No Man’s Sky is a game that was released in 2016 and has managed to remain a popular choice among players around the world. Over the years it has changed significantly, although its main function or story has remained unchanged.
The main objective in No Man’s Sky is to reach the center of the galaxy you are in . It doesn’t matter which planet you start your adventure on in the game, but that is always the objective we have to complete when we are playing the Hello Games title in our case. Below we leave you with a guide to the game and its planets.
Planets in No Man’s Sky
Planets play a crucial role in No Man’s Sky, as our adventure begins on one. There are a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (18*1018, or more than 18 trillion) planets in the game. All of them are real-sized planets and can be navigated. Each of the game’s planets has a predominant climate type, which gives each one its own unique characteristics. Some, for example, are completely covered by water or sand.
These planets may also have characteristics that we know from Earth , such as valleys, canyons, mountains or mountain ranges. Although in some cases they also have elements of planets, such as rings. Depending on the position of said planet in your galaxy, its characteristics or its concepts such as day and night will be different. For example, the color of its atmosphere will depend on the elements present on this planet, such as whether or not there is water.
In short, in No Man’s Sky we have a large number of planets , each with its own characteristic elements. The adventure will begin on one of them, so you will have to take your first steps on a planet, having to adapt to it. The important thing is that we are prepared and that we keep in mind that the main objective is to reach the center of the galaxy in which we find ourselves.
Crafting and refining
Two concepts of great importance in the game are crafting and refining . In the game we have a system of creating items that is extremely deep and quite complex, as it includes several steps. We have to collect the materials, as well as refine them, it is also important to obtain and manufacture blueprints, the formulas used, the use of increasingly better technologies, and more.
In order to survive and travel in No Man’s Sky, it is essential that we obtain resources , materials and objects as we explore the different planets or stations we encounter. As we have said, each of the planets has its own characteristics, so there are also specific materials that we will have to obtain in order to move between these planets.
There are various concepts to take into account , such as raw materials, which we must obtain on each planet. Then we can create objects based on them, since the list of objects that we can make is extensive. In addition, there are also some objects that are considered rare and are especially valuable, making them very interesting for us.
he economy in No Man’s Sky is a supply and demand based system . Many players aim to amass as much money as possible in the game, which is possible, although this will require you to understand how trading works in the game. You will also need to know which products sell for the best prices, how to get those prices and make a good profit.
To earn units , the in-game currency, we have various methods that will help us. This is important, so that we can later buy what we need to advance in the game. These are the best methods to earn units in our account:
- Complete many missions.
- Buy frigates and send them on missions.
- Take advantage of the systems economy and buy and sell frequently.
- Find ancient bones and sell them.
- Sells salvageable scrap.
- Obtain expensive minerals and sell them.
In addition to units, in No Man’s Sky we also find nanites , a secondary currency. This currency can be obtained by completing certain missions, such as Guild. Also the refinery, destroying sentries or assaulting freighters are very easy ways to earn this secondary currency in the popular game.
Survival in No Man’s Sky
One of the keys to No Man’s Sky is exploring different planets and discovering what’s on them. Of course, an activity like this always involves a series of dangers that we must take into account, since there is fauna that we find on these planets that can be dangerous for us.
In fact, in the game we have several enemies or dangers to always keep in mind : the fauna that is on these planets that can be hostile, spaceships like those of the pirates and the sentinels. All of them can be a danger when we are playing, so it is always something to keep in mind, since they are not always aggressive, but they can be even if we are not the ones who have started an attack, for example.
When facing each of them , we have to take into account their characteristics. Each fight will be different, depending on whether it is a fauna or a spaceship, as you can imagine. Depending on who you are going to face, you will have to prepare for that fight in a different way. This means that the weapons you are going to use will be different or the equipment will be different.
In No Man’s Sky we have to create bases on the planets we want. That is, you arrive at a planet and you like that planet or you think there is potential in it, so you can create a base. The process of creating said base is really easy, since we only have to get to the planet where we want to have the base and place a computer in the place we want. With these simple steps we have already created a base on a planet.
In addition, for this base to work we have to hire workers , who will also bring us benefits. Each of them will work in their own terminal. In the game we have the following terminals that we can have in one of the bases that we are going to create:
- Construction : The supervisor, who is responsible for expanding the base in the future, will operate at this terminal.
- Weapons : In this terminal is the gunsmith, he will take care of everything related to weapons.
- Scientist : The scientist in charge of technological improvements at the base is responsible for this terminal.
- Exocraft : In this terminal we meet the technician, who will be the specialist in exocraft.
- Agricultural : We have a farmer in charge, who will be in charge of developing and operating everything related to plants.
Having a base on one of the planets in No Man’s Sky is a good option, as it brings benefits and helps us take advantage of our presence on one of the planets. Of course, it is not profitable or ideal to have a base on every planet we visit, but there are always some where there is more potential or where we can see that there is more that can be used, so it is good to have a base on them. Seeing how easy it is to create one, do not hesitate to do so as you progress through the game.
Get money fast
One of the most common wishes of players in No Man’s Sky is to be able to get money quickly . There is actually no official method in the game to get money quickly, but the good part is that there are a couple of ways to do it. So in those moments when you need to have money, there are quick ways to earn it. These are the two main methods that we can resort to in the Hello Games game:
- Selling Hot Ice: Selling resources is always a way to make quick money, especially in the case of Hot Ice. The system is really simple, we just have to create Hot Ice and then sell it at a station. The creation only requires us to use Enriched Carbon and Nitrogen Salt. It is a method that works well and if we are selling a large amount we can get a good amount of money in the game.
- Selling Cryogenic Bombs: Another method that helps us make quick money in the game is selling cryogenic bombs. The problem is that we will have to get the plans by visiting abandoned factories, because they will be in one of them. A bomb of this type only needs Hot Ice and Thermal Condensate, both of which we can buy at a station. The price of these bombs can be between 1 and 2 million units, so it is a great way to make money quickly.
At times when you have little money and need a good amount to move forward, because you need to buy something of great importance, these methods can be of help and help you get ahead in times that are somewhat complex.