Osteoarthritis and Work – causes and remedies

How to slow down the damage caused by arthrosis, a chronic and progressive joint disease that can become disabling

What is it

Arthrosis manifests itself as a widespread form of joint disease when there is a suffering of the  articular cartilage , that tissue that acts as a cushion between the bones inside the joint .



Cartilage can be damaged due to aging or wear, but also as a result of certain diseases such as:

  • arthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • diabetes
  • gout
  • metabolic diseases
  • situations of joint misalignment (knee valgus or varus)
  • outcomes of trauma.



It is estimated that 10-12% of the population is affected. The disease is related to age, often develops after the age of 30-35, and 90% of those over 65 suffer from this disorder. Arthrosis occurs in the male and female population with the same frequency, with the exception of arthrosis in the joints of the hands (introphalangitis) which is found 10 times more in women. For women, bone pain begins to be felt already with the arrival of menopause, that is after the age of 50.

Arthrosis and work

Many   protracted postural alterations can promote osteoarthritis. Sitting in front of the computer for several hours a day, with a stiff head and shoulders; being forced into forced positions for work, such as hauliers or painters; use vibration instruments: all situations that lead to stiffening of the muscles and, consequently, to move the joints into forced positions.



Do-it-yourself treatments are always not recommended, especially in these cases, where self-therapy can lead to irreversible consequences.

Natural remedies, drugs, spa treatments and postural exercises can be used for the treatment.


Usable drugs can be classified into two categories:

  • symptomatic
  • which act on the degenerative process

Among the symptomatic drugs that aim to control pain are analgesics such as paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and cox-2 inhibitors.

Among the drugs that act on the degenerative process of cartilage, the best known is glucosamine sulfate .

A good source to learn more about the subject is the noltrex site


The rehabilitation , to correct a pathological postures and re-start atrophied muscles, and physical therapy may be a viable alternative to the use of drugs. Even the ‘ Acupuncture is used to relieve pain and rebalance the muscles.


by Abdullah Sam
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