Methods of teaching for mentally retarded children

Methods of teaching for mentally retarded children.

The method of argumentation
The method of argumentation is a method of learning using special equipment or methods. This method can be used when in learning where the delivery of material requires media so that the media can simplify the learning process (Delphie, 2006: 69).

2) Playing
method The playing method aims to improve the intellectual, physical, emotional and social development of each participant. This method is usually applied outside the classroom so that they can get to know the environment (Delphie, 2006: 22). When this method is applied in class greetings it can be in the form of role playing or sociodrama, where each student is given a role in the planned scene.

3) The peer peer
method The peer peer method is a method that in this activity is usually used by other students as a facilitator. Peers here can be students with the same students, namely mentally retarded or normal students (Delphie, 2006: 68).

4) Lecture method
The lecture method is an explanation or verbal explanation by the teacher to the class (Ramayulis, 2005: 233). This method is the dominant method in learning because it has been widely used by teachers from the past until now and is a method that is very easy to implement. Excessive use of the lecture method can make students quickly feel bored and attract less attention, so it must be adjusted to the learning conditions. Learning conditions that are suitable for the use of the lecture method include if the class size is large with a large number of students and the material presented is still difficult to find in the student manual. In an effort to instill moral education in learning, the lecture method is more appropriate to use because it is easily adapted to the subject matter.

5) Question and answer
method Question and answer method is a method that uses more question and answer interactions between teachers and students in the learning process. In the application of this method, questions can come from the teacher to measure student understanding or come from students to ask things that have not been understood. In general, the purpose of using this question and answer method (Nasihin, 2009: 54).

  • Knowing students’ mastery of past knowledge.
  • Strengthens knowledge and ideas in lessons by providing opportunities to raise questions that are not yet understood.
  • Motivate students to act, show the truth, and arouse enthusiasm for progress.

6) Drill
Method The drill method or practice is a learning method used to obtain dexterity or skills from what has been learned (Nasih, 2009: 91). Agility and skills are obtained by repeating the material or ability the student wants to achieve. The application of the driil method in learning has several advantages, including:

  • Students will gain dexterity and proficiency in doing something according to what they learn.
  • It can lead to a sense of self-confidence that students who successfully learn have skills that will be useful in the future.
  • Teachers are easier to control and can distinguish between students who are disciplined in their learning and which ones are lacking (Basyirudin Usman, 2005: 87).

7) Grouping
method The grouping method is an attempt to classify or class the material to be presented. Such a method is more profitable for mentally disabled learners than the material presented randomly (Mumpurniati, 2007: 19).

8) Method of Mediation (mediation)
This method is something to mediate or connect. In verbal learning, the mediator points to the individual process of connecting the stimulus to response (Mumpurniati, 2007: 20).

9) Exemplary Suri Method
With a good role model, it will foster a desire for others to imitate and follow it (Majid, 2009: 135).

10) Tourism Work
Method This method is intended so that students can explore, pay attention to the environment and pay attention to the various creations of Allah SWT including paying attention to themselves with the aim of taking lessons (Majid, 2009: 135)

Methods of Teaching for Mentally Confused Children


Teaching children with cognitive challenges can be a unique and rewarding experience. Mentally confused children require special methods of instruction to help them reach their full potential. In this article, we will explore effective teaching approaches for these children, focusing on individualized instruction, multisensory learning, and inclusive educational environments. By implementing these methods, educators can create a supportive and stimulating learning environment for mentally confused children.

Individualized Instruction: Tailoring Education to Individual Needs

One of the most effective methods of teaching mentally confused children is through individualized instruction. This approach recognizes that each child has unique learning needs and abilities, requiring tailored educational strategies. By creating personalized learning plans, teachers can address specific cognitive challenges and tailor instruction to match each child’s pace of learning.

How can educators implement individualized instruction?

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of the child’s cognitive abilities to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Collaborate with special education professionals, such as psychologists and speech therapists, to develop an individualized education plan (IEP).
  • Break down learning tasks into smaller, manageable steps to support comprehension and retention.
  • Provide frequent opportunities for practice and reinforcement to solidify learning.
  • Implement assistive technologies, such as visual aids or audio recordings, to support information processing and understanding.
    By implementing these strategies, educators can create a learning environment that is responsive to the unique needs of mentally confused children, fostering their growth and development.

Multisensory Learning: Engaging All Senses for Enhanced Understanding

For mentally confused children, traditional teaching methods that rely predominantly on auditory or visual instruction may not be sufficient to promote optimal learning. Multisensory learning engages multiple senses simultaneously, enhancing understanding, memory retention, and overall comprehension.

How does multisensory learning benefit mentally confused children?

  • By engaging multiple senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, and movement, multisensory learning helps mentally confused children process information more effectively.
  • It provides different modalities for input and output, accommodating diverse learning styles and preferences.
  • Multisensory learning stimulates neural connections, promoting better retention and recall of information.
  • It enhances motivation and participation by making learning more interactive and enjoyable.
    To incorporate multisensory learning into the classroom, educators can use a variety of techniques. For example, using manipulatives during math lessons, incorporating movement or dance into language arts activities, and utilizing tactile materials for science experiments. By appealing to multiple senses, teachers can create a richer learning experience and support the cognitive development of mentally confused children.

Inclusive Educational Environments: Fostering Collaboration and Acceptance

Inclusive educational environments play a crucial role in the holistic development of mentally confused children. These environments promote collaboration, acceptance, and understanding among all students, regardless of their cognitive abilities. Building an inclusive classroom fosters a sense of belonging, improves social skills, and encourages cooperation.

How can educators create inclusive educational environments?

  • Foster a positive and accepting classroom culture by promoting empathy, respect, and understanding among students.
  • Encourage cooperative learning activities that involve all students, promoting peer support and collaboration.
  • Provide accommodations and modifications to ensure equitable participation for mentally confused children.
  • Offer regular opportunities for inclusive social activities, such as group projects or classroom celebrations.
  • Involve parents and guardians in the educational process, creating a strong partnership between home and school.
    By creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment, educators can help mentally confused children thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.


Teaching mentally confused children requires specialized methods that cater to their unique learning needs. By implementing individualized instruction, multisensory learning, and fostering inclusive educational environments, educators can create a nurturing and effective learning environment. By embracing these methods, we can empower mentally confused children to reach their full potential and succeed in their educational journey.



by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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