Lymphatic Swelling – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Therapy

The lymphatic system is one of the most sensitive circuits in our body. Internal inconsistencies in the body, such as those caused by disorders of the metabolism or blood circulation, can very easily lead to swelling of the lymph glands (lymphadenopathy). The swelling can appear in numerous parts of the body and, depending on its location, indicate a wide variety of health problems. Lymph gland cancer is particularly feared here. It does not always have to be a serious illness, but persistent swelling of the lymph glands can definitely be observed. You will find further important information on causes, symptoms and treatment options for lymph gland swelling in the following article.

Table of Contents

  • The lymph nodes
  • Causes of Lymph Node Swelling
    • Lymph node swelling due to infectious diseases
    • Swollen lymph nodes in cancer
    • Other causes
  • Concomitant symptoms
    • Recurring attacks of fever
    • Night sweats
    • Unintentional weight loss
  • diagnosis
  • therapy
    • Medical therapy
    • Operative therapy
    • Home remedies
    • Naturopathy
    • More options
    • Nutritional measures

The lymph nodes

Like the bloodstream, the lymphatic system (Systema lymphaticum) also has a large number of vessels that extend through the entire body. Lymph fluid (also called lymph) flows in them – a light yellow fluid that represents an intermediate stage between the blood plasma and the tissue water. Among other things, it transports nutrients and breakdown products through the body which, due to their size, cannot be absorbed directly through the blood vessels. These include, for example, proteins and fats. Otherwise the composition of the lymph fluid is very similar to that of normal tissue fluid, although the basic ingredients

  • Calcium
  • glucose
  • urea
  • potassium
  • Creatinine
  • sodium
  • and form phosphate.

The lymphatic system has a large number of vessels that extend through the entire body. The lymph fluid it contains transports nutrients and degradation products through the body, among other things. (Image: M.Dörr & M.Frommherz /

The lymph glands now function as filtration units for the lymph, although the term “lymph gland” is actually quite misleading. In fact, this does not mean glands in the actual sense, but rather the lymph nodes (Nodus lymphaticus), of which there are between 300 and 700 in humans. The oval-shaped nodules are on average 0.5 to 1 cm in size and consist of an outer connective tissue capsule that is a mixture of cells

  • Reticular cells,
  • Lymphocytes and
  • Enclosing antigen presenting cells.

The latter two cell types give an indication of another important task of the lymph nodes – that of the immune system. In addition to nutrients and degradation substances, the lymph fluid also transports lymphocytes – more precisely, B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. A special unit of immune cells that help the body defend itself against infectious diseasesare indispensable. As soon as pathogens penetrate the body, they must first be recognized and examined by the lymphocytes before they can then be effectively combated. For this purpose, lymphocytes initially destroy smaller pathogens that they discover while circulating through the organism and collect information from their remains. The information is then transmitted to the lymph nodes, from where the immune response is finally initiated. This happens through the increased production of new lymphocytes, which are now equipped with the necessary special information for further defense and improved detection of the pathogens. These optimized lymphocytes are distributed throughout the body via the blood and lymph vessels,

Causes of Lymph Node Swelling

Due to its functions that are essential for the health and metabolism of the body, with regard to the transport of fine substances and sensitive immune information, the lymphatic system and lymph nodes in particular are very susceptible to interfering stimuli. Swelling of the lymph nodes can result from the slightest inconsistencies in the composition of the lymph fluid. If the lymph is too thick, for example, because the person concerned has not consumed enough fluid, this means additional stress for the filtering unit of the lymph nodes. Swelling cannot be ruled out here, but is rather harmless, as it is quickly resolved after sufficient fluid intake.

On the other hand, disease-related swelling of the lymph glands or lymph nodes is more serious . In the case of existing infections, swollen lymph nodes, for example, are almost a standard symptom. Likewise, existing cell mutations, which are typical for cancer, can overload the lymph nodes and cause them to react with swellings. If the immune system does not master the infectious disease quickly enough or if cancer spreads unhindered in the body, it can also lead to lymph node inflammation (lymphadenitis), which in turn results in a persistent enlargement of the lymph nodes. One also speaks of chronic swelling of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy).

Lymph node swelling due to infectious diseases

Basically, any minor infection can lead to swollen lymph nodes. The swelling results from the pathogen particles that are brought to the nodes by the lymphocytes in order to convert them into immune information. So it is a natural defense reaction to harmful germs, which should not be ignored. If the lymph nodes are confronted with too many infectious agents or their components over a longer period of time, the natural irritation reaction can quickly turn into a tangible inflammation of the lymph nodes. In this case, the lymphocytes are overwhelmed with the fight against pathogens and the germs migrate into the lymph system before they can be rendered harmless by the immune cells.

