15 Major Exports of Pakistan

Explore the major exports of Pakistan, from textiles and garments to rice and pharmaceuticals. Learn about the key industries driving the country’s export economy.

Major Exports of Pakistan

Raw Cotton — the silver fibre. Cotton being the most important cash crop is the principal source of foreign exchange earnings. Since Pakistan has a comparative advantage in the production of fine quality cotton, it is ranked as one of the leading exporters of raw cotton in the world market. There has been great flactuations in export of raw cotton during the last 30 years (1971-72 to 1999-2000). 1988- 89 was the peak point when 840 thousand metric tonnes of raw cotton was exported for the value of Rs. 18,032 million.

Cotton Cloth. Pakistan is also exporting cotton cloth. Being one of the leading producers of cotton, Pakistan should have been among the main exporters of cotton cloth but the situation is quite adverse. However, the situation is taking turn but at a very low pace. Pakistan exported 1574.9 million square meter cotton cloth during 1999-2000 and earned Rs. 56.757 million.

Cotton yarn. Cotton yarn is an important semi – manufactured item included in exports list. Since the beginning of eighties the export of cotton yarn has been on in­creasing. In 1980-81, 95.2 million Kg. cotton yarn was exported for the value of Rs. 20,500 million which increased to 513 million Kg. in 1999-2000 for the value of Rs. 55.485 million.

Cotton waste. Pakistan also exports cotton waste. Its share in terms of quantity and value began to increase to some respectable extent since 1988-89 when 22.2 million Kg. cotton waste was exported for the value of Rs. 240 million, which rose to Rs. 1952 million in 1994-95 but declined to Rs. 1887 million in 1999-2000.

Pakistan is one of the top exporters of quality rice. Middle East is its main market. To increase its export it has been deregulated. In 1980-81 Rs 5,602 million were earned through the export of rice. Whereas in 1999-2000 Rs. 27,944 millions were earned.

Leather and its products. Pakistan is also one of the leading producers and exporters of leather and its products in the world market. Since the last 30 years, the leather industry has been flourshing well. In 1999-2000, Pakistan exported 12.9 million square meter leather and earned Rs. 9,071 million. Besides, 7.5 million pairs of footwear, valued at Rs. 1,928 million were also exported.

Carpets and rugs. Pakistani carpets and rugs, due to their fine quality, are well-known and demanded, all over the world. Main buyers, however, of them are USA and Germany.

Since manufacturing of carpets and rugs is Pakistan’s labour intensive industry therefore Pakistan enjoys a comparative advantage in their production and exports. In order to deprive of this advantage the rival countries have launched a child-labour propaganda compaign against Pakistan. Inspite of that, the demand for Pakistani carpets and rugs is on increasing. In 1980-81, the export bill of carpets and rugs stood at Rs. 2,243 million which substantially Increased to Rs. 13,686 million in 1999-2000.

Fish and Fish preparations. There is a continuous increase in the export of fish and fish preparations from Pakistan since the beginning of 1990s. In 1990-91, 48 million Kg. fish and its preparations for the value of Rs. 2,576 million was exported which substantially rose to Rs. 7,191 million in 1999-2000.

Synthetic textiles. There is a steady growth in export of synthetic textiles. Middle East and African countries are its main buyers. In 1990 – 91, 504.5 sq.m synthetic textiles were exported for the value of Rs. 7,807 million which rose to Rs 26.729 million in 1997 – 98, but after that peak point it began 2°00d0eclineH came down t0 Rs– 23,697 million in 1999 –

10. Surgical instruments. Pakistani surgical instruments, for their fine quality, are demanded over the world. USA and UK are, however, its main buyers. A steady growth in their demand has been taking place since the beginning of eighties. Rs. 5,221 million were earned during 1999-2000 through their export, contrary to Rs. 1,901 million in 1990-91 and Rs 264 million in 1980-81

Sport goods. Pakistani sports goods, for their fine quality and good performance, have gained world fame. A gradual increase in their demand has been taking place since the beginning of eighties. In 1980-81, the export bill of sports goods stood at Rs.312 million which substantially rose to Rs. 16.593 million in 1997-9S but declined to Rs. 14,457 million in 1999-2000.

Ready-made garments and hosiery products Ready­made garments and hosiery products of Pakistan have gained an important position in world market. A steady demand for them has been taken place since the beginning of eighties. In 1981-82, Rs. 1204 million were earned through their export. After that a substantial increase has been marked. In 1991- 92, their export bill stood at Rs. 25,823 million which further rose to Rs. 85.870 million in 1999-2000.

Petroleum and its products Pakistan is also exporting petroleum and its products. In 1980-81 the export bill of this item stood at Rs. 1675 million which increased to Rs. 4,238 million in 1999-2000.

Other exports. Pakistan is also exporting a number or non-traditional goods like sanitary wares, tents, herbs, birds, iewellary. bed sheets and fruits etc. A steady increase in their demand has taking place since the beginning of eighties In 1990-91 the export bill of all other goods stood at Rs. 29,093 million which substantially rose to Rs. 125,506 million in 1999 2000.

The major items of Pakistan exports may be classified into following three groups.

Primary commodities.

This group includes agricultural raw produce like raw-cotton, cotton waste, rice, hides and skins, fruits, vegetables, fish, prawns, raw-wool, tobacco, animal casing, herbs and shrubs and guar etc.

The percentage share of primary commodities in total exports stood at an average of 39% per annum during the decade of 1970s which decreased to an annual average of 35% during eighties. It substantially declined to annual an average of almost 15% during the decade of 1990s. However, its share in term of value increased from Rs. 650 million in 1970-71, to Rs. 12,824 million in 1980-81, to Rs. 25,820 million in 1990-91 and to Rs. 53.833 million in 1999-2000.


This group consists, of cotton-yarn, cotton thread, fish preparations, leather, synthetic textiles, drugs and chemicals and cotton cloth etc.

The percentage share of semi-manufactures in total exports, curing the last three decades (1970-71 to 1999- 2000), did not show any good progress. It stood at an annual average of 20% during the decade of seventies. It declined to an annual average of 16% during the decade of eighties. It slightly increased to an annual average of 21% in the decade of 1990s. However in term of value, a good progress look place during the last three decades. It contributed to Rs. 472 million in 1970-71, which increased to Rs. 3.320 million in 1980-81 and to Rs. 33.799 million inl990-91 and to Rs. 68,208 million in 1999-2000.

Manufactured goods.

This group comprised of foot-wear, cement and its products, paints and varnishes, surgical instruments, carpets and rugs, spirts goods and ready-made garments etc. The percentage share of manufactured goods in total exports showed ecouraging progress during the last three decades (1970-71 to 1999-2000). It stood at an annual average of 39% during the decade of 1970s. It substantially increase to an average 52% during the decade of 1980s and further rose to average of 65% in nineties, in term of value, it also showed an encouraging progress. Its share of value to the total value was only Rs. 876 million in 1970-71, which increased to Rs. 13,136 million in 1980-81, to Rs. 78 663 million in 1990-9 \ and to Rs. 321.637 million in 1999 – 2000