How to make a graphic budget? See 10 tips here

Does making a graphic budget seem like a very complicated mission for you? Even with all the study and professional preparation, it can be confusing to align all the necessary information in a graphic budget. The fear of making mistakes can be so great that you end up cheating or stumbling over inattention.

If that’s your problem, you can stay calm. In today’s post, we will bring you a step by step for you to make an adequate graphic budget and avoid mistakes and problems in your results. With the right guidelines, you will see that it’s no big deal to make a graphic budget. Check out!

1. Provide the most important basic information

Some basic information is extremely necessary and can save the life of the professional who receives or provides the budget. Starting with the product . In addition to saying the title, you must explain what the material is about . What will the result of that budget be for? For example, if it is a catalog, a folder , a magazine.

Take the opportunity to also inform the circulation of the material, that is, the number of copies. For example, price for 1,000 copies and price for 3,000 copies. This previously determined number will, of course, result in different prices.

2. Explain the format and dimensions

The next point should be the format and dimensions of the form. If there are folds, it is important to provide the open and closed format. For example, the dimensions of the closed format: 200 x 270 mm (specifying the fold location). And the dimensions of the open format: 400 x 270 mm. Always in millimeters or according to the sheet, such as “A3, A4, A5”.

3. Enter the paper types and number of slides

Also inform the number of slides or number of pages, considering that each side of the form must be counted as one page. The type of paper is also extremely important, as there are several: coated, recycled, duplex, cardboard, supreme, etc.

All of this influences the printing result . Specify especially if the paper types are different according to the following blades.

Another fundamental point is the weight of the paper, which can vary a lot and may not be suitable for certain folds or special cuts. In addition, you can differentiate the final price.

4. Pay attention to the color specification

The number of colors to be used must also be informed, both on the front and on the back. The setup works as follows: if four colors are used on the front and only one on the back, specify 4 x 1 colors. If printing is done on one side only, indicate 0 for the back (4 x 0 colors). Check out more about graphic terms  and better understand the meaning of 4 × 0, 4 × 1 and 4 × 4 colors.

It is also very important to highlight whether the work should be printed in CMYK or Pantone.

5. Provide all finishing details

Not least, the finishing details must be indicated. To have a differentiated product , these aspects make a big difference. Does the product require a special or simple cut? Is there a varnish application? The types of finish are many.

If there are folds, specify which types (simple, accordion, window, etc.) and also indicate if there is a need for crease (it is the one that reinforces the fold of the material). It is usually necessary if the paper is heavy.

Other types of finishing to be indicated: perforations, holes, stamping, embossing (American or dry), stamp, lamination (matte or gloss) and what type of binding (stapling, hardcover, wire-o and etc.).

The type of profile can be different too, if the edges are rounded, for example.

6. Break down contact details

Your company name must be entered in the budget. Both in the budget you make with Gráfica, and in the budget you pass on to your client. As well as other contact details, such as your name, e-mail, phone number and address (if necessary).

The printer and your client will need to return the contact to you in some way. And, sometimes, a telephone conversation can be enlightening to answer questions or rectify any eventual setbacks with the printing or production of the materials.

7. Send the quote by email

One way to ensure that everything is recorded is to send the quote via email. Thus, in the event of any eventuality, you will be able to check the information that was transmitted and also received by the printer  and by your client. Doing so can be critical in order to avoid transaction errors or misunderstandings.

8. Read your graphic budget carefully

Read all the details, so that no essential information escapes. Sometimes, the content that seems very clear to us, may not be so evident to the graphics. If possible, ask someone else to read it.

In some cases, when the budget reaches the printer, it is necessary to correct it, due to the lack of information. Therefore, do not hesitate to add details or points to be highlighted. The more clarity and instructions there are, the less chance of problems with the result.

9. Always check the payment methods

The return should also be quite clear. All forms of payment must be specified: credit card, debit card or boleto, among others. And also find out if it is possible, in the face of a large amount of circulation, to make an installment payment (and also delivery). The correct value must be respected and agreed in advance, in case of any problem.

10. Specify the budget validity and delivery time

Working with deadlines is essential. Delayed delivery of budget and material can hurt you and your customer. The delivery time for the printed material specified by you may also cause changes in the final price of the material.

Sometimes it is impracticable for delivery to be made so quickly, due to the necessary printing processes. In the case of books and magazines and their specific binding, for example, the printing company usually works with a fixed period of days, necessary for the whole process to come out with high quality.

On the other hand, with the right data and well-specified information, in some cases it may even happen that the material is ready before the final term that is expected.

Following this script, your graphic budget will bring the perfect result. Your client, for sure, will be satisfied with your hiring. And that is exactly what every professional seeks, right?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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