The guide is dedicated to all the achievements of Nobody Wants to Die that you can get in the neo-noir detective Nobody Wants to Die. The interactive futuristic adventure, the events of which unfold in a dystopian version of New York in 2329, tells the story of detective James Carra, investigating the case of a serial killer exterminating the city’s elite. People still managed to cheat death: scientist Arthur Boyle came up with a way to transfer consciousness from one body to another, but, as you understand, everything has its price (the poor who cannot pay the rent of their own body are simply deprived of it, and their consciousness / ichor is placed in a data bank). Using advanced technology to rewind time and reconstruct events, you must pursue the killer, along the way revealing the dark secrets of the city’s elite. We continue the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.
Sequence of getting achievements for 1 playthrough
Play through the game, collecting all the missable achievements along the way. They are listed in chronological order below. This is a linear adventure game where you have to complete exploration tasks and constantly communicate. There is no combat system or difficulty setting. Each section is broken down into chapters. You will know when a new chapter has started when a large red letter appears on the screen indicating which area you are in. Each of these locations is small, open, and uncluttered.
During the visit to the Old Museum, after solving the puzzle involving matching clues, point out that Green is behind all of this (required to get the good ending and the “Deadly Dreams” achievement). During the visit to Central Park, you need to make a backup copy of your save files to get both endings in one playthrough. Without a backup save, you will have to play the game a second time.
Here are all the missable achievements in chronological order:
New York, Times Square – Trophy “Restless Hands”.
Green’s Tower, first visit – “Smell of Mystery” trophy.
Green Tower, First Visit – Cold Case Trophy.
Green’s Tower, First Visit – “Fire-in-the-Glass” trophy.
James’s Apartment, First Visit – “Old Bastard” Trophy.
James’s Apartment, First Visit – “The Game” Trophy.
Icarus Bar – Old Fashioned trophy – in this chapter you must complete the first condition to get the achievement, which can later be unlocked in the next location.
Streets, after the Icarus Bar – Old Fashioned trophy – the trophy is unlocked in this chapter, but it is important to complete the condition in the Icarus Bar.
Streets, after the Icarus bar – the “You’ve Got Mail” trophy.
James’s Apartment, Second Visit – Ray of Light Trophy.
Old Museum, Sarah’s bunker – “Judge Chick” trophy
Old Museum, Sarah’s Bunker – After solving the clue-matching puzzle in the Old Museum, Sarah will offer a choice, asking who is behind all of this. Say that Green himself is to blame. This is necessary to get both endings in a single playthrough (specifically, it is a requirement for activating the good ending and unlocking the “Deadly Dreams” trophy).
Central Park, Finale – Create a backup copy. This is necessary to get the second ending without having to play the game again. After that, to get the achievement “Deadly melancholy”, load the backup copy of PS+ and select the alternative option (if you have previously completed the finale “Deadly dreams”), or vice versa.
End credits – trophy “One missed call”. We continue the guide dedicated to all achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.
All achievements of the game
Now let’s list all the achievements and how to get them.
Nobody Wants To Die achievements
Collect all trophies.
Earn all other Nobody Wants To Die achievements to unlock the Platinum.
Dark City
Return to life.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. This trophy will appear in the very first chapter when you are in Times Square in New York City.
Who’s Afraid of Green?
It was an accident.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of the chapter associated with your first visit to Green’s Tower.
Find the connection.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of the chapter associated with your first visit to James’s apartment.
I – “Icarus”
Find out the truth.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of the chapter associated with the visit to the Icarus Bar.
Other hypostases
Get to know each other better.
Unlocks automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of the chapter in which James Carra is resting after visiting the Icarus bar. We continue the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.
In the jaws of madness
Don’t give in to madness.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of your second visit to James Carra’s apartment.
Blood red
Back to where it all began.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will get this trophy during your second visit to Green Tower, where the bunker with the red room is located.
The last house on the right
Find Sarah.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of the chapter associated with visiting the Old Museum (Sarah’s bunker).
Darkness under the stairs
Follow the trail.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of the visit to the Old Museum (Sarah’s bunker).
James’s Ladder
Find what is hidden from view.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of your visit to the destroyed subway train.
What happened to Jane Salma?
Find Salma before the killer does.
