Pathfinder Guide – Abilities and Tactics

he Pathfinder may not look as fast, but it might confuse you because he is actually one of the most mobile characters in Apex Legends. Pathfinder’s abilities, especially his Cat Hook, are extremely focused on mobility and momentum, and are highly rewarding for players looking for unexpected angles and wide flanks during fights. As possible, the highest skill character in the game in Apex Legends Pathfinder has been completely revamped for Season 5.

Apex Legends Pathfinder Guide – Tips, Stats, Abilities

All of the Apex Legends characters are pretty tricky to master, but Pathfinder takes that to a whole new level with his extremely nuanced Tactical Cat Hook ability. Click on any of the links below to jump directly to a specific section and start learning how to become an expert on rope killing.

Pathfinder – strengths and weaknesses

The Pathfinder is very mobile. It may surprise some of you who have tried it once or twice and noticed that it seems slower and rougher than other legends. Well, first of all, all the legends move at the same speed – they just seem to be different due to the camera height and the speed of the hand animation; on the other hand, if you learn and use Pathfinder’s abilities correctly, then in most cases you will be ahead of your teammates.

The key to Pathfinder’s success and popularity is its Cat Hook, which gives you a unique and versatile form of mobility and travel. In particular, there is a lot to learn about how to properly use the Cat Hook, but once you get the hang of it, you have several options, both to escape and to start a fight. While his Passive is poor, Tactics and Ultimate should be used as often as possible in order to take advantage of his mastery.

Its main disadvantages include the infiltration passive, which increases its incoming damage by 5%; and the fact that you will often be separated from your teammates (this is how Pathfinder is supposed to play, but it can lead to problems where your teammates cannot save you if you run into trouble). The only thing you can do to make up for these shortcomings is to emphasize mobility and speed, using your abilities as much as possible for a person.

Pathfinder Ability Guide

Pathfinder, like every character in Apex Legends, has access to three abilities: Passive (always effective), Tactical (an activated ability with a short cooldown), and Ultimate (a powerful activated ability that requires charging over time). While his Passive is fairly straightforward and honestly mediocre, his Tactics is one of the most useful (and by far the most fun) abilities in Apex Legends when combined with his Ultimate, can lead to devastating repositions and flanking attacks on the enemy. teams.

Passive Ability: Infiltration

Name Scan time Description
Infiltration 7s Scan the survey beacon to determine the next ring location.
Low profile N / A Increases incoming damage by 5%.

Infiltration is the only ability in Apex Legends that can only be used in certain locations. These locations are known as telltale beacons, and they appear in different locations throughout the match. Once you find them as Pathfinder you can interact with them, which makes the progress bar appear just as if you were animating someone. After about 7 seconds, the scan will be complete and you and your teammates should be able to see two circles on the map: one white that everyone can see; and one green that shows the location of the next  round of the Ring .

This is the kind of ability in which, if you find yourself near the exact one, you can certainly use it; but by and large it’s not a very good passive ability, especially when compared to the fantastic passive abilities of characters like Bangalore or Mirage. But it is good to understand and becomes more useful towards the end of the game.

Passive ability tips

  • If the current Round is nearing completion, wait until it ends and the next Ring appears before scanning;
  • Keep in mind the time it takes to scan the beacon. You will have to stand still for 7 seconds, so make sure you are safe before doing this.
  • Control Beacons don’t always appear in the same places in every match, so you can’t know by heart where they all are.
  • Infiltration emits a loud beep when scanning the survey beacon, which can be heard at some distance.

Tactical Ability: Cat Hook

Name Kuldaun Description
Kr.k 35s Use to get to inaccessible places quickly.

Probably the most challenging and highly professional ability in the entire game, Pathfinder Cat Hook is the core around which Pathfinder’s overall playstyle forms. It doesn’t just  move you in a straight line from your current position to the point you snap to. You can use it to swing, fly high into the air, and quickly cover vast distances.

