Operator Skills Guide in Call Of Duty: Mobile

Here are all the operator skills in Call of Duty: Mobile. Operator skills in COD Mobile are important weapons that you must learn to win the game. You can find this and many topics in our Call of Duty Mobile Guides .

What are operator skills in COD Mobile? Operator skill is a unique feature of Call of Duty and an important factor in every multiplayer game. Allows players to use a powerful special weapon that can turn the tide of a battle.

So how do you use the operator skill in COD Mobile? Players will be able to equip 1 Operator Skill in their loadout. In a multiplayer game, it will load slowly over time and turn on when ready. It can be activated by touching the icon on the right side of the screen. Operator skill will charge faster when you are an enemy or finish with a target. The Operator Skill only lasts for a limited time after being activated, so be sure to make the most of it.

Characteristics of Operator Skills in Call Of Duty: Mobile

As you gain experience in Call of Duty Mobile and level up your character, you can gradually unlock them all and give yourself more strategic options.

Below are all of the operator skills in COD Mobile, as well as how you can use them most effectively in Call of Duty Mobile:


Unlocks at Level 3

The Purifier is the first Operator ability you can unlock in Call of Duty: Mobile. When you activate this Operator ability, your character will draw a large Flamethrower . As the name implies, the weapon will unleash a stream of fire to continuously burn the enemy. Enemies that have been hit will take both hit damage and burn damage over time. With extreme speed of fire, any player who is hit by the Purifier will be downed in the blink of an eye. The weapon will hit all players in an AOE so you can take down multiple players at the same time.


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The greatest weakness of this weapon is its low range. That means it will stay in close quarters combat in the narrowest areas of the map. You’ll want to go to places where multiple enemies are grouped together to make the best use of this weapon.


Unlocks at Level 15

The scythe is a mini pistol with an intense rate of fire, deals high damage, and is highly accurate. You can easily kill three or four players in seconds. It is definitely one of the best operator skills and is excellent in almost all situations. However, it still has some drawbacks. First of all, there is a small delay before you can start firing, giving enemies a small time advantage to flee or kill you. And secondly, you will move very slowly when holding it, so always switch to another weapon when not in combat.

The damage this weapon does is insane, and unlike other weapons, it gains more accuracy when you fire continuously. You easily face multiple enemies at the same time without much difficulty. But with the small “boost time” the weapon needs to be more accurate, you may want to pre-fire before going into a long-range battle.

War machine

Unlocks at Level 26

The War Machine is an automatic grenade launcher with a magazine size of 6. One precise hit and you can take down any player in the affected area, making the War Machine an extremely strong weapon. However, the trajectory of the grenades will not be a straight line but will be an arc, so you will have to aim higher at a great distance or hit. It may take you some time to use it correctly.

Any player who takes a direct hit from this weapon will be killed instantly, and players within the blast radius will also lose health. The war machine is an ideal weapon to quickly take down a group of enemies or to clear houses and buildings. You can also bounce the grenade off a wall to hit enemies around the corner without having to face them.


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The bulletproof vest is the best counterweight of the war machine as it will significantly reduce the damage of the grenade. The trajectory of the War Machine is not a straight line but rather an arc. Which means you will have to aim a bit up to hit long range enemies.


Unlocks at Level 35

Tempest is a special weapon that shoots electricity and kills any enemy on contact. What really makes it stand out is that this electrical current will transfer to nearby enemies and kill them as well. That means we will have many accidental death streaks just by hitting an enemy. The gun needs to be charged for a short period of time to fire, so it’s a bit difficult to use at first. In addition, it has a slow rate of fire, so it is very important that you hit your target when you jump.

But Tempest has a deadly weakness . It has to charge for a moment before it can shoot. That means other players can kill you if they are fast enough or if you miss the first shot.

When you see a teammate get shot by Tempest, get away from them as soon as possible to avoid the effect. When fighting a player using the Tempest, it is better to constantly move to avoid the lightning rather than stay still.

Transformation shield

Unlocks at Level 50

The Transformation Shield does not deal damage , but is still a great tool for both offense and defense. You can use it to block the entrances in certain places or to cover yourself and thus protect yourself from the attack of your enemies. However, the Transforming Shield can also help you take down your enemies. When deployed, it will flash all enemies in front of it, disabling their ability to see or hear. It will make the job much easier.

At a higher level, good shield placement can even disrupt the other team’s strategy.


This weapon was added with the Halloween event and can be obtained at no cost by simply completing the corresponding challenge events.


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It can shoot explosive arrows that will kill your enemies instantly. The longer you hold down the shutter button, the further the arrow can go. You can also tap quickly to shoot and launch many arrows continuously.

The Falcon is a bow that shoots explosive arrows . When you tap the fire button, shoot a forward arrow at close range. The longer you hold down the fire button, the further and faster the arrow will travel. When the arrow reaches its end and hits something, it will explode and damage players in a small radius. Players who are directly hit by the arrow will die instantly. You can shoot many arrows quickly when you meet many enemies at once at close range.

Gravity Peaks

Unlock through events.

Gravity Spikes is a special Call of Duty Mobile weapon that will throw you at close range and kill all nearby enemies. It is easy to use and can easily kill multiple enemies and is the best choice in close range combat. But it can only be used in close-range combat . It’s the funniest operator skill in Call of Duty Mobile.

Operator Skills in COD Mobile HIVE

Unlock through events.

HIVE will launch ball traps that can be driven into the ground or walls. You can make a maximum of 6 traps each activation.

When an enemy approaches the trap, it will explode and release bugs to attack it. However, enemies can destroy the traps with their weapons, so you will have to hide them in places that they do not notice. Also, you cannot distinguish between your traps and the enemy’s when you see them on the map.


by Abdullah Sam
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