Itaipu . It is part of the list of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, [1] [2] it is the largest hydroelectric power station in the Western Hemisphere and the second largest in the world, being only surpassed by the Three Gorges Dam, in China.
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- 1 History
- 2 Geology of the region
- 3 Location
- 4 Embalming
- 5 Power distribution
- 6 General aspects
- 7 Inauguration
- 8 Itaipu VS Three Gorges
- 9 Technical data
- 1 Transmission output
- 2 Foz do Iguaçu Substation (Furna)
- 10 Tourism
- 11 figures that surprise
- 12 Main characteristics of the plant
- 1Lago
- 2 Dam
- 3Vertedero
- 4 Pressure lines
- 5 Machine Room
- 6 Generating units
- 13 Image Gallery
- 14 external links
- 15 References
- 16 Fountains
The place was selected after a thorough study, hydrographic, geological surveys with the support of a raft. In the heart of South America, Paraguayans and Brazilians opted for a section of the river known as Itaipu, which in the Tupi-Guaran language means “The stone that sings.” On April 10, 1970, a Cooperation Agreement was signed, between the MIXED COMMISSION, the National Administration of Electricity -ANDE, of Paraguay , and the Centrais Electricas Brasileiras SA – ELEC-TROBRAS, of Brazil , in which the conditions for the joint study of the hydraulic potential of the border section were established. of the Parana River, including a general appreciation of the multiple uses of water, such as navigation, human and industrial consumption, irrigation and others. The region begins to transform into a human anthill. Between 1975/1978, more than 9,000 houses were built on the two banks to house the men who would work in Itaipu. Social works began to be created, such as two hospitals, schools, recreational centers, clubs, health posts, to serve the workers and their families. The work of the dam reaches its end in October 1982. But the works in Itaipu do not stop. The closure of the diversion channel gates for the formation of the plant’s reservoir begins the “Mymba Cuera” operation, which in Tupi-Guarani means “grab bug”. This operation saves the lives of more than 36,450 animals that lived in the area when it was flooded by the lake. The strong and abundant rains in the area only needed 14 days to the current of the Paraná River to fill the reservoir.
Geology of the region
The Paraná River , of 4,000 km of total extent, including the Paranaíba and Grande rivers , from whose confluence it originates in Brazilian territory, covers a total basin of 3,000,000 km2 Due to its flow and the extent of its basin, the Paraná is one of the largest rivers in the world. In the stretch between the Salto del Guairá, today submerged by the formation of the ITAIPÚ reservoir, and the mouth of the Yguazú River, 190 km downstream, the Paraná River had a drop of 120 m, which could be exploited. The geology in this area is characterized by thick, almost horizontal, basaltic effusions, predominantly dense basalt interspersed by layers of tonsilloid vesicular basalt and breccia, forming, in certain areas, lithological discontinuities and highly fractured belts. This geological formation constitutes the so-called ” Serra Geral “, also known as ” Trapp do Paraná “. A residual clay soil covers the surface of the banks of the river and its tributaries.
The main works of the ITAIPÚ Hydro-electric Project are located on the Paraná River, on the border between Paraguay and Brazil, 14 km upstream of the international bridge that connects Ciudad del Este and Foz de Yguazú . The project area extends from Salto del Guairá , in the north, to Ciudad del Este and Foz de Yguazú, in the south.
The ITAIPÚ reservoir at the normal maximum level, at a height of 220 m. (elevation 220 m above sea level), has an approximate length of 170 km, with a water mirror area of 1,350 km2, flooding 580 km2 of Paraguayan territory and 770 km2 of Brazilian territory. The gross stored volume is 29 billion cubic meters, with a useful accumulation volume of 19 billion cubic meters. The maximum filling level is at a height of 223 m. and the minimum exceptional level at a height of 197 m. Due to the way in which ITAIPÚ was designed for its operation, the water level of the reservoir is kept practically constant at a height of 220 m.
power distribution
For the distribution of energy, the Hydroelectric Power Plant uses two conventional outdoor substations:
- The right bank Substation, located in Paraguayan territory and within the estate of ITAIPÚ
- The Left Bank Substation, located in Brazilian territory, owned by FURNAS.
From the SF6 Substation located in the Power House, 8 transmission lines at 500 Kv leave, 4 transporting the energy generated by the 50 Hz Units to the Substation on the right bank, and 4 transporting the energy generated by the 50 Hz Units. 60 Hz. to the Left Bank Substation Currently, of the 4 50 Hz. lines that arrive at the Right Bank Substation, 2 are connected to the 500 Kv Bar and the other 2 are carried, temporarily directly , to the Left Bank Substation. The non-consumed fraction of the energy generated corresponding to Paraguay is transferred to Brazil. In the year 2000 it had its production record with 93,400 GWh, generating 95% of the electricity consumed in Paraguay and 24% of that in Brazil.
