E-learning: what it is and what it is for

E-learning is becoming an increasingly popular form of training, especially after the outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic: in this article, I’ll explain the meaning of e-learning. E -learning  is a distance learning method   that has been spreading more and more for about two decades: like the best known and now habitual  e-commerce , it allows you to physically disconnect those who supply a … Read more

How To Increase immunity

For a healthy body, boosting the immune system is essential to fight off other diseases such as infections or to make the human body stronger and stronger. What does a person eat, what does he drink? How much exercise does he do? All these things play an important role in boosting the immune system. Medical … Read more

How and why does love begin? What is love

Everyone likes a good thing, but when you don’t like someone’s bad thing, think you love it. Love is the name of surrendering to the desire of the beloved by giving up one’s desire in every situation, whether it is comfort and sorrow or pain and sorrow, profit or loss. In love, man seems to change the … Read more

The art of making fools

  Making others – especially people who are smart or think they are smart. Is an art You may think that anyone who has read the story of the “fox and the crow”. He can make another person better. You are wrong The crow mentioned in the story was too stupid. Otherwise, an ordinary crow does not listen to foxes at … Read more

The importance of colors in human personality

Just as life is impossible without food, so I consider myself incomplete without human colors. Blue, yellow, red, green, white, orange, black and pink are found in every hundred. Man has always enjoyed these natural colors. But when man felt the need for more colors, he started mixing the same natural colors to create different colors and started … Read more

Why do some people never gain weight?

Have you noticed that there are some people who eat a lot but still do not become obese, why does this happen? So scientists have finally found the answer . According to Kathleen Mellenson, professor of food sciences at Rhode Island University in the United States, the answer is not simple. Factors such as genetics, nutrition and … Read more