Learn the correct pronunciation in different languages ​​with this tool

Whatever language you are studying, an important part is pronunciation. For this case, there is a very useful platform: Forvo , a website that helps you know exactly how certain words are pronounced.

If you wonder what is special about this web page, you have to know that the large database it is composed of contains words read by native speakers , and not by artificial intelligence that might sound somewhat robotic.


Now, when we enter the web, we come across a search engine in which to place a word and thus know its pronunciation. The list of languages ​​is gigantic and the most used are:

  1. Tartar
  2. German
  3. Russian
  4. English
  5. Spanish

How does it work?

Once we have entered the word we want to know how it is pronounced, it will tell us which language it belongs to, the number of uploaded pronunciations and how many translations exist of that term into other languages.

In addition, it has different accents or pronunciations . For example, we can see how different a word is pronounced in Spain compared to a country in Latin America. In the languages ​​tab , we will see them classified according to the number of pronunciations that the platform has on each one. Languages ​​like the ones in the Top 5 have more than 100,000 pronunciations.

There is also a section for  guides , with  the “most useful phrases” in different languages , ideal if we are planning a trip to an area where we do not speak the language.

Mobile version

In fact,  there is a mobile application  (both for  Android  and  iOS ) designed to take it with us when we go on a trip.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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