Know the causes and treatment for vaginal dryness

If, this summer, the high temperatures are just outside your room and the dryness it causes are directly affecting “her”, the best friend of any well-resolved woman, know that you are not alone. It is estimated that 20% of Brazilian women experience frequent pain during sexual intercourse, and in many cases, vaginal dryness is responsible for the discomfort. This is a problem that affects many of us, in different stages of life, and knowing exactly what is triggering the lack of lubrication is the “x” of the issue to have an active, healthy and, above all, sexual life back. pleasant.

If you are going through this situation, no despair. For everything there are one or more solutions, and for that reason, we are going to talk exactly about:

  • How vaginal lubrication works
  • What Causes Vaginal Safe
  • How to keep your sex life active by decreasing the effects of vaginal dryness

I hope that, at the end of reading, you can better understand how our body works and that you never need to close your legs to this one, which is one of the best pleasures in life. Come on?

How does vaginal lubrication work?

“The human being is a perfect machine”. You must have heard that saying out there, right? And our body really comes close to perfection, because all the mechanisms are interconnected, and when it comes to libido, this is no different.

Women have only two glands responsible for humidifying the vagina, which are unable to produce the substance in sufficient quantity to lubricate the region before sexual intercourse.

And that is why, when the woman is stimulated, the blood vessels dilate and the blood plasma passes through the skin of the vaginal canal, which provides the necessary lubrication for penetration.

You must be wondering why vaginal dryness happens, since our body is prepared to offer the desired lubrication, right? Come on!

What causes vaginal dryness?

Physiological factors

If you are not there yet, enjoy the glory days with lubrication to give and sell, because when it arrives, vaginal dryness will almost certainly be in the menopause combo .

Now, among the many symptoms that menopause brings, the lack of lubrication is perhaps what bothers women the most – and it is not for nothing, since it directly affects sexual life. But what happens to our bodies when “it” is drier than the Sahara? During menopause, there is a decrease in the production of several female hormones, including estrogen, the best friend of lubrication and one of those responsible for getting our amusement park ready for the “H hour”.

Another female physiological issue that crosses the path of memorable sex is pregnancy and the postpartum period. Indeed, we produce more vaginal discharge during pregnancy, but it is far from fulfilling the role of sexual lubrication, and about 1/3 of women experience vaginal dryness at this stage of life. But it is in the postpartum period, during breastfeeding, that things tend to get really dry – and exactly because of the decrease in estrogen production.

We also make daily choices that can cause vaginal dryness: the use of birth control pills can impair women’s libido, precisely because they inhibit estrogen production at the ideal level.

Non-hormonal factors

In addition to hormonal issues, we have another cause for vaginal dryness, which accounts for the largest share of cases among sexually active women. He, who rules all areas of life and who can be our best friend or worst enemy: the psychological factor.

Yes, friends! Our psychological has the power to decree widespread dryness! And it happens for several reasons, which, in general, end up being considered taboos, and that is why they are little worked on by two. But as we are well resolved women, let’s put aside all shame and shame and talk about each one of them!

If you’ve had sex with someone and there hasn’t been a libido, you already know what I’m talking about. The chemistry is not scientifically clarified, but the fact is that it influences – and a lot – in the “hour H”. Sexual desire for someone is explained by physical reasons, such as attraction, and also by other subjective reasons, such as smell, footprint, etc. The fact is that when this synchronization between lust and moment does not happen, the result is a lack of lubrication.

Another psychological point is the lack of interest in the partner – and if you have never experienced this situation, you certainly have close friends who, after a while, have become disinterested in their partners.

No matter the reasons, whether the routine, the change in love and in the way one sees the other or the distance in the relationship: the fact is that the loss of interest in the partner is directly linked to the lack of sexual appetite and, consequently, with vaginal dryness.

And the opposite is also true: interest in the other above your own can, instead of spicing up the relationship, cause a real lack of libido. How? It’s simple. If you condition yourself to the wishes of the other, you are extremely concerned with pleasing at any cost and go to bed to make a real porn movie performance, just because that is your partner’s desire, you can prepare yourself: the horny will not come , and the chances that the relationship you would like to be memorable will become extremely uncomfortable are high. In bed, that old saying goes: what one does not want, two do not do. So, let’s agree on something? Don’t let go of your pleasure for the other’s. This is the surefire recipe for hot but very wet sex.

How to minimize the effects of vaginal dryness?

Now that we’ve talked about the main factors that cause vaginal dryness, how about knowing how to minimize the discomfort it causes?

Before taking any action, if you notice a constant lack of lubrication during intercourse, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist. It is he who will be able to guide you on the best options for your case, which may be clinical or not.

But, in general, the main ways to minimize the effects of vaginal dryness are hormone replacement, the use of lubricating gel and breaking the sexual routine.

Especially for menopausal sufferers, hormone replacement can help – and a lot – in vaginal dryness. This is because, with oral therapy, hormone rates are replaced, which tends to minimize the effects of this period.

At this stage of life, and in any other period in which dryness is happening, the immediate solution to your problems can be found on the shelf of the nearest pharmacy. The use of lubricating gels is recommended to avoid discomfort during sexual intercourse, but ideally, you should have an orientation from your gynecologist. This is because there are gels with different types of base, such as silicone and water, and some can cause irritation to the mucosa.

And don’t be ashamed of going to the pharmacy, okay? Now, if there’s no way and you can’t imagine buying a gel at a pharmacy counter, I have some tips that I usually give to the most embarrassed women – because, after all, anything goes, except suffering with a real dry drought just “There”, isn’t it? If you prefer, make a larger purchase at the pharmacy. Choosing other products, the focus on lubricant is overlooked. Another possibility is to buy over the internet and ask to deliver at home: simple, practical and without any situation that could be embarrassing to your point of view.

Combined with all these ways to combat vaginal dryness is one of the essential complementary factors, especially if you have been in a relationship for a long time or are discouraged with sex: breaking the routine. Adopting and proposing a change in posture may be the solution for natural lubrication to reign “down there” again: try to surprise your partner, ask him to do the same and rediscover together how sex can be pleasurable, hot and very, very wet.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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