Parts of electric guitar

An electric guitar is an electrophone instrument with metal strings, which has one or more pickups, which are electromagnetic transducers that change the vibrations generated by the strings into electrical signals that can be processed and amplified.


The sound in these depends directly on the material with which it has been manufactured, due to the way it was manufactured, where it works with octave, tuning and fretting; and for the quality of its pills.


  • 1Parts of electric guitar
    • 1Body
    • 2Hitch
    • 3Selector and controls
    • 4Pills
    • 5Volume
    • 6Switch
    • 7Bridge
    • 8Lever
    • 9Tone control
    • 10Mast
    • 11Strings
    • 12Eyebrow
    • 13Frets
    • 14fingerboard
    • 15Cover of the soul

Parts of electric guitar


It is what shapes the guitar, where all the wiring and the different electronic devices are located, which are located on a block of solid wood. It is in this place where the greatest resonance of the guitar is generated, and the area that most affects the sound of this musical instrument.


Part that covers the body of the guitar.

Selector and controls

It is a set of circuits that are used to change the sound in electric guitars.


It is in this part of the electric guitar where the sound of the strings can be captured with certain peculiarities. Made up of a magnetic wound core.

They come to capture any variation that is created in the magnetic field the moment a metal element moves near them. Variations are transmitted from the guitar circuit to the cable connection on small electrical signals.

Types of pills

  • Single coil : which is made up of a single wound core. This generates a very crystalline and thin sound.
  • Double coil : made up of two wound cores. This creates a much thicker sound with a higher level output signal.


Mechanism used when varying sound on the guitar. With this, it is possible to create a greater effect when combined with the volume of the amplifier.


This gets to determine which pickups come into operation, where it performs this action by testing how the sound changes.



In this part the strings are also fixed, located next to the tuning machines. These hold the strings. Some bridges with mobility have a bar that manages to create an effect that is usually heard in Heavy Metal and Rock solos.

Types of bridges according to mobility

  • Mobile bridge: the bridge moves in one direction.
  • Fixed bridge : it is the bridge that does not present mobility. The ropes on this are attached to a bar behind the bridge.
  • Floating bridge : type of bridge that moves in both directions, with these it is possible to tighten and loosen the strings.


by Abdullah Sam
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