Unlocked automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of the final chapter when you visit Central Park.
Through the fire
Find peace… or not.
Unlocks automatically as part of the main storyline of Nobody Wants To Die. You will receive this trophy at the end of the final chapter, when you visit the central park. We continue the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.
Mortal melancholy
Return to darkness.
This trophy is unlocked by getting the bad ending of Nobody Wants To Die. To get both bad endings in one playthrough, during the visit to the Old Museum, after the clue matching puzzle, it is important to tell Sarah that Green is to blame for everything. At the beginning of the final chapter, Central Park, exit the game and back up your save files. For example, to do this on PS5, you will need paid access to PS+.
What dialogues you get in the last chapter depends on what you told Sarah in the Old Museum. If you say that there is a killer behind everything, you will not be able to get the good ending. That is why it is important to say that Green himself is to blame for everything. On the other hand, we are talking about the trophy “Deadly melancholy”. Regardless of what you tell Sarah, you can always get this achievement.
Play through the final chapter until you finish the dialogue with the police commissioner. After waking up, walk forward until you hear gunshots. James will automatically take out his revolver and hide behind the stone blocks. At this point, choose the dialogue options listed below to get the bad ending…
If in a conversation with Sarah you were told that Green was behind everything:
What do you want from me?!
[Come up]
An old habit.
What connected you with Green and Kovalev?
[Come up]
Justice is my thing.
[Come up]
Salma?! Fight him!
It subjugates your body.
Was it you who killed Green?
I made a mistake. I’m sorry.
We continue the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru. If during a conversation with Sarah after solving the puzzle with clues in the Old Museum, a mysterious killer was accused of everything:
What do you want from me?!
[Come up]
An old habit.
[Come up]
Okay…so what next?
Come out!
Press LMB to fight.
Press LMB to fight.
Press LMB to fight.
Try to shoot or fail the test. Either way, Salma will shoot James.
Press LMB to grab the gun.
Fire the gun.
Forgive me. The screen will go dark. Complete the beach scene by approaching Rachel. After the final cutscene, you will receive the achievement.
The End of Deadly Dreams
Find peace.
This trophy can be unlocked by getting the good ending. During your visit to the Old Museum, when you talk to Sarah after solving the clue puzzle, be sure to blame Green (not the mysterious killer) for everything. This is a hidden requirement that allows you to get the good ending in the last chapter. At the beginning of the episode in the central park, exit the game and make a backup save (so that if something happens, you can get the bad ending after the good one, without having to replay). We continue the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.
When talking to Salma, choose the following phrases:
Jane Salma is innocent, let her go.
[Come up]
What connected you with Green and Kovalev?
[Come up]
How long have you been following me?
[Come up]
What the hell is going on here?!
Are you on his side?
What did Green say about Ouroboros?
[Drop weapon]
One missed call
Listen to the audio recording from Sarah.
Once you finish the game, regardless of the ending you get, don’t rush to turn it off and watch the end credits. Sarah’s audio recording will start soon. Listen to it to get the achievement. Don’t skip anything!
Restless hands
Interact with all objects in the car.
This trophy can be obtained at the beginning of the game when you are sitting in James’ car. Once you gain control, you will need to interact with seven objects to get this trophy:
Speaker on the dashboard
Tablets on the dashboard
Gun next to the leg
Bottle of moonshine in the center
Newspaper on the passenger seat
Flyer (in the driver’s door pocket)
Figurine above the steering wheel
After grabbing the first few items, a dialogue with the commissioner will begin. This is how it should be. After the dialogue, you will be able to interact with the remaining objects. If you grab the door handle before examining all the objects, you will advance the story and lose the achievement. Before interacting with the door handle, make sure you have unlocked the trophy. We continue the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.
The Smell of Mystery
Describe the smell of chocolate to Sarah.
The trophy can be obtained in Green’s Tower. Once inside, ignore the body in the middle of the hall and go up the stairs on the right. A little to the right of the stairs, at the top, there will be a glass display case with jars. Open it, interact with the jars, after which Sarah will ask James to describe the smell of chocolate to her. Continue describing three times in a row, choosing any values. The description of the chocolate itself does not affect anything. The main thing is to agree to Sarah’s request three times.
Inflaming with a look
Burn the documents.
