Learn To Recognize Hijaiyah Letters and Reading Signs

What is Hijaiyah ??

As a Muslim child, of course you must know the letters hijaiyah. This Hijaiyah letter is very important, besides learning the alphabetical arrangement in Arabic, learning this Hijaiyah Letter is a great provision for learning the Koran, the holy book of Islam which was revealed in Arabic.

In addition, also to learn the sentence structure in Islam is very important to learn. Like, lafadz Syahadatain (two sentences of shahada), lafadz adzan and iqamah, greetings, and others.

The punctuation marks ??

What is meant by the sign here is the sign harakat to mark a Hijaiyah letter, whether it is read ‘a / an’ ( fath} ahtain ), ‘i / in’ ( kasrah / kasrahtain ), ‘u / un’ ( d} amah / d} amahtain ), or the letter is read with double reading ( tasydid ) or death ( breadfruit ).

Like a word, the punctuation here is the vowels and the hijaiyah letters are the consonants, not much different from the Indonesian language lessons, which have consonants and vowels.

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Hijaiyah Letter Order

If in the Indonesian language we are introduced to the letters a, b, c, d, e to the end, namely the letter z. So, even in this hijaiyah letter order there is also an order.

Then what about the order of the hijaiyah letters ??, because the hijaiyah letters are Arabic letters, the writer wants to give first information about copying or replacing the Arabic letters into Indonesian (transliteration).

This means that everyone knows that there are letters that are originally read with the ending ‘O’, because they have been copied or replaced (transliteration), then the letters are written as ‘A’. Example: the letter …, which was originally read ro, but in writing was changed or read as ‘ra’.

Well, following the Hijaiyah letter order, along with the transfer or replacement of how to read it.

So, from the table above, there are only eight letters that have a way to read it ending with the letter ‘o’, namely the letters غ, ق  ر, ط, ظ, خ, ض, ص,

As for the punctuation marks are as follows:

  1. Fath} ah (َ / one line), located above the letters, read ‘a’
  2. Kasrah (ِ / one line), located under the letter and reads ‘i’
  3. Dhamah (ُ wawu but small), located above the letters, and read as ‘u’
  4. Fath} ahtain (ً / two lines), located above the letters, and read ‘an’
  5. Kasrahtain (ٍ / two lines) is located below the letters, and is read ‘in’
  6. Dhammahtain (ٌ ./wawu small back and forth) is located above the letters and read ‘un
  7. Tasydid (ّ / like a small ‘w’ letter), located above a letter, the letters are read double
  8. Breadfruit (ْ / similar to a small circle), located above a letter, a marker of dead letters

SK Together with the Minister …

Well, thus writing hijaiyah letters and punctuation marks. It should also be noted that the procedures for writing and changing Hijaiyah letters above have also been guided by the Joint Decree (SKB) of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 158/1987 and 0543b / U / 1987.

Hopefully with the introduction of the Hijaiyah letters and the punctuation marks above, we can all be provided with ease in learning the Hijaiyah letters, so that we can slowly read and memorize the Qur’an.


  1. Syakir Ridwan, et al, Madrasatul Qur’an Version Tajweed Guide, (Jombang: Tahfidh Unit Madrasatul Qur’an Tebuireng Jombang), 2004
  2. Asmuri, et al, Islamic Religious Education 2, for elementary school grade II (e-book),(Curriculum and Book Center: Ministry of National Education, 2011)
  3. Zarkasyi, Tajweed Guidelines: “Qaidah How should you read the Koran (e-book), (Ponorogo: Trimurti Gontor, 1987)
  4. Wikipedia.org
  5. Macromedia Flash Player Tajwid.exe,2003


by Abdullah Sam
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