Pelvic physiotherapy: do you know the difference of pompoarism?

The Pompoir or intimate gymnastics, is gaining more followers. Women are becoming aware of the importance of vaginal exercises, both for health and for improving sexual life.

But a lot of people ask me if there is a difference between pelvic physiotherapy and pompoarism. I can say that there are few differences between the two practices, but one is more focused on sexual life while the other is more focused on general health. Are you curious? So read this article and I’ll explain the differences!

The main function of pelvic physiotherapy and pompoarism is to exercise the pelvic floor so that this musculature does not lose strength, since it is responsible for the support of various organs , for urinary and fecal continence, and also contributes to the quality of sexual relations.

Lots of reasons for not leaving this region flabby, isn’t it?

In today’s text we will cover the following topics:

  • What is a pelvic floor?
  • Why does it need to be worked on?
  • Pompoarism
  • Pelvic physiotherapy
  • Is pompoarism part of pelvic physiotherapy?
  • Which is the best for me?

What is a pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is a structure formed by 13 muscles, fascias and ligaments that form a support network and is located between the pubic bone and the coccyx (the entire region of the pelvis). This muscle supports the organs located in the pelvic cavity: bladder, rectum, female reproductive organs and prostate. It is responsible for sexual functions and is also related to the functioning of urinary and anal sphincters, helping to maintain urinary and fecal continence.

Why does it need to be worked on?

As with other muscles in the body, the pelvic floor musculature suffers trauma during pregnancy, childbirth and certain surgeries. In the case of women, menopause blocks the release of hormones, such as estrogen, which also contributes to weakening the region. There is also a process of natural aging of muscle fibers that leads to loss of tone and the ability to contract and this causes several problems, which generate discomfort and undermine self-esteem.


The Pompoir , also known as intimate gymnastics or Kegel exercise is nothing more than the controlled movement of the pelvic floor and vaginal canal muscles. These contractions consist of “tightening” and “loosening” the muscle repeatedly until you gain enough strength to voluntarily control your vaginal canal.

It is a technique that serves to improve and increase sexual pleasure during intimate contact and allows it to be possible to massage and press the male sexual organ with the muscles of the vagina during intimate contact. The technique uses accessories such as Ben-wa balls, the cone and the mini-vibrator.

Despite being more focused on improving sexual life, pompoirism also has numerous benefits for women’s health.See some of them:

  • Increased libido and lubrication in the vaginal canal
  • Feeling that the woman is more “tight”, because we can control the muscle as we want
  • Helps in the treatment of anorgasmia (difficulty in reaching orgasms)
  • Multiple orgasms and helps delay partner ejaculation
  • Greater sexual pleasure, as contractions made during intercourse increase sexual stimulation
  • The menstrual period decreases, the cramps also, as well as some symptoms of menopause (vaginal dryness and lack of libido)
  • They assist in the pre and postpartum, in the treatment of urinary incontinence, combat vaginal flaccidity, dyspareunia (pain during sex), vaginismus
  • Improve bowel function

Pelvic Physiotherapy

We can say that pelvic physiotherapy is therapeutic and its main objective is to prevent or correct postural changes that may interfere with the functioning of the vaginal muscles and pelvic cavity organs, in addition to being a form of treatment for urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. It is the search for recognition of the pelvic region, integrating it as part of the body, valuing the importance of the region for women’s health and also for sexual fulfillment. The sessions are individual and only occur after a functional assessment of the pelvic floor by a trained physical therapist.

What prevents

Pelvic physiotherapy mainly prevents problems related to the pelvic floor. When the musculature is weakened or injured in an advanced way, some dysfunctions can become a nuisance for the patient. The main dysfunctions are:

  • Fecal incontinence: it is the inability to control the elimination of feces
  • Organ prolapse: it is the externalization of organs through the vaginal or anal canal. It happens due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that have the role of supporting these organs. The organs that are usually projected outward are the bladder, uterus and rectum.
  • Sexual dysfunction: sexual disorders can happen in both men and women, in one (or more) of the three phases that make up the sexual response cycle: desire, excitement and orgasm. The most frequent sexual dysfunctions in women are vaginismus (involuntary contraction of muscles making it impossible to penetrate), anorgasmia (difficulty or inability to reach orgasm), dyspareunia (pain during sex).
  • Gestation and delivery: during pregnancy, the pelvic floor muscles are under greater pressure, because they support, in addition to the pelvic organs, the baby and the embryonic attachments.

How is the treatment?

The treatment of pelvic physiotherapy consists of promoting the ability to properly contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles, strengthening this musculature in order to recover the functions of urinary and fecal continence; improvement of sexual activity and support of the pelvic organs.

The exercises can be done with accessories, such as the vaginal cones or the ben wa – ball of pompoarism – (motor coordination and proprioception). As well as perineal massages, electrotherapy, electrostimulation and biofeedback resources. The duration of treatment varies according to the patient and his physiological responses, as well as the dysfunction he has.

Is pompoarism part of Pelvic Physiotherapy?

Some physiotherapists use pompoir exercises during treatment, especially when it comes to sexual dysfunctions. However, the two treatments are independent of each other.

Which is the best for me?

There is no contraindication in either case, any woman can practice pompoarism or pelvic physiotherapy at any time in life to prevent problems or treat any dysfunction. Evaluate both options with a professional and see which one fits your needs.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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