Even minor infectious diseases can lead to swollen lymph nodes. The lymphocytes carry pathogen particles to the nodes, which are converted into immune information. This is the body’s natural defense reaction to germs. (Image: New Africa /

In contrast to short-term lymph node swelling caused by stress or nutrition, infection-related lymph node swelling is usually associated with pain. Depending on the location of the affected lymph nodes in the body, other accompanying symptoms are also conceivable.

If, for example, an infection in the throat and / or throat area is responsible for the swelling, it can lead to swallowing difficulties and throat pain . Particularly noteworthy here are infectious diseases in the ENT area such as colds , flu, tonsillitis or throat infections . Inflammatory dental diseases, such as inflamed molars or wisdom teeth , can also severely irritate the lymph nodes. There are also infections in which the lymph node swelling is painless, but the health risks caused by the disease can be all the more serious. Some examples of such diseases are:

  • Borreliosis,
  • Chlamydia,
  • Diphtheria,
  • HIV infections / AIDS,
  • Measles,
  • Glandular fever,
  • Rubella,
  • Sarcoid,
  • Syphilis,
  • tuberculosis

Swollen lymph nodes in cancer

Lymph node swellings in various forms of cancer are a special warning sign . Women in particular are very quickly concerned when the lymph nodes in the breast and armpit area are permanently enlarged, as this can indicate breast cancer. The tumor cells migrate relatively easily into the lymphatic system because they are very generous in surrounding the female breast.

But other types of cancer can also manifest themselves in the form of swollen lymph nodes. This applies above all to lymph node cancer. Lymph node swellings are particularly characteristic of Hodgkin’s disease , also known as lymphogranulomatosis. It is a malignant tumor in the lymphatic system, the cause of which is suspected to be a previous illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus . Existing immune disorders are also discussed as a co-factor.

Another variant of cancer that is noticeable relatively early on through swollen lymph nodes is blood cancer ( leukemia ). Since the lymphatic system is in constant exchange with the blood vessels, this type of cancer also carries the risk of causing lymphoma as a secondary disease.

Other causes

There are a number of other reasons for swollen lymph nodes. For example, there can be water retention in the lymphatic system, so-called lymphedema . Furthermore, the inflammatory disease process of systemic diseases such as rheumatism and joint diseases (for example arthritis) also tends to influence the lymph nodes and cause secondary inflammations here. Alternative medicine often blames waste products and pollutants that have accumulated in the lymphatic system for the swelling. In this context, in addition to an unhealthy diet with too many additives, environmental and industrial pollutants are also conceivable as possible triggers for the swelling.

Concomitant symptoms

A swelling of the lymph glands is usually noticeable for those affected by a palpable increase in the size of the lymph node tissue under the skin. The extent of the swelling varies between “only palpable when touched directly” to “recognizable with the naked eye.”

Depending on the cause, the lymph gland swelling can occur with or without pain. If it is associated with pain, this can be an indication of a more or less harmless inflammation in the lymph node itself or in the drainage area of ​​the lymph node. For example, the lymph nodes swell when the body is burdened with tonsillitis. As an accompanying symptom, swallowing difficulties often occur, which arise due to the tonsil swelling and the reactive swelling of the surrounding lymph nodes. Likewise, after interventions on the teeth or the jaw, painful swellings of the lymph glands can develop in the neck, which are to be assessed as a general defense reaction and do not yet provide any indication of a manifest inflammatory reaction.

If there is a swelling of the lymph glands without any recognizable connection to an infection and in the absence of pain, this may indicate a malignant disease in the body. In cancer, the lymph nodes swell if they identify degenerate cells as part of their filter function, or if the lymph node tissue itself is degenerate or is affected by degenerate cells. Inexplicable swellings of the lymph node tissue should therefore always be taken seriously and examined by a doctor. In addition to the swelling of the lymph glands, those affected often describe other symptoms that are referred to in medical terminology as B symptoms. This is:

Recurring attacks of fever

Fever that occurs with no apparent evidence of an upper respiratory tract infection, wound infection, or bladder infection, etc. It usually goes back without medical intervention (fever reducers, calf compresses), only to flare up again after hours or days.

