ONION: A more than beneficial antidote

The onion is a horticultural plant belonging to the liliaceae family (allium cepa) that can be used as an effective antidote. His properties Medicinal products are related to its volatile smell. Its taste and smell characteristic are determined by the sulfur compound, and it is said that said juice can prevent infections of all kinds.

The onion also has “flavonoids” that, when consumed with regularity lowers the risk of cancer. In addition to this, experiments show that consumption of raw or cooked onions protects the body against the harmful effects of fats in the blood (cholesterol). The antidote that prevents this disease is related to the increase of high-density lipoproteins, which are molecules that contribute in the elimination of cholesterol from the tissues and arterial walls.

In addition, it acts in circulatory disorders (as in the case of diseases coronary arteries, thrombosis and other related) dissolving blood clots blood. Therefore, the beneficial properties of onion suggest that its consumption is necessary to maintain health.

What kinds of ailments can onion prevent?

• Cancer: promotes resistance due to the substances present (flavonoids), preventing the growth of cancer cells.

• Bronchial congestion: relieves the feeling of discomfort and prevents asthma.

• Cholesterol and hypertension: reduces both ailments as it dissolves the clots after a high-fat meal, increasing the concentration of “good cholesterol”.

• Fights infections: as in the case of a cold, bronchitis and gastric infections.

• Stroke and heart disease: reduces the risk of contracting any of them.

Some disadvantages:

• Causes bad breath if eaten raw.

• In susceptible individuals, it can trigger migraines.

Tips for its conservation

Among its variants can be found: white onion, red onion, spring onion and the escaloñas. And as in all vegetables, there are certain secrets to the conservation of the onion:

• Keep the onions in the least cold part of the refrigerator, without humidity or outside of it, but in a cool place.

• The strong flavor (so characteristic of the onion) is softened by cooking.

• To consume it in salad and reduce its strong flavor, it is necessary to place onion slices in warm water.

• It can be cooked in several ways: roasted, stewed (boiled) or in soup.

by Abdullah Sam
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