Motivation: the importance of having it

Motivation is the basis of quality work, here’s what to do to motivate your employees.

The motivation is what it takes for the worker to complete its tasks as well as excellently, even serenity. Motivating your workers is not as easy as it seems, many leaders think that leading a group is automatically motivated. Most of the times a boss instead of motivating imposes, manipulates and in the worst cases forces.

=> What to expect from a good manager?

The managers of the many commitments has the role of improving both in quantity and quality in the performance of the working group that follows. However, to succeed this task must be done with awareness and in the right way. An employee who does not feel motivated will have no incentive to do his job better and better, this prolonged state over time lowers productivity and the quality of results.

Many managers prefer to concentrate everything on the salary , this is because they think that the basis of productivity and also of motivation , there is the money that is received. Of course, fair pay is an important element for an employee, but it is by no means the only sufficient factor to motivate.

=> The rules for a good communicator 

The manager must know how to communicate with his employees, listen to their ideas and their projects , must be able to make important decisions managing to involve the whole work group. Trust, for example, is one of the factors that lead to strong motivation in an employee, this is because the employee will feel truly considered and will give their best to complete a certain project .

Finally, too aggressive and dictatorial behavior should be completely avoided, this does not mean that there is no need for superiors, but these roles must be used in the right way.


The motivation can be considered as the sum of all the aspirations, dreams and projects that dot the individual’s life. It is essential for one’s self-affirmation, and for leading a happier and healthier life . Being stimulated by a balanced production of adrenaline and positive thoughts is very important, especially when life does not present a particularly flat path.

This foundation of the life of every man is the engine that drives the conscience and the desire to live so much that it is indispensable for overcoming the inconveniences scattered along the paths of each individual. Often, however, the motivation can run out and just as if it were a battery, you have to recharge it with good intentions such as determination, happiness and many and many dreams; only in this way is it possible to “recharge” the level of motivation!

Who has never happened to be called, or to feel apathetic? Here, apathy is to be considered one of the most common forms of lack of motivation! There is no need to be scared because it is not a disease, it is simply a psycho-physical condition resulting from a break between the inner perception and the responses of the external world.

Basically the “inner drive”, aimed at overcoming the difficulties external to one’s own interiority; it fades, causing attitudes and thoughts that are anything but destined to increase one’s well-being. The most common “symptoms” are : abandonment of oneself and one’s commitments, perpetual procrastination; and finally a decadence of the proactive nature.

Rationale: The basic advice is a massive daily dose

How to overcome all this? Simply through the will and the famous “inner push”. In reality there are no real steps to follow, since apathy is a mental condition, and from this it must be faced in a very personal way; but the basic advice is a massive daily dose of motivation.

In the first place, in order for the lost motivation to be recovered, it would be necessary to become a child again. It seems strange but to go back to dreaming is a great way to gain energy and self-confidence, since our real goals are born from daydreams.

Inevitably, the recharge of motivation is supported by the rediscovery of a personal ambition: this small point favors the formation of balance , between one’s own dimension and the real one.

The simple fact of enhancing one’s aspirations, placing them in the spotlight of reality, is very important not only for individual growth; but also for the full awareness of its own value. Not to be underestimated, is the understanding that one must have in these cases: it is necessary to take small steps towards “recharging” , without aiming too high, and taking into account one’s abilities.

Once you have become aware of yourself, you have to find a goal. In words it really seems very simple to be able to understand what your goal may be; in reality it is really complicated, and probably a lifetime will not be enough to understand it fully, but the important thing is not to stop looking for it .

The sincere predisposition to continuous research is a fundamental prerogative for those who would like to boost their level of motivation! Stubbornness and determination play an important role in this growth process, since they are fundamental prerequisites for achieving the previously set goals.

Believe in yourself, for a stronger motivation


Incredibly important, it is to break the chains that make minds and souls slaves to the fear of failure . Sometimes this deafening terror does not allow anyone who wants to try to segurire a goal or an unusual aspiration, to try to the end, and consequently to succeed.

Fighting this fear is complicated since it manages to nestle in the mind, and to precipitate the level of motivation acquired ; not taking into account neither age nor any other characteristic.

Self-awareness makes increasing motivation a much easier path. Awareness itself gives the individual the privilege of objectivity, and consequently of a 360-degree vision of life. Looking at the world from another point of view that does not necessarily have to be ours, gives the person who needs motivation an extra gear; a hope of improvement of himself and the surrounding world.

Your own improvement should be something everyone should care about; unfortunately it is not always easy to improve , as being aimed at improvement would also mean knowing the friar sides of one’s being, and this scares most of the time.

What manages to overcome everything are the challenges , which put the individual into play every day, and help him to understand how strong his nature is. Getting involved in doing what you love is one of the best refills for motivation .

The commitment put into something important for one’s person, is also fundamental because, only the effort without the passion, and the love towards a certain attitude, mean that the result will always be missing something .

In addition, together with hobbies, sports and meditation also play an important role . Sport manages to reconcile fatigue with results, and also from a biological point of view, it manages to give the body a feeling of well-being.

Meditation, on the other hand, associates inner concentration with external sensations, so as to place the center of gravity of one’s universe in one’s mind. In summary, all these actions have one and only purpose: to be able to encourage motivation in every individual .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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