Nose bleed: Keys to prevent and act on children’s bleeding

A rhinitis, dryness of the environment, a simple cold, an allergy or sinusitis, are some of the most common causes of nosebleeds or epistaxis. Rather common bleeding episodes in children three to 10 years of age, who in most cases are not severe and stop on their own, however, do parents know the correct way to stop a nosebleed ?

According to Dr. Fernando Baixauli, pediatrician at Vithas Castellón, Vithas Valencia Consuelo and Vithas 9 de Octubre , “the most common type of nosebleed is anterior nosebleed, which affects the front of the nose. Capillaries, which are tiny blood vessels that line the inside of the nose, can break and bleed, causing this type of bleeding, “he says,” winter is a season very prone to colds and dryness. that cause the heating and another cause or the injuries that the own children are made when they delve, even unconsciously during the dream ».

The specialist gives the keys to act in the face of a nosebleed and places special emphasis on the body position: «the first thing is to stay calm and reassure the child, while stopping the bleeding. For this you will have to sit the child and lean him slightly forward so that the blood runs out of the nose and not the throat. Keeping the head above the level of the heart will help reduce bleeding, so it is better not to lay them down or lean the head back.

Once the correct position is achieved, stresses the expert, “with two fingers you press under the nasal septum, completely closing the nostrils for at least 5 minutes, thus, direct pressure on the area where the damaged blood capillaries are located will help to stop the blood flow. ” “After 5 minutes,” he adds, “if the bleeding continues, put pressure on again for another 5 minutes.”

Another issue that parents worry about is how long it is normal for a nosebleed to last. According to Dr. Baixauli, «the time for a nosebleed is usually 7 to 15 minutes, which is how long it takes for a clot to form. If the bleeding lasts more than 20 minutes or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as the child being weak or dizzy, or the bleeding caused by a blow to the head, it could indicate a more serious problem . In this case, you should go to the emergency service.

It would also be advisable to go to the doctor if the nosebleeds were not due to a sinus infection, an allergy or irritation of the blood vessels, “since there is a possibility, although it occurs very rarely,” says the doctor. the cause is due to a bleeding disorder or abnormal formation of the capillaries of the nose. Also in the event that the child has a lot of nosebleeds, tends to bruise easily or bleed a lot when minor injuries are made.

To prevent, it is advisable to consume foods with vitamin C and vitamin K. According to Dr. Baixauli, «consuming fruits such as lemon, orange, or strawberry, help to strengthen the structure of blood vessels and vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, liver are antihemorrhagic and promote normal blood clotting. ” On the other hand, «it is advisable to add humidity to the air in your home with a humidifier or vaporizer and keep the inside of the child’s nose moist by applying a saline nasal spray (saltwater) or a gel, or vaseline or antibiotic ointment gently. around the nostrils, “he concludes.


by Abdullah Sam
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