What are Kegel exercises and why are they important for your health

Are you the type of woman who does everything to keep her health up to date, avoiding medication as much as possible or even having to resort to surgery? If you think the same way as I do, that the best way is prevention, Kegel exercises need to be part of your care routine!

Still don’t know what this practice is so important for the female universe? So it’s time to find out! Read in this article that I have prepared the most important information about Kegel exercises and how they can help your health.

See below what topics we will talk about today:

  1. What are Kegel exercises;
  2. How Kegel exercises help your health;
  3. How to practice Kegel exercises;

At the end of this reading, I want you to be prepared and free from prejudice to take care of your health. After all, a well-resolved woman also needs to have all the energy concentrated in dealing with the challenges of her day to day.

Good reading!

1. What are Kegel exercises

The Kegel exercises are named in honor of the American gynecologist who developed this technique, there in the 1940s Their goal was to reduce the need for surgery for many different reasons associated with sagging of the pelvic floor muscles, as muscles are known of our intimate region.

The techniques are based on the contraction and relaxation of these muscles (as if it were a bodybuilding), in order to strengthen them, avoiding a series of problems that can arise with age or with the number of pregnancies. Of course, this practice also has an important effect on sexual satisfaction!

Although they have become popular with Dr. Kegel’s studies, these exercises, however, are quite old and are part of Taoist culture. You have probably heard of them, but under the name of pompoirism ! The Kegel exercises can also be called intimate exercise – topic on which I talk a lot here on the blog and YouTube channel!

Kegel’s exercises are based on the techniques of pompoarism, an ancient oriental practice that is part of tantra. These are very old and important teachings, but they are still not part of the care routine of most women. What will be your choice for your own health?

2. How Kegel exercises help your health

Pregnancy, childbirth, age and being overweight: these are the main factors that can weaken your vaginal muscles , situations that all women can go through throughout their life. As with any other part of the body, the pelvic floor muscles can become flabby, that is, less strong.

The problem is that most women do not realize the importance of exercising them too, in order to prevent them from weakening. In order for you to recognize even more the importance of Kegel exercises , and no longer see this as a practice just associated with sex, I have listed some of the benefits of pompoarism for your health:

  • Allow better urinary control, avoiding problems such as loose bladder or incontinence;
  • They assist in the preparation of childbirth during pregnancy , as they teach women how to do the right strength at the right time;
  • They are also fundamental in normal postpartum recovery , strengthening the pelvic muscles so that they return to their previous condition, avoiding vaginal flaccidity;
  • They prevent pelvic prolapse, a situation in which, during childbirth, the female organs can change places, including the uterus, which can become external;
  • Reduction of symptoms caused by menopause , such as dryness of the vaginal canal;
  • Decreased cramping pain;
  • Aid in the prevention of vaginal infections, such as candidiasis ;
  • Improved bowel function.

Kegel exercises are a way to prevent several diseases that affect women’s health. Much more than helping with sexual satisfaction, they can keep you away from bigger problems, for which it is necessary to resort to surgery.

3. How to practice Kegel exercises

Do you know what is the best part of Kegel exercises? You don’t have to go to the gym and put on your gym clothes to practice them! You can do this type of gymnastics anytime and anywhere: while driving, watching TV, cooking, bathing …

And you don’t have to be scared, no. Nobody realizes that you are doing pompoirism if you are not using accessories, such as Thai balls … You can exercise and still maintain the greatest face of tranquility, while talking with other people or doing your daily tasks.

If you are interested in practicing Kegel exercises, the most recommended is to always seek help from a gynecologist or a physiotherapist, and you can even participate in a course conducted by one of these professionals.

As a physical therapist specialized in this subject, I have seen a lot of wrong tips on the internet or even in courses. To take care of your real health, look for references about what you are learning. Combined?

Anyway, so you don’t end this reading with nothing to put into practice, I will teach you a very basic technique to get you started.

It works like this: identify your pelvic floor muscles while you’re peeing. Do you know that contraction we do to hold urine? This is exactly the exercise you will do, but never when you feel like going to the bathroom.

Begin the sessions by contracting and relaxing this musculature at 3-second intervals. You can do this movement 10 to 15 times, in several sessions a day. Throughout the week, try to increase the time of contractions, reaching up to 10 seconds.

Even with the start of this simpler technique, it is possible that in a few weeks you will be able to observe some result, especially if you have problems with urinary incontinence.

Did you like the tip? So I recommend you to watch the video below in which I give some tips and explain a little of what our body does after we start practicing pompoirism.

For me, pompoirism is all good! But you need to learn this practice from professionals who really understand the subject, or you may even end up harming your health!

Why not start practicing pompoirism?

Did you better understand what Kegel exercises are and how they can help your health as a woman? No matter what you call this practice, Kegel, pompoir or intimate gymnastics, but it is certainly time to rethink the care you have with yourself and start learning a little more about this technique, don’t you agree?

I recommend Kegel exercises for women at any time in their life, from the first menstruation to menopause. Remember that practices are not only associated with your sexual satisfaction, but in a much broader way to your health and the prevention of many unwanted situations in the female universe.

How about taking the test? Practice some simpler exercises at home, search for a pompoir course and find out more about the topic!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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