Nutrition: the diet to get pregnant

Is there an ideal diet for getting pregnant? Yes and no: no, because there are no ‘miraculous’ foods capable of increasing fertility; yes, because a healthy diet rich in antioxidants has a positive effect on the health of sperm and oocytes.

Getting pregnant: the ideal diet

The Mediterranean diet? The best

“The most important dietary rule for couples wishing to have a child is to consume healthy, fresh food, as rich as possible in antioxidants “, says gynecologist Rossana Sarli. “Oxidation in fact decreases fertility, both in males and females, as it negatively affects spermatozoa and oocytes”.

There is no need to gorge on multivitamin or multimineral supplements (unless there are real deficiencies, highlighted by the doctor), just follow the classic Mediterranean diet, rich in fresh vegetables and fruit, as free of pesticides and chemicals as possible ” which, continues the gynecologist, “cause free radicals to accumulate in the body which have a toxic action on cells as delicate as those of the reproductive system”.

Read tips for him on fertility

READ ALSO:The fertility diet

Vitamins E and C for ovulation and sperm function

Vitamin E and C in particular give positive effects on fertility : “from recent studies, it has emerged that the association of these vitamins has positive effects both on ovulation and on the functionality of spermatozoa”, Sarli stresses.

Yes then to all the foods that are rich in them: in addition to the ‘usual’ fruit and vegetables, they must not be missing on the table

  • extra virgin olive oil,
  • legumes,
  • dairy product
  • and eggs.

Folate: antioxidants

Foods rich in folate, contained in green leafy vegetables (not for nothing the term folate derives from the Latin word ‘folia’) but also in fruit, legumes, whole grains, which, in addition to carrying out an antioxidant action , are also very useful . they have a preventive function against defects of the neural tube of the embryo .

Read all about folic acid

Zinc for hormone levels

Another fertility-friendly substance is zinc , which contributes to the maintenance of hormone levels in men and women, as well as being an important component of seminal fluid.

It is found mainly in foods of animal origin , but to a lesser extent it is also present in whole grains and legumes.

Read also: A high protein diet to get pregnant

Check the weight

One last rule: avoid gorging on food in general and try to shed extra pounds before getting pregnant: it is known that heavily overweight women run a higher risk of experiencing gestational diabetes during pregnancy or, if predisposed , to gestational hypertension.


by Abdullah Sam
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