List of Nutritious Foods for Pregnant Women and Their Benefits

Nutritious food for pregnant women greatly affects the health of the mother and the growth of the fetus. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to know the choice of nutritious food that can be consumed so that the fetus remains healthy.

Consumption of nutritious food for pregnant women is done so that nutritional needs during pregnancy are met properly. However, pregnant women need to pay attention to what they consume. This is because there are nutritious foods that are not allowed to be consumed during pregnancy, such as raw eggs and meat, as well as dairy products that have not gone through the pasteurization process.

Basically, good food for pregnant women contains high nutrition according to the needs of the mother and her fetus.

Nutritious Food Choices for Pregnant Women

Nutritional intake during pregnancy , both in type and quantity, does need to be considered. Moreover, the need for various types of nutritional intake will increase along with the gestational age.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, for example, the number of calories consumed generally does not need to be increased. However, when entering the second and third trimesters, the calorie intake needed can increase to 340-450 calories per day.

To meet these needs, pregnant women need to consume nutritious foods such as:

1. Broccoli

The first highly nutritious food that can be an option is broccoli. This green vegetable has many nutrients needed during pregnancy, such as calcium, folic acid, lutein, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids which are good for eye health.

Broccoli also contains vitamin C which is useful for helping the body absorb iron, thus helping to relieve constipation and prevent babies from being born with low birth weight.

2. Spinach

Spinach is good to consume during pregnancy, especially for young pregnant women, because it contains folic acid . Folic acid is an important nutrient needed in early pregnancy because it can help prevent birth defects such as anencephaly and spina bifida . Not only that, folic acid also plays a role in preventing the risk of premature labor and preeclampsia.

3. Banana

Bananas contain vitamin B6 which is good for pregnant women to consume in the first trimester because this vitamin can reduce nausea. In addition, bananas are also rich in potassium which is useful for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance during pregnancy.

4. Avocado

When the pregnancy enters the second trimester, pregnant women are advised to consume avocados. Avocados are rich in fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, potassium, vitamin B6, and high in good fatty acids.

The good fatty acids in avocados are useful in helping the development of the fetus’ brain, nervous system, tissue, and skin. While the high potassium content in avocados can reduce complaints of leg cramps experienced by pregnant women.

5. Orange

The next nutritious food for pregnant women that is recommended to be consumed is oranges. This fruit is rich in vitamin C , folic acid, and fiber. Almost 90 percent of the content in oranges is water so it can help prevent dehydration during pregnancy.

Meanwhile, the high folate content in oranges can also help the development of the brain and spinal cord in the fetus, thus preventing the fetus from being born with defects.

6. Mango

Another fruit that is recommended to be consumed during pregnancy is mango, both young and ripe mangoes . Mangoes contain high levels of potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Potassium in mangoes can help maintain blood pressure and maintain fluids in the body.

While vitamin A functions as an antioxidant, helping to support the development of the baby’s immune system, vision, and nervous system. Mangoes also contain high fiber so they can prevent constipation in pregnant women.

7. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are one of the highly nutritious foods for pregnant women that are rich in vitamin A. Meeting the need for vitamin A during pregnancy is very important for the growth of fetal cells and tissues.

In addition to sweet potatoes, vitamin A can also be obtained from spinach, kale, mango, pumpkin , non-fat milk, and supplements. For those who consume supplements, it is advisable to consult an obstetrician so that the dose consumed is not excessive. Because if consumed excessively, vitamin A can cause fetal defects.

8. Nuts

Peanuts, peas, and soybeans are types of beans that can be used as sources of folate, fiber, protein, iron, and calcium needed during pregnancy. These nutrients are very important for the health of the mother and fetus, especially in the first trimester . In addition, dairy products made from nuts, such as almond milk and soy milk are also suitable for consumption by pregnant women .

9. Lean meat

Beef, chicken, and fish are food groups that are rich in protein. In addition, there is also iron content as an important mineral that is useful in the formation of red blood cells. Red blood cells play an important role in delivering oxygen to all cells in the body.

Therefore, pregnant women need more iron, because blood volume also increases during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Iron deficiency in early and mid-pregnancy can cause anemia. If this happens, pregnant women are at risk of giving birth prematurely or giving birth to a baby with low birth weight.

10. Salmon

Salmon is one of the sources of animal vitamins that must be included in the high-nutrition food menu for pregnant women. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which are important for the development of the fetus’ brain and eyes.

Salmon also contains vitamin D which is good for the mother and fetus. However, it should be noted that pregnant women are advised to consume salmon that has been cooked first. Consumption of raw salmon, such as in sushi and sashimi, should be avoided because it can harm the growth of the fetus.

11. Dairy products

During pregnancy, consumption of foods and drinks containing protein and calcium is required to support fetal growth and development. Milk and its processed products such as yogurt and cheese are good to consume because they contain quite high levels of protein and calcium.

12. Eggs

Eggs are one of the foods recommended for consumption during pregnancy, because they contain almost all the nutrients the body needs. Eggs contain calories, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.

In addition, eggs also contain choline, an important nutrient for brain health and fetal development. However, pregnant women should not consume half-cooked eggs because they risk carrying germs that can be harmful to the health of the mother and fetus.

13. Dried fruit

Dried fruits are high in fiber, calories, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. One dried fruit usually contains the same amount of nutrients as fresh fruit, even without the water content and in a smaller size.

There are many dried fruits that can be beneficial for health, such as raisins, dates, pineapple, jujube , and figs. One that is easy to get and good for pregnant women is dates. Dates contain fiber, potassium, and iron. Regular consumption of dates in the third trimester helps dilate the cervix and reduces the risk of induction during labor.

However, pregnant women are not advised to consume more than one serving of dried fruit at each meal. The reason is because dried fruit contains high sugar.

14. Drink enough water

Water is one of the things that must be consumed a lot during pregnancy. Because, the volume of pregnant women’s blood will increase by 45 percent compared to before. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to consume water no less than 2.3 liters per day.

This is important to do so that the body’s fluid balance is maintained so that dehydration is avoided . Drinking enough water can also help prevent pregnant women from constipation and urinary tract infections.  Pregnant women can also get fluid intake from various fruits and vegetables, such as radishes .

Make sure that nutritious food for pregnant women is served in the daily food menu consumed so that the health of the mother and fetus remains well supported. In addition, do not forget to routinely consult an obstetrician so that the health of the mother and fetus continues to be monitored until delivery arrives.