Jersey Wooly rabbit

Rabbit jersey woolyes . There are many breeds of rabbits, because they have been mixed with each other. The Polish dwarf rabbit is one of them. In 1984, a woman named Bonni Seeley introduced the first Wooly Jersey at an exhibition held by the ARBA. Since then, it has proved very popular both as a pet and as a show rabbit. Today it is a very popular breed, with many breeders dedicated exclusively to it.


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  • 1 Features
  • 2 Carácter
  • 3 pets
  • 4 Care
  • 5 Sources


It is a small rabbit, easy to care for, calm and with a mild temperament that makes it an excellent pet. Even so, the hair needs daily brushing, since it is long and woolly, as its coat grows it is also easier to maintain.

The Jersey Wooly is a small rabbit and should weigh no more than 1.5kg. They have a small, compact body with long, woolly, thick fur. They have small and short ears. They exist in a wide variety of patterns and 5 color groups that are: Agoutí, including: chinchilla, opal (opal), chestnut (hazelnut) and squirrel (squirrel).

AOV, including in it: Fawn (beige), broken (stained), blue point white (white and blue), black pointed white (black and blue) and orange (orange). Self (solid), including in it: black ( black), blue eyed white, blue, chocolate, lilac, ruby ​​eyed white.

Shading, including in it: bluepoint (blue dotted), blue tortoise shell (turtle blue), sable point (sable dotted), seal (greyish), Siamese sable (Siamese sable), smoke pearl (pearl grey), tortoise shell ). So, including in it: black otter, black silver marten, blue otter, blue silver marten, chocolate silver marten, sable marten, smoke pearl marten. The Jersey Wooly was taken to a rabbit show as a joke. It took years for the ARBA to recognize this rabbit as a breed, it was finally recognized in 1988 .


Its temperament is very calm, which together with its beautiful skin make it a good option as a fine pet. Easy to care for and do not require large spaces.


It is considered a companion breed so it is a good pet, these rabbits are small, have short ears and stay together from birth to the tips, have an oval face and weigh about one and a half kilograms.

The varieties of the Polish rabbit are the white with blue or red eyes, the black and chocolate, the blue variety and the most recent is the speckled variety.

They are very sociable and curious animals, they are not shy and they are very playful, so they require attention and time for games and coexistence. The Polish rabbit is very easy to care for and its diet is not special, which is why it turns out to be a very economical pet.

It is highly recommended that his cage is wide, since he tends to stand up, so you must calculate enough space so that he can stretch out comfortably, the ideal size of his cage is 40 cm front by 40 cm deep by 30 cm high .


The bones of this rabbit are very fragile and break easily, so when it is loaded it must be held firmly to prevent it from jumping, since the fall can cause a fracture.

You can feed carrots and vegetables as treats or prizes, rabbits love to chew vegetables, so once or twice a week you can feed them by replacing the feed with some vegetables.

If you have little space in the house and there are children who want a pet, the Jersey Wooly rabbit is highly recommended, since it requires little space and loves to play.