Outlook closes while you have items open

In this guide I propose some solutions for when Outlook closes while you have items open and asks you to reopen them in the next session.

In this guide I am going to talk to you about the notice that appears when  Outlook closes while you have items open . I am going to explain to you why it appears, what exactly it is for and what to do to deactivate it. If it bothers you that the Microsoft email manager is notifying you every time you open it about the items that were open and suggesting that you recover them, what I tell you here will interest you a lot. Do not miss it!

Index of contents

  • Outlook closes while you had items open – what does it mean?
  • Deactivate the function from the settings
  • Outlook closes while you had items open – delete it from the registry

Outlook closes while you had items open – what does it mean?

When Outlook closes while you have items open, when you run the application again, a message appears asking if you want to open them again. This is a feature that attempts to help you recover your workflow and continue where you left off.

Source: Microsoft

As seen in the image above, this message is displayed in a pop-up window and offers the  options Yes and No. Technically, if you answer yes, all your work will be restored and the messages you had open before you closed Outlook will appear.

What is the problem? Many users see this message appear every time they open Outlook, regardless of the button they use to close the application and whether they actually had emails open or not. In most cases,  when a user closes Outlook it is because she has finished working with the mail manager . If you open the tool later, a new session will normally start, without needing to recover previous work.

The fact that this message appears every time Outlook is opened  has become an annoyance for some . So much so that in the  official Microsoft forum , a couple of solutions are already offered that can help you make these startup messages disappear once and for all in Outlook. Let’s get to know them below.

Deactivate the function from the settings

The annoying window that some are continually seeing  every time they open Outlook , whether after an unexpected shutdown, an update, or after manually exiting the application, is technically associated with a setting that you will find in the Outlook settings panel .

The thing is, it doesn’t matter if Outlook closes while you have items open or not, the alert is displayed over and over again. According to some users, it is not of much use either, because when  you press Yes , they do not recover the previous view, but rather a window is displayed with contacts and other data related to the account configured in the email manager. It seems that this feature is not even implemented well.

Source: Microsoft

As some explain, the simplest solution is this:

  1. Go to Outlook preferences, clicking on  Fileand then on  Settings .
  2. Press on  General.
  3. See if the  Startup Optionssection appears .
  4. There should be a drop-down menu where you can deactivate the corresponding function to prevent Outlook from asking you every time it opens if you want to recover previous items.

Apparently, this failure is occurring in very specific compilations, so possibly updating Office could already solve this problem. Specifically, users complaining about the continued presence of the notice are on  Version 2306 of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 . If you are a user of the latest versions through Microsoft 365 for Home, it is very possible that you will not have this problem.

On the other hand, there are those who indicate that the option described above  does not appear in the settings panel . In that case, there is an alternative solution that can help you.

Outlook closes while you had items open – delete it from the registry

Thanks to the  Windows registry  you will be able to change the behavior of Outlook so that it does not send you these annoying messages every time you open the application.

Follow these steps to achieve it:

  1. Open the Windows registry editor. Press  Windows + Rand run the  regedit command .
  2. Navigate to the path  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Preferences.
  3. If the ReopenWindowsOptionvalue   is present, click on it and proceed to assign the value 1.
  4. If the value is not there, you must create it within the  Preferenceskey . Right-click and place the cursor on  Value . Then, add a new DWORD.

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Once you have made all the appropriate changes to the registry, restart your computer. The next time you start Outlook, the message in question should no longer appear.

And you, have you seen the message  Outlook closes while you have items open ? Have you managed to solve it? Leave us your opinion below. We read you in the comments area.



by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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