Muslim Scientists in the Umayyad Dynasty (Complete)

Muslim Scientists in the Umayyad Dynasty (Complete)  – During the Umayyad dynasty holding power in the Islamic world, they not only made achievements in conquering and expanding territory, but also among the caliphs who led the dynasty there were also those who were interested in the development of science knowledge. Because of his interest in the development of science, the liveliness of activities in the field of science. So that came the scientists who produced the work in accordance with the practiced knowledge which was very beneficial for human civilization.

These scientists occupy a very important role in supporting the progress of Islamic civilization. Scientists receive protection and facilities from the state to develop their knowledge. Even though there are some who are not Muslim. Among them there are those who hold the highest office in the Khalifah Palace. There is also a personal doctor, vizier or treasurer and so forth.

Table of Contents [ hide ]

  • 1Prominent Muslim Scientists during the Umayyad Dynasty (Complete)
    • 1in the field of jurisprudence
      • 1.11. Imam Hanafi
      • 1.22. Imam Malik
    • 2In the Field of Taswuf
      • 2.11. Hasan al-Basri
      • 2.22. Rabi’ah al-Adawiyah
    • 3In the field of Hadith Science
      • 3.11. Abu Hurairah
    • 4In the Interpretation Field
    • 5Share this:
    • 6Related posts:

Muslim Scientist Figure During the Umayyad Dynasty (Complete)

Among the prominent Muslim scientists in the Umayyad Dynasty were as follows:

In the Field of Fiqh

The following are figures in the field of jurisprudence.

1. Imam Hanafi

The founder of this Hanafi madzhab was nicknamed ” Imam Ahlur Ra’yi ” because he used more logical arguments than scholars, but he still relied on Islamic legal sources, such as the Qur’an and Hadith, companions ‘fatwa, ijma’, qiyas, comfort and urf. The books he wrote include:


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  • Al-Faraid  ⇒ Namely the special book talks about inheritance and all forms of its provisions according to Islamic law.
  • Asylums ab The  book deals with agreements in a contract or transaction
  • Al-Fiqhul Akbar ⇒ A book that discusses theology and science of monotheism.

2. Imam Malik

Namely a great mujtahids and experts in the field of jurisprudence and hadith as well as the founder of the Maliki school.

Imam Malik in setting the law using sources from the Qur’an, Hadith, atsar, Medina community traditions, qiyas, and al-maslahah al-mursalah. His most famous work is ” Al-Muwatta “, a book that covers everything in the field of jurisprudence.

In the Field of Taswuf

The following are figures in the field of Sufism.

1. Hasan al-Basri

He is a master of Sufism. In 37 H, after the Siffin war, he moved to Basrah where he began his career as a highly influential scholar and martyr. At the core of his teaching was  al-Khauf wal Raja ‘ who was afraid of the torment of Allah Almighty. and hope for the promise and reward of goodness from Allah Almighty. With this concept, man can avoid evil deeds and always believe and fear Allah Almighty.

2. Rabi’ah al-Adawiyah

She is a famous Sufi woman throughout history. The concept of thought is very well known and becomes a breakthrough of monumental Sufism. The Sufi concept that is applied is the concept of mahabbah yaki about love for Allah SWT. The concept teaches that there is nothing worth loving except Allah SWT. solely and worship performed by a servant must be based on a love of Him so that worship is accompanied by a sense of pleasure and sincerity.

In the field of Hadith Science

The following are figures in the field of hadith.


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1. Abu Hurairah

He is well-known and most quoted in the apostles’ Traditions. According to Imam Bukhari, no less than 800 hadiths were memorized by Abu Hurairah.

From Abu Hurairah many hadiths were accepted by the scholars and scholars at that time for study and constitution. The scholars who also played a role in the development of the Umayyad’s hadith knowledge are as follows:

  • Umar bin Abdul Aziz , a Caliphate and a great scholar who used codification of hadith while serving as caliph.
  • Ikrimah , a great cleric from Mecca.
  • Abu Qatadah and Muhamad Sirin, scholars from Basrah.
  • Ash-Sha’ibi and An-Nakhari , from the Qur’an.
  • Abu Khair Marsad and Yazid bin Habib , scholars of the Hadith of Egypt.
  • Thawus bin Kaisan al-Yamani and Ibn Munabbin , from Yemen.

In the Interpretation field

The following are figures in the field of interpretation.

Interpretation of knowledge is the study of the meaning and purpose of the Qur’an in accordance with human intellect. Among those who worked at birth and the development of science were as follows:

  • Abdullah bin Abbas of Medina
  • Abdullah bin Mas’ud of Mecca
  • Following bin Jabir
  • Al-Asmi and Mujahid his disciple Ibn Abbas.

Those are some prominent Muslim scientists who played an important role in Islamic civilization in the Umayyad Dynasty.

Hopefully this discussion about Muslim Scientists in the Umayyad Dynasty (Complete)  can add new knowledge and be useful for those of us who read it. That is all and thank you.


by Abdullah Sam
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