In addition to night sweats and unwanted weight loss, bouts of fever are serious signs of malignant diseases of the lymphatic system. The fever drops by itself on the shelf, only to reappear after an indefinite period of time. (Image: Svyatoslav Lypynskyy /

Night sweats

Affected sweating at night strong, wake up with soaking wet sleeping clothes, wet hair and sweaty skin, where the bedding is sometimes dripping wet.

Unintentional weight loss

Affected people lose weight significantly without being forced to do so as part of a diet. A general loss of appetite or an aversion to certain foods (e.g. meat) is often described.

The differentiation of lymph gland swelling on the basis of the causative factors can be made not only with regard to the presence or absence of pain symptoms, but also on the basis of other characteristic features:

feature Benign disease Malignant disease
consistency soft coarse
Movability Well bad
Duration of the process acute, without progressive
creeping, with significantly increasing

However, the features from this overview can only give a first approximation of the possible cause. They are not a substitute for a medical diagnosis and are not a guarantee.


In the first step, the doctor called in will take an anamnesis followed by a physical examination. Both the affected areas are carefully inspected and palpated and the surrounding areas are carefully observed. For example, if there is a swelling of the lymph glands in the armpit area, the chest, back and arms are examined and examined for irregularities. In the case of swollen lymph nodes in the neck area, the throat is inspected and specific questions are asked about cough , the color of the sputum, and earacheand possible rashes. The further procedure for establishing a diagnosis is based on the information from the first medical examination. If an injury or ongoing infection is associated with the lymph gland swelling, no further diagnostic steps are likely to be initiated; instead, the cause is treated directly.

If the diagnosis is unclear, there are other diagnostic methods available:

  • Laboratory chemical tests: Examination of the blood with regard to the inflammation parameters, various pathogens, changes in the blood count, liver and kidney involvement, evidence of cell breakdown (LDH, urea).
  • Imaging procedures: for this purpose, sonographic and radiological images can be made, which allow an initial definition of the swelling between the cyst, abscess and degeneration process. In addition, the extent of the swelling itself and the involvement of other lymph nodes can be assessed as part of a CT / MRI examination.
  • Surgical procedures: as part of a so-called lymph node extirpation, pieces of tissue or, under certain circumstances, the entire lymph node can be removed and examined histopathologically for different cell types.


Lymph gland swelling is not an independent disease, but a symptom that occurs in many different clinical pictures. Accordingly, there is no independent therapeutic approach to treat swelling of the lymph glands. Rather, a cause-oriented treatment of the underlying disease takes place, which pursues the goal of alleviating accompanying symptoms, such as swelling of the lymph glands. In many cases, swelling of the lymph glands does not require any special therapy at all. For example, if it occurs as part of a cold or in the healing phase after an intervention on the dental apparatus. The affected lymph nodes then swell by themselves, usually without much action, when the person concerned recovers.

Medical therapy

Pharmacy offers several groups of drugs that can attack and treat the various causes of lymphatic swelling. If bacterial inflammation is known to be the cause of the swelling, an appropriately selected antibiotic can provide rapid relief. This is usually administered orally in tablet form. However, the use of antibiotic substances should always be discussed in terms of their benefits. The body can often fight a bacterial infection even without antibiotic therapy. In some cases, for example when the inflammation is very advanced and threatens to spread to the whole body, it may be advisable to switch to intravenous administration.

A chosen antibiotic can quickly relieve pain if bacterial inflammation is causing the lymph glands to swell. However, the use of antibiotics should always be questioned, as the body can fight bacterial infections even without antibiotic therapy. (Image:

The situation is similar with infections caused by viruses. As a rule, minor viral infections do not require any further special therapy. Here you can work symptomatically with various painkillers if the immune system is severely impaired, due to pain and fever . However, the body should be given the opportunity to cope with the infection on its own. Antiviral drugs (drugs that counteract the multiplication of viruses) are usually only used when those affected have a weakened immune situation, the viral infection does not subside despite rest and symptomatic treatment, or another infection (secondary infection) sets in.

If cancer has been diagnosed as the cause of the lymph gland swelling, there are many different approaches to therapy. In addition to surgery and local radiation therapy, therapy with cytostatic drugs is often used. The necessary composition of this chemotherapy is put together on the basis of the cancer causing the disease and its properties. It can be introduced into the body in tablet form or as an infusion solution.

Operative therapy

Surgical treatment of a lymph gland swelling is an option for two underlying diseases:

  • For cancers that can be treated surgically.
  • With inflammation in the lymph node itself, which is often associated with abscess formation.