Another achievement that can be obtained during your first visit to Green’s Tower. When you enter the tower, if you ignore the body in the middle of the room and go to the back of the apartment, you will see a small table just past the small stairs. On the table is a folder with documents. Take the documents and when prompted, read them first and then burn them. To get the alternate Cold Case trophy, exit the game and select Load Game from the main menu. You will start the chapter over and will be able to make a different decision.
Unsolved case
Leave the documents.
Another achievement that can be obtained during your first visit to Green’s Tower. When entering the tower, if you ignore the body in the middle of the room and go to the back of the apartment, you will see a small table just past the small staircase. On the table is a folder with documents. Take the documents and when prompted, read them first, then leave them on the table. To get the alternate Cold Case trophy, exit the game and select “Load Game” from the main menu. You will start the chapter over and will be able to make a different decision.
Win at disinfection
This trophy can be obtained on your first visit to James’s apartment. From the entrance, go right and interact with the bathroom door to get inside. Once inside, turn right and turn on the disinfectant shower. Once it opens, go inside and listen to your neighbor. James and the neighbor will have an imaginary fight. You need to make several correct choices for a while. Each time, choose the bottom phrase (the second one). Do this three times in a row to win and get the achievement. We continue the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.
Old bastard
Listen to the boss’s message.
During your first visit to James’ apartment, look up at the ceiling in the main room. There’s an intercom system called “Hestia” hanging on it. After Hestia recommends that you undergo the decontamination procedure, if you choose to interact with her, you’ll hear a message from James’ boss. The trophy will appear after completing the message.
Old fashioned
Drink whiskey from the Icarus.
To get this trophy, you need to take the bottle from the safe in the Icarus Bar and then drink it in the car in the next chapter. Towards the end of the chapter in the Icarus Bar, you will need to look in Kovalev’s safe. Go to the bar in the center of the room where the safe is and open it. Once you do this, you will have two options. Take the bottle with you. At the beginning of the next chapter, you will be sitting in the car, after which James will move inside. Once in the car, look at the passenger seat where there are two bottles and select the whiskey you took from Icarus. It is the bottle with the number “30”. Then drink the whiskey to unlock the trophy.
You have a letter
Listen to the broadcast message.
After drinking whiskey or moonshine, when James leaves his car, he will find himself on metal bridges outside his apartment. After the episode on the beach, continue to stand still. Leaflets will fall from the sky. Take one of the leaflets, which will be interactive.
Ray of light
Save the tree.
Once you return to James’s apartment, continue completing story missions. When you find James’s pills, you’ll receive a message that the synchronization test is ready. Before interacting with Hestia in the main room, return to the kitchen and pick up the broken flask with the tree that fell on the floor. Once James puts the tree back in place, you’ll get the achievement. We continue the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.
Judge Tsyp
Solve the riddle.
After talking to Sarah in the Old Museum, you will be able to move freely around the bunker and gain access to the bedroom. To solve the puzzle, you need to interact with various objects to open the gate that leads to the Judge Chicken figurine.
In the bedroom, go right to the bed and interact with the comic (the bedroom is behind the tent where you found the pills). Then turn around and turn off the lamp on the table. Exit the bedroom, keep to the left and find a large spotlight in the corner that needs to be turned on. Turn around, keep to the left and go to the large stairs. To the right of the stairs is a small niche, and on the box is another spotlight. Turn it on and off (it should remain off). The last spotlight is located in the room, on the opposite side of the stairs. Go to the spotlight behind the hole in the wall, interact with it to turn it on. If done correctly, you will hear the sound of an opening metal gate. They are located to the right of the last turned on spotlight. Climb the stairs and go to the curtain. Interact with it to find a rooster figurine. You will immediately get the achievement.
Nothing but the truth
Fill all boards.
This is another story-related achievement. As you progress through the game, you will have to solve three puzzles involving matching the correct clues. Solving each puzzle is a prerequisite for advancing the story. The first clues will appear during your first visit to James’s apartment. You will be looking down at the board. The trophy will unlock after solving all three puzzles related to the story. This will happen twice in James’s apartment and once in Sarah’s Old Museum. Read more about all the puzzles in our walkthrough . We are finishing the guide dedicated to all the achievements and achievements of Nobody Wants to Die on the gaming portal StopGame.Ru.