How to lose 3 kg in two days: emergency diet

That last-minute party came up and you need to get in that beautiful dress anyway or you went on a diet, but are you missing those last few pounds that insist on not going out?

Do not worry! It is possible to lose weight in a short time yes. We prepare a simple menu with meals to be eaten seven times throughout the day.

In the first 24 hours you will already notice a reduction in your weight. But the best thing is that, following the diet below for three days you will surely get the results you want: less 3 kg immediately!

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It is worth resisting temptations for three days and eating properly according to our food proposals and other guidelines. Making healthy food consumption and low calorific value, combined with physical activity , the result may not be different: weight loss with success in no time. Enjoy! (8 types of fights that help define the body)

Breakfast (7 am)

Option 1 :

  • 1 glass (250 ml) of watermelon juice milk with orange plus sweetener to taste and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed

Option 2 :

  • 1 glass (250 ml) of light soy milk whipped with 8 strawberries
    • 2 whole-grain crackers with 1 tablespoon of light cream cheese

Option 3 :

  • 1 cup (250 ml) of skimmed milk whipped with ½ papaya and dietary sweetener to taste.
    • 1 toast with light fruit jelly

Morning snack (9 am)

Option 1 :

  • 1 cup of chopped melon

Option 2 :

  • 1 kiwi and half an apple

Option 3 :

  • 1 light cereal bar

Lunch (12 hours)

Option 1 :

  • Green salad (lettuce and arugula)
    • 3 tablespoons of grated carrot
    • 1 medium baked potato
    • 1 grilled fish fillet

Option 2 :

  • Watercress salad with radish and ½ chopped tomato
    • 4 tablespoons of pasta with bolognese sauce
    • 1 slice of white cheese

Option 3 :

  • Green salad (endive, watercress and chard)
    • 2 tablespoons of rice and 2 tablespoons of beans
    • 1 large grilled chicken fillet seasoned with fine herbs and ginger

Afternoon snack 1 (14 hours)

Option 1 :

  • 1 pear

Option 2 :

  • 3 unsalted almonds

Option 3 :

  • 1 large slice of watermelon

Afternoon snack 2 (16 hours)

Option 1 :

  • 1 glass of pineapple juice with ginger

Option 2 :

  • 1 glass of juice from two beaten oranges with 2 kale leaves and ice cubes. Beat in a blender for about two minutes, strain and sweeten with dietary sweetener to taste. Take well chilled.

Option 3 :

  • 1 glass of lemonade sweetened with dietary sweetener to taste
    • 2 crackers

Dinner (19 hours)

Option 1 :

  • Green chard and watercress salad
    • 2 col. (soup) of steamed broccoli
    • Omelet made with 2 egg whites and 1 egg yolk. Fill it with 3 tablespoons of ricotta and 2 tablespoons and light tuna

Option 2 :

  • ½ beet salad with 1 chopped tomato
    • 1 grilled steak seasoned with mashed black-pepper and two tablespoons of brown rice

Option 3 :

  • Endive salad with lettuce
    • 1 cup of steamed cauliflower
    • 1 small pancake stuffed with ground meat

Supper (22 hours)

Option 1 :

  • 1 cup of coconut water tea

Option 2 :

  • 1 cup of skim milk with cinnamon

Option 3 :

  • 1 light yogurt

Move yourself:

  • Stretch for ten minutes on waking up.
  • Take a 40-minute walk daily.
  • Change the elevator up the stairs and prefer to go to work on foot than by bus or car.
  • In the late afternoon, take a bike ride or walk in a park or square near your home. (Check out 6 champion exercises to burn calories)

It is worth remembering:

  • Weight loss may vary according to the metabolism of each person.
  • Do not continue with this diet for more than 3 days, since the calorie intake proposed in these menus is very low, thus causing health problems if it persists for long periods.
  • Take at least 3 liters of water a day.
  • If you want to have a healthy and gradual weight loss, we recommend that you do a dietary reeducation and look for a nutritionist.
by Abdullah Sam
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