Marie Kondo method to teach children

Haven’t heard of Marie Kondo yet? Of his fabulous method of organizing the house? The truth is that with children involved, household chores become more complicated. But why not teach them these little tricks too?

Discover the 5 definitive tricks of the Marie Kondo method to teach children to be orderly. Yes, this famous Japanese writer who happened to be one of the 100 most influential people in the world a few years ago. You know why? Because it has helped many homes to organize themselves better and because in the end, the outer order is also a projection of the inner order. Will your children get it? Do you want to challenge them? Do it with these ideas!


  1. 5 tips from Marie Kondo for kids to get organized
  2. Why it is important to instill order in children
  3. Resources to educate children in the organization

5 tips from Marie Kondo for kids to get organized

Doesn’t it happen to you that disorder puts you in a bad mood? That chaos prevents you from working and performing correctly? Yes, I know that a house with children sometimes seems incompatible with having a perfectly ordered house. But there are tricks, ways to achieve an ‘apparent order’ that will make our lives easier. You just have to use ‘skill’, and of course, ask for the help of the most disorderly in the house: the children. Maybe if you introduce them to these Marie Kondo tricks , they will take it as a game and finally ordering will seem like fun. The base goes through the following premise: Ordering is not changing places. To order is to get rid of what we no longer need.

  1. Eliminate the unnecessary
    Yes, we must educate children from an early age and teach them how to shake off that ‘Diogenes syndrome’ of which we are also guilty. Moving things we no longer need is not the solution. Nor buy more furniture to refill. Perhaps we should sit down with our children one day and decide what we have stopped using. Measure? If they haven’t used it for a year … they don’t need it!
  2. Does it make you feel happy? Keep it; Is it not useful or does it convey emotions to you? Outside!
    By answering these two simple questions, we will get rid of the ‘superfluous attachment’ that we often feel towards objects. It is true that some of the travel memories, unique moments of our children, do make us feel good. Those objects must be preserved. But those that lost their usefulness, those of whom you don’t even remember where you bought them and why … You don’t need those objects (although you still think you do).
  3. Does it take you more than 5 seconds to decide whether or not to keep the object? You don’t need it!
    It’s like wondering whether or not you love your child . How long does it take to answer? Not a thousandth of a second. When we really need and want something, we don’t hesitate. When in doubt, you don’t need it. That is another of Marie Kondo’s tips to help us get rid of unnecessary objects.
  4. Keep everything functional and what makes you feel good
    You may think that it is time to throw away those worn out pants that your child wears so much. But for him it is useful, comfortable, and makes him feel good. On the other hand, there are so many times in his drawers there are two or three more that he never wore, that he did not find comfortable or that he simply never liked. All the more reason to donate them.
  5. Sort by categories, not by places
    One of our mistakes is telling children to tidy up their room, or the living room … For them, it is easier to sort clothes, or toys . Sort books or school supplies.

Why it is important to instill order in children

Between so much new toy, books, notes from school … Between so many clothes that never made it to the washing machine or remains of glitter from the last craft … there is little space to play, don’t you think? Children must realize that order is not that ‘annoying thing’ that adults impose without measure , but that it is something that benefits them directly. How? So:

– They will find what they are looking for the first time

– You will not lose them more duties

– They will always have accessible clothes and it will be easier for them to choose what to wear each day

– Someone who is tidy at home, also helps to be orderly in their ideas

– Disorder implies loss of attention. An orderly place eliminates distracting elements and children will be able to better concentrate on their tasks

– Order, equal to more playground

– The accumulation of objects in a disorderly way creates confusion and psychological discomfort

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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