Cancer cells have the ability to distribute themselves in different ways in the body and to ignite further degeneration in the settlement area. A frequently used route is via the lymphatics and lymph nodes . This is why the surrounding lymph nodes are very often removed when removing operable cancer ulcers in order to minimize the risk of spread.

If the lymph node is self-inflamed, for example if pathogens get into the lymphatic system in an open injury, the inflammation can be so severe that pus forms in the lymph node and an abscess develops. In order to avoid bursting of the abscess and thus the threat of spreading the pathogen via the bloodstream, the affected lymph nodes are opened in an operation under sterile conditions, the pus and the destroyed tissue are removed and the wound cavity is closed again with the introduction of antibiotic tamponades . Often a drainage is introduced into the cavity, which is intended to ensure that the wound secretion drains off and, if necessary, that the wound cavity is rinsed.

Home remedies

A significant proportion of the lymph gland swelling is caused by harmless infections, especially of the upper respiratory tract, or is caused by reactions of the immune system to external influences, such as after surgery on the teeth or minor skin injuries. In such cases, no special therapy is usually required and the lymph gland swelling responds very well to home remedies that strengthen the immune system:

  • Drink a lot (especially water, unsweetened tea),
  • daily exercise in the fresh air,
  • Exercise two to three times a week for at least 30 minutes,
  • feed rich in vitamins,
  • good balance between physical and mental exertion and periods of rest,
  • Avoid toxins like alcohol, nicotine, drugs.

Lymph gland swellings are often triggered by harmless infections that do not require any special therapy. Home remedies in the form of increased fluid intake, exercise in the fresh air and a diet rich in vitamins help to strengthen the immune system. (Image: photophonie /

The lymph gland swelling can also be treated directly. For example, a light massage of the affected lymph node can stimulate the lymphatic drainage. To do this, massage the lymph node with your fingers , applying light pressure. To make the skin more supple, a small amount of the following substances can be used:

  • Castor oil,
  • Olive oil,
  • Marigold ointment,

These substances contain an anti-inflammatory component and can be absorbed through the skin, which can help reduce the signs of inflammation. Local heat also promotes lymph drainage, which can have a decongestant effect on the lymph nodes. Those affected can treat the area several times a day with a heat pad, warm compresses or an infrared lamp. The treatment should not last longer than ten minutes, but can be repeated several times a day. If the lymph nodes in the neck area are swollen as a result of tonsillitis or immediately after an intervention on the teeth, regular gargling with salt water or sage tea can bring rapid relief. For this you simply boil sage tea or mix half a teaspoon of salt into a cup of water.


There are many herbs that stimulate lymph drainage and thus counteract lymph congestion. These include:

  • Red clover,
  • Echinacea,
  • Stinging root,
  • Burdock root,
  • Mullein,
  • Peppermint,
  • Fenugreek,
  • Chamomile,

These herbs can be used internally as a tea or in powder form. They can also be given as a warm infusion on a compress and applied locally to the affected area.

Both home remedies and naturopathy find their limits if the lymph gland swelling lasts longer than two weeks and there is no sign of a progressing infection. At this point at the latest, those affected should have the swelling examined by a doctor.

More options

Among the Schüßler salts , potassium chloratum (No. 4), Magnesium phosphoricum (No. 7) and Sodium phosphoricum (No. 9) counteract lymph congestion. In the homeopathic repertoire, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum and Nux vomica are successfully used to treat swelling of the lymph glands.

A diet rich in vitamins and fiber strengthens the immune system. The risk of infection is reduced by the strengthened immune system, so that the lymph nodes are relieved in the event of illness, as the body has to fight off fewer pathogens. (Image: Liv Friis-larsen /

Nutritional measures

To purify the lymphatic system or to cleanse it after a grueling illness, diet offers some wonderful solutions. Above all, it is important to structure the diet in such a way that unhealthy food components such as saturated fatty acids or sugar do not put too much strain on the lymph. The more effort the lymph nodes have to filter, the more likely a stimulus-reactive swelling is. In addition, if the excess supply persists, fats and the like can also be deposited in the lymphatic system and lead to irritation and inflammation as waste products. An immune-boosting and digestive diet with plenty of vitamins and fiber from fruits and vegetables can also help to relieve the lymphatic system.

Good digestion, on the other hand, relieves the lymph nodes of a lot of work as filtration units and can often break down food components more efficiently, so that nutrient components only enter the lymphatic system when it is absolutely necessary.


by Abdullah Sam
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