Parts of typography

typography is the art of expressing through various forms of drawings and letters different styles or feelings. The way of writing with various types of letters and calligraphy.


This has existed since the invention of writing, since different forms and letters are found in Antiquity that had variations depending on the author, the usefulness of what was written, the region, among other aspects. However, currently, typography has been developed in a much more systematic way, especially during the last decades of the 20th century.

Among its parts are:

  • The height of the capital letters.
  • The ascending and descending horn.
  • The horn.
  • The tail.
  • The body.
  • The inclination.
  • Among other.

This art is very important especially in marketing, design, advertising, art, and other activities in which the visual represents an important part to attract attention and generate reactions. This activity is responsible for the numbers, symbols and letters of content that is printed on digital or physical support.


  • 1The parts of the typography
    • 1Body
    • 2Baseline
    • 3Base
    • 4Shoulder or ring
    • 5Pole
    • 6descending pole
    • 7Rising pole
    • 8Height of x or height X
    • 9Height of capital letters
    • 10Rod or cross pole
    • 11Uprights antlers
    • 12Thorn or wavy pole
    • 13Vertex
    • 14Queue
    • 15Curved tail
    • 16Arm
    • 17Buttonhole or loop
    • 18Inclination
    • 19Grace, serif or auction
    • 20Cartouche
    • 21Ibulo or ear
    • 22Internal white

The parts of the typography


The body is the height of the character.


It is the line on which the height of the x is supported.


projection that can sometimes be seen at the bottom of the letters G or b.

Shoulder or ring

In a closed curved shape that encloses the white part internally in characters such as o, b or p.



The main feature of a character that is its essential form.

Descending pole

The horn is seen below the baseline, as in the letters g or p.

Ascending pole

Antler of the letter you see protruding above the height x, as in the characters d, k, or b.

Height of x or height X

Height that have the letters that are of low box, where the descending and ascending are included.

Capitals Height

It is the height that the high box letters have, when taken from a baseline until reaching the highest part of it.

Rod or cross pole

Horizontal feature having the letters H, f, to A.

Uprights antlers

Main oblique or vertical antlers, such as V, L, A or B.

Thorn or wavy pole

Main feature of the letter S or S.


It is the outer point where two strokes meet, such as at the top of the M or A, or at the foot of the M.


Oblique pendant pole of some letters, such as K or R.

Curved tail

Pole that rests on the base line in the letters K and R, and also below, as in the Q. In the K and R characters, you can simply call this part a tail.


Terminal part projected upwards or horizontally and not included within the character, as in the characters K, L, E or T.

Buttonhole or loop

The closed part of the g character, seen below the baseline. In case that feature is open it is called a tail.


Angle of the imaginary axis that arises as a consequence of the modulation of thickness of the characteristics of a character. This can be with various degrees of inclination or also vertical.

Grace, serif or auction

It is the terminal trace of a tail, pole or arm.


Polygonal or curved line of conjunction between the pole and the finish.

Ibulo or ear

Small terminal feature that is added to the ring in some cases, as in the letters o and also in the g, or to the horn as in the letter r.

Internal white

Blank space inside the buttonhole or ring for the letters.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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