LSD: effects, symptoms in case of overdose

LSD is a substance obtained from a parasitic fungus, rye ergot. It is a very potent hallucinogenic psychotropic substance that often comes in the form of small blotters impregnated with the substance. Effects, dangers, price, composition and what to do in case of overdose.

Definition and meaning of LSD

The LSD (diethyllysergamide  or lysergic acid) , is a stunning flagship of the 1970s  which saw its consumption resurgence with the advent of techno movement in the 1990s used since the 1940s in neurology and psychiatry to treat various mental disorders, like schizophrenia, it is considered to be one of the most powerful hallucinogens known. The drop or the LSD blotter is sold for 10 euros on average . Directly ingested, it causes powerful hallucinations , as well as a mystical experience sought by the user. However, the effects can be unpredictable and cause a state of terror and anguish or a flashback a few days later.


LSD, or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, is a semi-synthetic hallucinogen with psychedelic effects. Obtained from alkaloids naturally present in a fungus, a parasite of grasses (rye ergot) , it is sold in liquid form directly deposited on blotters or gelatin, or in the form of micro-tips, the size with a pencil lead and different appearance and colors (star, cylindrical cone …).

The effects appear and quickly, about 30 minutes after ingestion, and lasts about 6 hours.

Hard or soft drug?

Due to its very intense psychotropic effects, LSD is considered a hard drug . It causes visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory hallucinations . The notion of time is no longer the same, shapes and distances are modified and perceived completely differently. The effects appear and quickly, about 30 minutes after ingestion, and do not end until about 6 hours.

Side effects

The effects of LSD are unpredictable and can lead to both a positive experience and a significant state of anxiety . This is why side effects can appear at any dose, including the first time you drink it. The user begins to experience increased heart rate, numbness, tingling, tremors, dry mouth, sweating, dizziness, as well as nausea and vomiting . Blood pressure rises, and the pupils are dilated. These effects can appear directly during consumption, or several hours after.

Another side effects well known to consumers is the phenomenon of flashback which consists of experiencing the same effects suddenly and unpredictably as when taking it, including sensory hallucinations, several weeks or even months after consumption.

Long-term dangers

In the long term, the consumer may experience a depressive or anxious state which may be the direct consequence of his consumption.

The hallucinogenic effects of the product which can be violent and lead to behavioral disorders.

Overdose: from what quantities?

There is no real overdose with LSD , it is rather the hallucinogenic effects of the product which can be violent and lead to behavioral disturbances, and even suicide. This is why, to avoid taking this kind of risk, it is preferable to always start with the smallest dose, and to space out the catches by at least 2 hours to avoid too violent effects.

Symptoms in case of overdose

In case of overdose, the consumer feels an intense feeling of discomfort which can lead to the anxiety attack. Medical care is then necessary.

Signs of addiction

LSD consumption remains festive and ad hoc in most cases. It does not therefore cause real dependence , but in some consumers, a phenomenon of tolerance can push them to increase the doses to feel the same effect. If this is the case, and consumption begins to be more and more frequent and important, with consequences on professional and personal life, it is necessary to consult to benefit from medical treatment in addictology.

How to stop being dependent?

There is currently no pharmacological treatment for the symptoms associated with the consumption of LSD. When addiction sets in, treatment by an addictologist is recommended , whether in private practice , at the hospital or in a CSAPA (Centers for Care, Support and Prevention in Addictology). Certain therapies such as CBT (Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy) have proved their worth in this type of addition.

My advice

As it is a powerful hallucinogen, it is best to be in good physical and mental condition before consumption. By being tired, depressed or sad, it is possible that the experience turns into a “bad trip”.

Likewise, it is preferable not to consume alone but accompanied by a trusted person who can alert in case of need. You should also avoid consuming other products at the same time which may increase the side effects of LSD.

by Abdullah Sam
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