intestinal worms. In the case of children, especially when they are small, it is necessary to consult the pediatrician before intervening from the food point of view.

As for the foods and natural remedies suitable to counter the presence of intestinal parasites, we find garlic and onion in the first place . Garlic and onion should be used as real medicines, in small quantities, and only if and when needed. They are in fact very powerful natural remedies.

In the case of intestinal parasites, grandmother’s remedies indicate to use garlic and onion both for food and for application on the parts to be treated where itching occurs. Garlic or onion blended in small quantities, for example, are applied by mixing them with a topical cream for anal or vaginal use. Then there is a remedy that indicates leaving a sliced ​​onion to infuse in water for one night and then drink the liquid with the aim of eliminating parasites in the intestine.

Another food and natural remedy considered useful for fighting intestinal parasites is represented by carrots . Carrots are usually a well tolerated vegetable that does not cause allergy problems. You can then try to consume both raw and cooked carrots several times during the day.

Some foods more than others facilitate intestinal transit , resulting in easier elimination of toxins and parasites. Among these foods we find in particular bananas, persimmons, both fresh and dried plums, apricots, melon, grapes, prickly pears and figs. To create an inhospitable environment for parasites, based on natural remedies, you could try drinking a glass of water once or twice a day to which you have added a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar .

Don’t forget to ask your herbalist for more information on natural remedies for intestinal parasites so that they can suggest the best solution for your health conditions. Do you know and have you applied other remedies for intestinal parasites?


by Abdullah Sam
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