Most difficult achievements in World of Warcraft

Have you ever wondered what are the hardest achievements in WoW to achieve? Take a look at this list to find out.

Achievements have played a huge role in the games of the latest generations. We’ve seen many top gamers looking for coveted trophies to show off their skills, and World of Warcraft is one of the leaders in this niche. Whether you’re playing for fun or looking for WoW Classic gold , achievements are a must. Pets and loot are the main motivation for players, because almost everything here depends on it.

Some items are much more difficult to obtain than others. If you’re a bit of an achievement hunter yourself, then here are the hardest ones you can hope to get!

And the bag could have been bigger (Bigger Bag)

By joining the Mists of Pandaria update, your task will be to find a variety of items. The goal of this achievement is to not only kill enemies, but also kill those same enemies many, many times until you get the right amount of specific items needed.

You can get, for example, an item like the Spineclaw Crab. These pets can be found on the Timeless Isle, where they spawn at random locations. You will have to kill regular crabs until they multiply. You also need to be at an exceptionally high level in order to be able to defeat the crowd of crabs.

Only the Penitent will pass

The Fangs of Mannoroth are one of the hardest to obtain items in the game and were introduced with the Cataclsm update. This item is needed for players who need to light a fire in the Firelands raid. Your party must light the flame at the same time the achievement is unlocked. The group must be within reach, any failed attempts will require you to leave the game and try again.

A Horde of Hoofbeats

Do you have many pets that you can ride through the glorious lands of Azeroth? Is your collection impressive with 400 mounts that can be used by a single character? This is what is needed for this achievement, presented in Battle for Azeroth. Despite the fact that the game has enough opportunities to get mounts through raids, quests, events, and so on, getting 400 is crazy.

Insane in the Membrane

As you can guess from the title, this will not be an easy feat, and this is another achievement from the Cataclysm update. This is where you need to have an exalted reputation with a number of factions in the game. It is a difficult achievement, to the point where many people think it is impossible to achieve it. Since there are quests that are not only difficult to repeat, they also become unavailable after reaching a certain reputation. In order to overcome this, you need to complete the “Junkboxes Needed” quest, in which you need to collect 2800 junk boxes. Good luck!

The Bloodthirsty

This achievement is truly selfless. In order to unlock the Bloodthirsty, you need to reach 250,000 honorable kills. This is beyond comprehension for many players, especially those who are not involved in PvP, which makes up a much larger portion of the game base than you might think. If you have the time and desire to achieve such a goal, then you really deserve the title of Bloodthirsty.

It goes without saying that selflessness is a necessary property to be possessed for all these achievements. You may have encountered them before or would like to work on these achievements yourself. Discretion is not what you need. To achieve all of these achievements, you need to throw yourself into the fire and take maximum risk. Some accomplishments go far beyond common sense in terms of time and effort, so be prepared to suffer and start working on these awards.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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