Online jobs that you can do from home

With the advent of the internet, the way to generate money has changed, that is why many people have decided to leave their jobs to work from the comfort of their home and others have decided to earn extra money online; If you want to generate money without having to leave home, this tutorial will explain how to earn money working on your own from home online .

What do you need to work from home?

To be a digital nomad you need to have a computer, a good internet connection , email (preferably Gmail), create an account in a digital wallet such as PayPal , Payeer, Skrill or another, organize your schedule , a quiet space, really want to work, patience and perseverance. There is no set age for working from home.


  • Freedom to choose the most convenient place and time
  • You can be close to family
  • You are your own boss
  • You won’t have to spend long hours in traffic or public transport
  • There is no age limit
  • You work more relaxed and calm

Online jobs that you can do from home

Virtual assistant : A virtual assistant is in charge of performing remote tasks such as scheduling appointments, booking trips, organizing events, talking to clients, etc. A virtual assistant can also be professionals who are in charge of giving advice from a distance , among them we can mention lawyers, psychologists, nutritionists, consultants, graphic designers, personal trainers, among others.

Digital Copywriter : Writing texts for web pages, social network entries or blog is one of the jobs that are most in demand on the internet, because writers are constantly needed to generate attractive and educational content that guides the readers of a blog or web page.

To be a content writer you must be creative, writing well is essential and being original because you should not plagiarize texts; So if you love writing this work is perfect for you.

Affiliate marketer: This type of work consists of creating a website where you post comments on some products and at the same time links said products to online stores; If the reader buys that product, the online store will pay the owner of the website a commission for the sale. It is very easy to create a website using WordPress.

Blogger: You can create a blog on a specific theme such as cooking, fashion, sports, medicinal plants, gardening, technology, etc; and regularly publish informative content that attracts Internet users to gain followers and thus generate sales.

Translator: If you know several languages, you can provide your services in companies or web pages to translate texts or serve as a translator in meetings. To apply to this type of job you only need to be able to handle one or several languages ​​well, including your native language.

Virtual classes or being a tutor : Online teachers are having quite a boom, among the most popular subjects are chemistry, languages, music, physics, you can even provide advice for degree projects or sell courses. To give virtual classes you need to handle tools like Zoom , FaceTime or Skype.

Sell ​​products: You can sell clothes that you make yourself or crafts that you make; You can even sell second-hand items that you no longer need using platforms like Vinted or Wallapop, or you can create an online store to sell your products.

Jobs you can do using social media

YouTube : Currently many people earn money from home creating a YouTube channel that monetizes ; But to generate money you must create interesting content that attracts the users of this platform.

Instagram: This social network is growing like foam, therefore being an influencer within it can generate money because many brands can look for you to promote their products ; you can also use this social network to publicize your brand or products.

Tik Tok: This social network that is becoming more and more popular and allows its users to earn money thanks to the content they generate, since if the profile exceeds 1500 followers, Tik Tok will give you a commission.

Working from home is currently not a dream, since the internet has opened the doors for entrepreneurial people who want to be their own bosses to earn money with their own projects, you just have to be determined to start making money using the internet.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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