If you want to become the masters of the field in NBA 2K21 you will surely have to learn how to better manage the fundamentals: it is in fact very important to know when to pass the ball, as well as to understand when it is not the time. So here is a guide to learn how to perform feints in passing.

The feint pass can be performed at virtually any time within an NBA 2K21 game (you will clearly need to gain possession of the ball before you can), but it is important to remember that deciding to feint will ensure that players finish the dribble (and consequently they will no longer be able to move, but only pass or shoot).

In general, the probability of a successful pass feint will be much higher when the player performing it is in motion; after attempting it, the player will stop in place, but will be able to continue trying to feint passing, although their effectiveness will be significantly reduced. To try to deceive your opponents with a feint of passage, whether the player used is in motion, or is stationary in place, you will have to press the Triangle and Circle buttons (on Playstation 4), and equivalent for the other platforms at the same time.

Pass feints usually work very well against AI controlled teams, especially at low difficulty settings, allowing you to create spaces and catch opposing defenders in backlash. It will be more complicated to mislead the teams controlled by other players, since if your feint fails you will be exposed to a restart of the opponents, potentially lethal.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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