A number of ways you can do to cook meat to be more healthy

Meat is one of the main sources of protein for our daily lives. Both of red meat, white, and fish, meat also has a number of healthy ingredients.

Although it can be healthy, but you also need to be careful in consuming it; Unhealthy ways of consumption can actually make meat unhealthy.

Other problems will also arise when consuming meat that is too fatty. In chicken meat, this happens when you consume it together with the skin.

Proper cooking methods can make meat healthier. Reporting from Healthsite, here are some healthy ways to cook meat.

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Choose Which Has Little Fat

When shopping for meat, choose one that has less fat. Because the high fat content in meat has long been associated with increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

In chicken meat, as much as possible avoid the skin, especially on the type of broiler. The reason is, there is fat hidden from chicken skin.

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Use a Little Salt

When seasoning meat, choose natural spices over pack spices that contain a lot of hidden salt. Also, when adding salt, make sure to only pour a small amount.

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Cook with a little oil

When cooking, use a little oil or butter when cooking the article, the meat also contains fat. Adding butter or oil will actually double the amount of fat in it.

Meat, whether red meat or white meat, is high in iron which is important for supporting your body’s health. The maximum benefits of meat can be obtained when you process it healthily


by Abdullah Sam
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