Parts of the play ( Stage Drama)

play is described as a production that is the presentation of a story through a theater performance. The work can be a combination of speeches , dances, music, gestures, among other ways of artistic expression.

There are many genres within what is dramaturgy . Thus, it is possible to find musicals, melodramas, comedies, the sainete among others. All this without forgetting that, when it comes to musical plays, they can be subdivided into cabaret, operas, zarzuelas, among others.

The play covers different elements. Acting is the procedure that an interpreter carries out in order to be in the shoes of their character. The text , on the other hand, consists of the discourse that the actor must follow to tell the story .

Direction consists of the task carried out by another artist (the director) and which involves guiding the interpreters, defining the text and mastering all aspects related to the work.


  • 1Parts of a play
    • 1Script structure
    • 2Dialogues
    • 3Gender
    • 4Dimensions
    • 5Characters
    • 6Scenery

Parts of a play

Script structure

When referring to the way of telling a story, the script of a play must obey some literary aspects, that is, the division into three parts; in the beginning the characters are established, the motives that move it and a problem is determined.

In the development the action of the story advances until unleashing the climax; while the conclusion symbolizes the solutions and the ending of the conflicts.

Theatrical works, contrary to other literary formats, are divided by acts, pictures and scenes; the three acts cover the beginning , development and conclusion.


It is described as one of the essential elements of a work, since it is about what the characters narrate. Whether there are exchanges between 2 or figures (this is known as a colloquium), or it can also be referred to in a narration that can only be heard by the public.


There are, likewise, monologues, when it comes to a character who speaks to the public or any other interlocutor, but at all times without an answer; or soliloquies, which are a part of dialogue where a character talks to himself.


As in other artistic areas, works can be separated according to genre. The essentials are comedy, tragicomedy, melodrama and tragedy.

Tragedy is seen as a serious topic where the protagonist directs different adversities with action; Comedy consists of a light and positive story with many inconsistencies.


Dimensions are one of those aspects considered unique in the theater. These characteristics are about the descriptions that the playwright grants to allow the representation of the work.

In the dimensions you can define how the character is physically (clothing, his body, features or mannerisms) or how he expresses the dialogue (if he shouts it, whispers it, if he says it sad or angry); likewise, they work to give a description of the scenery and all the visual objects).


Initially, the works of Ancient Greece was oriented in a character, who is known as the protagonist, and the story was developed due to his actions.

There are other classes of characters such as the antagonist, described as the counterpart, since he acts contrary to the protagonist.

The characters of the cast are those considered as secondary that are usually archetypes, such as the worried, funny, angry, among others.

The narrator is also seen as a character, although he generally cannot be seen by the public.


In order to set a theatrical play on stage, the scenography is very important, since they encompass the visual objects that decorate the space emulating a certain place or situation. It consists of a whole art oriented in the creation of objects, the decoration as well, so that the public is completely immersed in the work.


by Abdullah Sam
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