It is evident that losing kilos (at least losing those extra kilos) improves our physical health … but does it improve our psychological health? At first glance we might think that it is normal, right? Losing kilos increases our satisfaction, especially when we get on the bathroom scale and see that we have lost weight!

In fact, it is one of the main arguments in favor of losing weight: in addition to the physical benefits of losing weight, it is understood that the fight against the bathroom scale will improve our psychological health because it will represent an increase in our self-esteem. Although, on the other hand, we tend to forget the mental imbalances that diets can cause.


According to a study led by psychologist Sarah E. Jackson, from University College London, although dieting you can lose up to 5% of your weight, and that makes you physically healthier, on the other hand, it also makes you find yourself more depressed This decrease in mood increases by 50%, even eliminating the effects of other personal circumstances such as economic, labor or personal problems.

This demoralizing effect could be due, in part, to the breach of expectations: when we start a diet to lose kilos we are encouraged by the promises that the weight loss will represent a radical improvement in all aspects of our lives. Something that doesn’t really happen. And they hide the great effort involved in following these regimes.

On the other hand, when we find ourselves on a diet we face the loss of hedonism. Our society puts the achievement of objectives before vital enjoyment. And, in that aspect, following a diet often requires giving up such a basic pleasure for many of us as is good eating. And to avoid such positive feelings as the good food gives us also takes its toll.


Anyway, if your goal is to lose kilos and you are not afraid to face the scale, we give you some tips to make it easier for you:

  • Sleeping well helps you lose weight: According to a study from the University of Chicago, sleeping through the night causes you to lose more fat.
  • Avoid cravings with imagination: Carnegie Mellon University scientists have discovered that when we are attacked by the inevitable cravings to eat chocolates or sweets, a good solution is to imagine taking large amounts of those delicacies. That may be enough to calm the appetite.
  • Drinking water: A study by the American Chemical Society showed that drinking two cups of water before eating helps you lose weight and fight obesity.
  • Do not eat in front of the computer: A work published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition determines that eating while working with the computer can increase our appetite throughout the day.
  • Monitor product labels: It is important to look carefully at food labels. It is a habit that can help us lose weight according to a recent study by Washington State University.
  • Better to eat slowly: When we eat fast, the segregation of hormones that cause the sensation of being full is reduced. The reduction of these hormones leads us to overeat and, therefore, to gain weight.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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