Online Sexologist: when to look for this professional?

The online sexologist is the health professional who is trained to help individuals and couples address emotional, psychological, personal or interpersonal factors that affect sexual satisfaction.

The goal of sex therapy is to help people overcome physical and emotional challenges, enabling a satisfying relationship and a pleasurable sex life.

Couples with young children are often sucked into caring for their children, and it is not uncommon to find it difficult to keep sex a priority. Distancing can lead to distress, overcharging and discouragement.

On the other hand, older couples struggle with menopause, machismo and the old resentments of the relationship can end sex, and it is important to have the help of a sexologist.

In the last few years we have seen an increase in the search for human sexuality and sexology professionals. As technology advances, some taboos and barriers are being broken down. With this, the possibility of consulting an online sexologist , understanding what can be done to improve sex and knowing how to deal with some challenges becomes more natural.

The most common sexual problems

Sexual dysfunction is a common condition. A Cleveland Clinic study indicated that 43% of women and 31% of men report having experienced some type of sexual dysfunction during their lives. These dysfunctions can include:

  • erectile dysfunction ;
  • low libido;
  • lack of interest;
  • premature ejaculation ;
  • low confidence or low self-esteem in bed;
  • lack of response to sexual stimulation;
  • inability to reach orgasm;
  • excessive libido;
  • distressing sexual thoughts;
  • unwanted sexual fetishes.

A fulfilling sex life is healthy and natural. Physical and emotional intimacy are essential parts of your well-being . When sexual dysfunction occurs, maintaining a satisfactory sex life can become a challenge, which can compromise not only sex but emotions .

The role of the Sexologist

One way to determine whether you need to see a sexologist instead of another type of professional is to analyze which parts of your life are most affected by how you feel now.

If your quality of life and emotional health are greatly affected by your sexual dysfunction, consulting a sexologist can be an excellent idea. Likewise, if the lack of intimacy or difficulty communicating with a partner is your biggest concern, perhaps a psychotherapy process , more focused on self-knowledge or even issues of self-esteem is more recommended.

A fulfilling sex life is vital to our health for many reasons. Physical and emotional elements of a healthy sex life have far-reaching benefits, including lower blood pressure, better heart health and stress reduction . Sex is a natural and fun part of life.

However, for some people, sex is a source of great anxiety and concern. Sexual dysfunction can lead to relationship complications, loss of confidence and many other negative effects.

The sexologist can help people and couples find a way to have open and honest communication, so that they can deal with any concerns or challenges to a healthy and happy sex life .

Why consult an online sexologist?

Talking about your sexual relationship may seem embarrassing at times. It is common for both men, women and couples to take a long time before deciding to schedule an appointment. Fear of exposure, shame and even ignorance can prevent many people from finding a sexologist and leading a healthier and more pleasurable life for two.

The advancement of technology has enabled psychology and sexology professionals to offer their services through video consultations. In recent years, platforms like Vittude have emerged , which allow anyone to search for a sexologist online and schedule their appointment in complete secrecy and security.

Remote attendance allowed people to gain greater comfort when dealing with more delicate matters. Nowadays you can talk to a sexologist online, anytime, from anywhere.

In addition, the technology of the platforms makes the choice of the professional much more assertive , since the individual can consult the sexologist’s profile, his academic background, professional experience, consultation values, evaluations of other clients.

It is also possible to make a prior contact with the professional and answer questions before the first appointment.

The ease of the digital universe made it possible for more people to consult a sexology professional, who are often concentrated in large cities.

A person who lives in a country town, or even in another country, has the possibility to talk to an online sexologist and get help with their questions.

Online consultation with sexologist: What to know before having it?

When you are ready to start sex therapy , keep these three things in mind as you prepare to choose your sexologist.


Therapists are unique. Successful therapy depends a lot on how well you communicate with your therapist. To build a good therapeutic bond, empathy, trust and attention to the professional and his orientations are necessary.

A good work together will help you with your concerns. If you are not comfortable with the professional at any time, look for another one.

Individual vs. couple

You do not need to take your partner to sex therapy. For some people, individual therapy is suitable for solving problems. For others, having both people present during the therapeutic process can help improve satisfaction and build a stronger connection.

Talk to your partner about your choice to start the process. If you want him to be involved, ask.

Therapy is a process

During your first consultation, your sexologist will likely present your work methodology, frequency of sessions and dynamics of your therapeutic approach.

Some professionals usually recommend practical activities and others work based on the conversation, on information brought by the individual to the office, whether in person or online. For most individuals and couples, several sessions are required at the beginning.

However, once treatment is making a significant difference and your sexologist feels confident that you can handle future challenges, you can be discharged!



by Abdullah Sam
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