Meaning of Loyalty: Definition, Characteristics, Determinants of Loyalty

What is meant by loyalty ( loyalty )? In general, the meaning of loyalty is the quality of one’s loyalty or obedience to another person or something (such as an organization) which is shown through the person’s attitudes and actions.

Another opinion says that the definition of loyalty is the quality of one’s loyalty to another party which is shown by providing firm and constant support and obedience to someone or something.

Etymologically, the term “loyalty” (loyal) is adapted from French, namely “Loial” which means the quality of loyalty. Loyalty is something that is related to human emotions, so to get someone’s loyalty, we must be able to influence that person’s emotional side.

The use of the term loyalty is generally used in the marketing , business, and organizational fields . In marketing and business, the definition of loyalty is the willingness of customers or consumers to continue to buy and use a company’s products in the long term. Whereas in the organizational field, loyalty is a person’s loyalty to the organization where he works by devoting his ability and time.

Also read: Understanding Emotions

Meaning of Loyalty According to Experts

In order to better understand what loyalty is, we can refer to the opinions of the following experts:

  1. Kotler and Keller

According to Kotler and Keller (2009: 138), the meaning of loyalty is a deeply held commitment to buy or support back preferred products or services in the future even though the influence of the situation and marketing efforts has the potential to cause customers to switch.

  1. Fandy Tjiptono

According to Fandy Tjiptono (2000: 110), the notion of loyalty is the customer commitment to a brand, store, supplier based on a very positive attitude and is reflected in consistent repeat purchases.

  1. Gramer and Brown

According to Gramer and Brown (Utomo 2006: 27), the definition of loyalty is the degree to which a consumer shows repeat buying behavior, positive attitudes, and uses products from a brand in the long run.

  1. Jill Griffin

According to Jill Griffin (Hurriyati 2010: 128), the meaning of loyalty is the behavior of consumers who make routine or repeat purchases, based on the decision-making unit.

  1. Hermawan Kartajaya

According to Hermawan Kartajaya (2004: 78), the notion of loyalty is a manifestation of the fundamental human need to have, support, feel safe, build attachments, and create emotional attachments.

Also read: Understanding Consumers

Loyalty Characteristics

In the field of business marketing, loyalty can be seen from its characteristics in consumer behavior towards a brand or company. Likewise in the organizational field or the world of work, employee loyalty can be seen from their behavior in the work environment.

The following are some of the characteristics of this loyalty:

  1. Characteristics of Consumer Loyalty
  • Consumers make repeated purchases of a product on a regular basis.
  • Consumers buy between the product lines and services of a brand.
  • Consumers provide positive support for the company.
  • Consumers are less likely to be influenced by the attractiveness of other brands.
  • Consumers want to refer a product or brand to other people.
  1. Characteristics of Employee Loyalty
  • Loyal employees will always obey the rules of an organization.
  • There is a high sense of responsibility within employees towards the company.
  • Employees have the willingness to cooperate with others to achieve company goals.
  • In general, loyal employees have a sense of belonging to the company so that they should behave and act carefully and responsibly.
  • Loyal employees generally have good interpersonal relationships with other employees and also with their superiors.
  • Employee loyalty can also be seen from their performance and level of interest in the work being done.

Also read: Consumer Behavior

Loyalty Determinants

From the above explanation, we can understand that loyalty is something that money cannot buy. A person’s loyalty is obtained because of emotional factors so that the person behaves and acts loyal to other parties.

In this case, customer or employee loyalty can only be obtained if related parties can influence the emotional side. The several determinants of loyalty are as follows:

  1. Consumer Loyalty Factors
  • The level of satisfaction (satisfaction)felt by consumers is a factor that greatly affects their loyalty.
  • The existence of an emotional bond (emotional bonding)between consumers and a product also determines their loyalty. For example; a brand can reflect the characteristics of consumers.
  • There is trust (trust)in consumers towards a company or brand to perform a certain function.
  • The convenience (choice reduction and habit)felt by consumers will make them feel comfortable so that they become loyal. For example, the ease of making transactions.
  • Experience with the company (history with company)experienced by a person can influence the person’s behavior. When consumers have a pleasant experience with a company or brand, they tend to want to repeat the experience.
  1. Employee Loyalty Factors
  • Employee welfare (salaries and facilities) is a matter that greatly affects their loyalty to a company.
  • Meeting spiritual needs is also an important factor in maintaining employee loyalty. For example, spiritual activities, joint outbound activities, and others.
  • Career advancement and placement of employees in the right positions often make them more loyal to the company.
  • Listening to the opinions of employees can make them feel valued so that they become loyal to the company.
  • Career opportunities and a sense of security at work are also very influential in shaping employee loyalty.


by Abdullah Sam
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