If you’ve played Titanfall, Cat Hook will be much more familiar to you than players who started with Apex. The key is to wait until the grip connects and then rotate left or right 60-90 degrees from the grip point and hold forward (“W”) and swing (“A” / “D”) away from the grip … This will make you wobble around the point, not just reach for it. By using this method and combining it with jump on disconnect and slide when falling to the ground, you get a huge increase in momentum and speed, and after some practice, you can use it to reverse position during combat and perform a devastating flank on your unwilling opponents.

There is a lot to learn from this tactical ability. This is your way of acting as a Pathfinder to use this ability as often as possible, even during downtime, just train for the upcoming fights and move faster

Tactical Ability Tips

  • You can use the Cat Hook on enemies by quickly pulling them towards you.
  • If you want to swing, look to the left or right of where you grabbed and move away from the grapple point when it starts pulling you.
  • Jump at the end of the grapple (when the rope detaches) to maintain your momentum and cover more ground.
  • Always look for unexpected corner / flank attacks during a fight.
  • You do not activate the cooldown of the ability if you are not attached to something.
  • There is an exploit that allows you to climb smooth vertical walls indefinitely, going straight to the wall, face up, climbing and spamming the hook (so it doesn’t bind to anything).
  • The grappling hook has a short cooldown, so don’t be afraid to use it whenever you can.
  • To cover most of the ground in the shortest amount of time, you should aim to use the grappling hook as far as possible.
  • Playing with a grappling hook can often cause you to fall from a great distance, which while not hurting you, will result in a fall stun time of about a second where you are unable to move after landing. To avoid this, land a melee strike directly on the ground and you won’t suffer the stun.
  • When connected, a small flash appears at the grapple point, which shows you when to aim to the side and start moving if you want to swing.
  • Turning more than 90 degrees from the grip point often breaks the grip immediately, so stick to 60-90 degrees.

Special Ability: Rope Launcher

name Charge time Description
Rope thrower 2m Create a Rope for everyone.

Empowerment: Rope Launcher isn’t the most powerful of Ultimate’s abilities, but it can still provide some much-needed mobility for both you and your team as a whole. Once selected, you will be able to aim and fire your Zipline pistol over long distances, which while it connects to the terrain or building at the end will set a Zipline (just like it would usually be found in Kings Canyon) between your current position and the purpose of the appointment.

It’s important to note that these ziplines created by Pathfinder will persist for the rest of the match and enemies can use them as well, so you should always be careful when hanging around the end of the Zipline after using it. In any case, this is a useful ability to quickly cover the ground, especially under circumstances such as exiting a closed ring.

Ult Rope Launcher Tips

  • As with the grappling hook, you should concentrate on assessing your surroundings and using the Zipline Gun to change your position to flanks and unexpected angles when facing enemy players.
  • Your zipline will persist until the end of the match and can be used by anyone, friend or foe.
  • The animation for shooting and setting up the Zipline can make you think it’s ready before doing so, which will cause you to accidentally cancel it.
  • The Zipline Gun firing has a beep that enemies hear if they are not too far away.
  • Opportunities to use Pathfinder Ultimate to benefit the entire team are hard to find, so you should use it for personal and independent benefit. It has a short enough cooldown to make you feel comfortable doing it.

How To Play Pathfinder – Top Tips & Strategies

Finally, let’s end up with some more general tips and tricks for winning Apex Legends matches.

  • Look for flanks and aggressive repositions. This tip applies to Apex Legends in general, but in Pathfinder in particular, you have so many options when it comes to mobility and unexpected movement that you really need to take advantage of it whenever possible.
  • Concentrate on mobility to make up for the Pathfinder’s large hitbox. Pathfinder isn’t the most difficult character in the world to shoot at, so your main defense is grab, swing, slide, jump and move as much as possible during combat. Take advantage of these abilities.
  • Use your grappling hook as much as possible. I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating: use the Cat Hook whenever you can. It will take you some time to master this ability, you should use it during downtime to maximize the amount of practice you get with each match.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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