Why do people cheat? Reasons for betrayal pointed out by a new study

Why do people cheat in romantic relationships? New study in Psychology points out reasons for betrayal reported by men and women.

Very common questions that people ask about relationships are:

  • Why do people cheat on marriage?
  • Why do people betray our trust?
  • Why do people cheat on their companions?
  • Why do people cheat so much?
  • Why do happy people cheat?
  • Why do men cheat and not separate?

Many people who have this kind of curiosity seek explanations in Psychology and Psychoanalysis and want to understand the reasons for the female and male betrayal . A new study from the University of Queensland, Australia, sought to answer this type of question.

Important factors in explaining why people betray their partners in romantic relationships are the personality and the history of the relationship . Another important predictor of betrayal is the availability of another suitable partner .

Among the main reasons for betrayal are low satisfaction with the relationship and feeling separated from the partner . Surprisingly, the length of relationships and commitment did not have much impact.

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  • Why did human beings become monogamous?
  • Reasons for Betrayal for Men and Women: Personality and Relationship

More impulsive people are more likely to cheat, because they tend to act out of immediate emotions and thoughts, without evaluating the consequences well. There was also a greater likelihood of betrayal by people who had more sexual partners.

The survey included 123 heterosexual people aged between 17 and 25, currently in relationships. Some of the questions were whether they had cheated on their partner or had sex outside of marriage.

According to the study’s authors,  the quality of the alternatives is the strongest predictor of extramarital sexual inclination and inclination to extramarital kiss, which were also greater in p participants who experienced sexual intimacy with a greater number of partners. This inclination towards betrayal can be attributed, according to the authors, to the abilities of these people to recognize sexual advances or to seek sexual partners.

Differences in betrayal in relation to gender

The issue of amorous betrayal raises numerous questions regarding gender as well. Doubts are far greater about males. Some examples of common questions are:

  • Why do men cheat and not separate?
    Why do men cheat and stay married?
  • Why does a married man cheat?
  • Why does man cheat and lie?
  • Why do men cheat according to psychology?
  • Why does man cheat and say he loves?
  • Why does man cheat and repent?
  • Why do men cheat and say they love?

Of course, it is not easy to answer all questions, let alone in a general way. But according to that study, men were more likely to have sex outside of marriage . However, the propensity for betrayal with kisses outside the relationship was equal between men and women .

In no way can we draw definitive conclusions about the “ psychology of betrayal ” just with this study. But it does give us some interesting data on this type of issue that is so common and interests so many people.

by Abdullah Sam
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