Mindfulness for children: a balanced practice

The term mindfulness means “conscious attention” and indicates a non-conceptual form of meditation of Buddhist derivation which since the 1970s has become a technique used in medicine and psychology for health promotion in Western countries.

The mindfulness s is based on some fundamental assumptions, such as non-responsiveness, self-observation, the concentration, the description of its state of mind, the practice of non-judgment of themselves.

Appreciated more and more at the therapeutic and coaching level, the mindfulness approach teaches to pay attention to internal and external events in the present moment, without judgment and with acceptance, and its regular practice can have extremely positive consequences in the quality of life.

If addressed to children it is considered today a key point for the development of a balanced and emotionally attentive personality, as it can increase their attention and concentration, improve their memory, flexibility, self-regulation, self-acceptance, emotional stability and resilience.

All the physical and emotional benefits of mindfulness practiced by adults can also be achieved by children who practice it.

During a mindfulness course , meditation and sharing practices are performed: through a series of exercises on movement, breathing and concentration, children increase the awareness of their senses, and emotions, they are naturally led to experience positive moods like generosity and patience.

Children can learn a simple and natural way to calm themselves when they are in difficulty or when they feel the need, they can increase the ability to tune into the events that occur in the body and mind; at school they can improve the quality of their performance and learning, enhancing concentration, and be more able to cope with stressful situations.

The mindfulness programs , which have been implemented in recent years with bambin i, have produced significant results in reducing anxiety and disruptive behavior showing benefits in improving concentration and self-control.

Other benefits that have emerged from the application of programs with preschool and school age children also concern the improvement of sleep quality and nutrition management in obese children.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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