Parts of the Publisher

Publisher is a desktop publishing application for Microsoft Office. It is normally considered as a beginner program, which differs from the Microsoft Word word processor.


In Publisher, page layout and design are developed more than the proofreading and writing process. It is mostly made up of different templates that can be downloaded from the website, in order to make the editing and design process easier.

The Publisher program allows the user to have a simple editing history similar to that of Microsoft Word, but it differs from Adobe InCopy and Adobe InDesign in that there is no built-in possibility to handle XML code. The program is very easy to personalize, share and create a wide variety of marketing material and publications. An example of them are the brochures.

Publisher is among the high-end Microsoft Office programs. Due to this, it is easy to appreciate the importance of the Microsoft company to place its product as a cheap alternative to the two competing programs. The program is also focused on the small business market, mainly because they do not have professionals dedicated to the layout and design of documents and pages.


  • 1Publisher Parts
    • 1Tabs
    • 2Title Bar
    • 3Ribbon
    • 4Menu Bar
    • 5Rules
    • 6Work Area
    • 7Navigation Panel
    • 8Quick Access Bar
    • 9Window Control
    • 10Zoom
    • 11Status Bar

Publisher parts


These make it possible to access the options found in the Ribbons, they also specify the selected or active ribbon.

Title bar

The title bar shows the name of the active window, which before saving it with the desired name will appear as Microsoft Publisher.


It is made up of the tools that execute the different actions available in the program.


Menu bar

This bar allows the user to have the tools to work properly and quickly on the publication. In this part it is possible to insert, format, organize, view tables, edit and files. Publisher’s menu bar is different than other Microsoft Office programs, as this is more than a word processor.


It allows obtaining a measure of the inserted elements and the space available.

Work area

The work area is the area where the user can work and make their respective creations. This part is where the design on which to work will be fully shown, which can be images, tables, text, among others.

Navigation Panel

The navigation panel allows users to have greater visibility and speed when changing from one page to another, in addition to showing all the created pages. This part of Publisher is in the middle left.

Quick Access Bar

The quick access toolbar, as its name implies, is the one that allows you to quickly access functions such as undo and save. In addition, the person can customize this area by adding the buttons they want.

Window Control

The sale control is the top right where the close, minimize and restore buttons are located. Each of these functions allow the user to have mobility in their tabs, from making it small to hiding it.


It is the slider that is used to zoom in and out of the work area, this makes it easier to see small elements more precisely and also have a complete view of the design in which you are working.

Status bar

It is the indicator of the elements and information of the document, which includes:  Total pages, active page, pointer position, position and size of the forms, among others


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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