People and customs of the United States

The United States with its more than 260 million inhabitants is one of the countries with the most people in the world, with a population as differentiated as its states. The different cultures adapt to the cities from the first immigrations that occurred in its history. A country built by foreigners who made this country one of the greatest world powers recognized everywhere, but sometimes so much power is not so convenient.

Despite the fact that its inhabitants are very different in terms of culture and customs , most share habits and characteristics that are typical of the United States.

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  • 1People and customs
    • 1People
    • 2Presentations
    • 3Social meetings
    • 4Language
    • 5The habit of smoking
    • 6Food and meals
    • 7Tips
  • 2Everyday aspects
    • 1Units of measurement
    • 2Business
    • 3Communications
    • 4Holidays
    • 5Displacements

People and customs



The people of the United States are usually quite welcoming, calm and friendly; They normally care about leaving a good impression and taking good care of their guests, they are also correct and neat, quite patriotic, since they always show their love for their flag and their country. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, Americans tend to maintain a considerable distance when speaking, as well as avoid excessive physical contact.


People are initially introduced by their first and last names; in formal situations, they first mention the position or title of Mr. (mister), lady (misses) or miss (miss). In informal situations, you can skip the position and speak normal. In addition, because it is a very individualistic society, people use words and actions to demonstrate or express their goals and objectives, conversations are usually about transcendent topics and then move on to more trivial topics.

Social gatherings

For social gatherings, guests are usually invited on short notice and canceling or confirming the invitation is common; If you are invited to a dinner, you must arrive with prudent anticipation and bring something, be it a wine, fruit or sweets to share.


Although the official language in the United States is English, a large sector of the population, mostly immigrants, make use of Spanish, so a great variety of languages ​​can be appreciated on the streets; This can also be seen in certain neighborhoods or communities that are grouped according to their country of origin. Other languages ​​that are also heard are Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, French, among others.

The Spanish language in the United States

The habit of smoking

Smoking in the United States has become a habit frowned upon by society; Smoking is prohibited in public places, buildings, study centers, means of transport and even restaurants, with a specific area for smokers. Cigarettes are sold to people over the age of 21 and with proper identification.

It is inappropriate to give or send to buy cigarettes to children, just as it is rude to blow smoke in someone’s face.

Food and meals


Accustomed to being a high-consumption town, we talk about all kinds of products, especially hamburgers, fried foods and other “junk food”, which is usually consumed due to lack of time both to cook and to eat. Although the United States also has typical foods, ingredients and preparations according to each of the states in which they can be found.

There is a wide variety of foods, low calorie products are found in any supermarket or kiosk, however, the custom of Americans to consume fast food, which always have a high level of calories, trans fat, cholesterol, etc. does not disappear.

Meals are breakfast, which is usually during the morning; the food, which is more like lunch and is usually around 11 in the morning; and dinner, which is taken between 6 and 8 at night. On Sundays it is customary to have brunch while students have a snack called a snack or break during their free time.

At the time of eating it is not well seen to burp or slurp the soup while eating, as it is taken as rude; When listening to music, the volume should be moderated so as not to cause discomfort to those close to you, which will be subtle but will reveal the discomfort.

More information on Eating and drinking in the United States


In the United States it is customary to leave tips in different restaurants or bars as the service is not included in the service; the standard tip is usually 15%, if the service was slow or bad you can leave 10%, on the other hand, if it was good and satisfactory you can leave up to 20%.

In the taxi service it is very similar, since the taxi driver expects a 15% tip, and if he was cordial and friendly enough, he can leave 20%. In hotels it is also customary to tip bellboys of one dollar.

Everyday aspects

The largest world markets are in this country where failure is unforgivable. Comfort is another important trait in Americans and it is difficult to reject comfort when the entire country is used to offering its citizens maximum comfort in places where you practically do not even need to get out of the car to do your shopping, do paperwork, or even see a movie in a drive-in.

Measurement units


1 inch = 2.54 centimeters (cm)
1 centimeter = 0.39 (in)
1 foot = 0.305 meters (m)
1 meter = 3.28 feet (ft)
1 foot = 12 inches
1 yard = 0.914 meters (m)
1 meter = 1.09 yards (yd)
1 yard = 3 feet
1 mile = 1.61 kilometers (km)
1 kilometer = 0.62 miles (mi)
1 mile = 5280 feet
1 ounce = 28.85 ounces (g)
1 gram = 0.035 ounces (oz)
1 pound = 0.4536 kilograms (kg)
1 kilogram = 2.2046 pounds (lb)
1 pound = 16 ounces
1 gallon = 3.7854 liters (L) 1 liter = 0.2642 gallons (gal) 1 mile / gallon = 0.42514 km / liter


It must also be recognized that Americans are very hard-working and used to long hours of work, taking only a short break at lunchtime. Also, on the other hand, they are very clean people (for the most part) and strictly respect the rules and laws. Business appointments are usually quite punctual, the greeting is with a handshake and it is not customary to exchange cards. Business attire is strictly formal, with men wearing a suit and tie, while women are looking for a more serious and conservative appearance.

Economy and business


In the United States, as in many other countries, communications is a sector that has been expanding rapidly for some decades; In addition to talking on the phone, people now have the ability to communicate and conduct business over the Internet, facilitating and encouraging a new lifestyle.

Communications in the United States


Thanksgiving Dinner

In the United States there are several traditions that have been adopted for many centuries, such as Thanksgiving Day, others commemorate important events in its history, such as Independence Day, Memorial Day or there are also the religious holidays such as St. Patrick’s Day, or Good Friday, which are part of the heterogeneous American culture.

United States Holidays


The car is the most used means of transportation in the United States, that is why all the comforts go hand in hand with it, even teenagers are used to driving from an early age (16 years) who use the car to move from a place to another, either to go to school or to visit friends.

But so much comfort also brings disadvantages, since due to the little mobility and activity that there is among the inhabitants this encourages and favors the obesity that this country suffers, which is why it is located within the main countries with obesity problems.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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