General features
The operation of the ITAIPÚ Power Plant began on May 5, 1984 , with the entry into service of the first 50 Hz generating unit, operating in parallel with the ANDE system . The supply of 50 Hz electrical energy to FURNAS began, making it possible to start testing the company’s direct current transmission system. In the month of June 1985 , the first simultaneous supply of electrical energy at 50 Hz was made to ANDE and FURNAS. In the month December 1986, the first synchronization of units 14 and 15, of 60 Hz, with the Brazilian system was carried out. To date, the 18 Generating Units of the Power Plant are installed and operating normally (nine 50 Hz. and nine 60 Hz), totaling the 12,600 MW of installed power foreseen in the project, with an annual energy production capacity of the order of 77,000 GWh/year. ITAIPU’s installed power/power generation capacity ratio is one of the most favorable in the world. The peculiarities of ITAIPÚ’s operation are related to its own characteristics and those of the interconnected systems, such as:
- Power generation in two frequencies: half at 50 Hz, half at 60 Hz;
- The magnitude of the Power Plant: with nominal installed power of 12,600 MW and annual energy production capacity of around 77,000 Gwh/year
- The magnitude of the Generating Units: with nominal plate power of 700 MW;
- The location of the Power Plant on the Paraná River: an international river shared by three countries, with a Tripartite Treaty signed between Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, which establishes certain restrictions on the hydropower operation of the Power Plant
- The associated transmission systems in High Voltage: being one in direct current (600 kV), which links the 50 Hz units to the Brazilian system, and another in alternating current (750 kV) that links the 60 Hz units. to the same system.
Considering the aforementioned aspects, the reliable operation of the Power Plant requires the adoption of operating configurations, protection schemes and control of special exchanges.
On November 5, 1982 , with the reservoir already formed and everything ready, the presidents of Paraguay, Alfredo Stroessner , and Brazil , Joao Figueredo , activated the automatic mechanism that raised the 14 gates of the spillway, releasing the dammed water of the Paraná River and thus officially formalizing the inauguration of the largest hydroelectric plant in the world [3] .
Itaipu VS Three Gorges
Itaipu was, until recently, the largest power generation dam in the world, but today this title is held by the Three Gorges Dam in China , as it generates power through the use of 26 turbines, plus 8 units under construction (6 × 700 MW, 2 × 50 MW). Each of the current operating units has a capacity of 700 MW, adding a total installed capacity of 18,200 MW (Itaipu 14,000 MW). When the remaining 8 units are completed in 2011, the Three Gorges will have an even greater total installed capacity: greater than 22,500 MW, while Itaipu will continue with the 14,000 MW achieved in 2007 .
Technical data
- The 7,919m dam is made of concrete, rock and earth.
- There are 20 generating units, ten of which are in the frequency of the Paraguayan electrical network (50 Hz) and ten in the frequency of the Brazilian electrical network (60 Hz).
- The 50 Hz units have a nominal power of 823.6 MVA, a power factor of 0.85 and a weight of 3,343t.
- The 60 Hz units have a nominal power of 737.0 MVA, a power factor of 0.95 and a weight of 3,242 t
- All units are rated at 18 kV.
- The U07 turbines are of the Francis turbine type, with a nominal power of 715 MW and a nominal flow rate of 645 m³/s.
- The dam substation is isolated by sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6), which allows a great compaction of the project. For each generator set there is a bank of single-phase transformers, raising the voltage from 18 kV to 500 kV.
transmission output
- Itaipú – SE Foz do Iguaçu: 4 500 kV transmission lines transmit all the energy of the 60 Hz sector, with 8 km extension. The Foz do Iguaçu substation raises the voltage to 750 kV.
- Itaipú – SE Right bank: 2 500 kV transmission lines,2 km.
- SE right bank – Foz do Iguaçu:2 500 kV transmission lines, 9 km. It transmits the resale of Paraguay to Brazil.
- Itaipu – SE Foz do Iguaçu: 2 500 kV transmission lines, 11 km. It transmits directly part of the 50 Hz sector to Brazil.
Foz do Iguaçu Substation (Furna)
- The alternating current yard, which receives energy at 60 Hz and raises it to 750 kV, leaving three transmission lines. It is the highest level of tension in Brazil.
- The direct current patio, which receives energy at 50 Hz. Due to the incompatibility between the frequencies, and the advantages of transmission over long distances, the energy is converted through rectifier circuits to ±600 kV and is transmitted by two lines to Ibiúna (in the state of São Paulo, Brazil). In Ibiúna the energy is converted to 60 Hz, connecting to the system of the Southeast Region of Brazil
On Wednesday , February 4, 2009 , a merchant named Paulo Sérgio Bloch, 60, who was born in Curitiba, but has lived in Lages, Santa Catarina for 37 years, was lucky enough to be the 15th millionth visitor to Itaipu Binacional. He was received by the Brazilian CEO, Jorge Samek, and by the Paraguayan CEO, Carlos Mateo Balmelli. The mayor of Foz do Iguaçu, Paulo MacDonald, also participated in the tribute to the special visitor. When Paulo Sérgio Bloch arrived at the plant in the company of his relatives, he still did not know what type of visit he would make. But he received the special visit as a gift, in addition to a piece of Ñandeva handicrafts and a Social Communication kit. The special visit only did not include the descent to the turbine shaft, because Nathan, his grandson, was not the minimum age required to access that area. In addition to that, the family planted a tree in the Forest of Visitors, recording for history the visit number 15 million. This historic number of visitors represents the effort of the entire company so that tourists who arrive at the border of Paraguay and Brazil not only limit themselves to shopping or seeing the Iguazú Falls, but also have the alternative of visiting the most powerful in the world.
surprising figures
- The pace of Itaipu’s works was equivalent to the construction of a 20-story building every 55 minutes.
- With the total volume of concrete used in the construction of Itaipu, 210 stadiums like the Maracana in Rio de Janeiro could be built.
- The total volume of earth and rock excavated at Itaipu is equivalent to more than twice the volume of the Sugar Loaf in Rio de Janeiro.
- The iron and steel construction used in the plant would be enough to build the Eiffel Tower in Paris 380 times.
- The Itaipu landfill supports a maximum discharge of 62 million liters per second, 40 times higher than the average for Iguazú Falls.
Main characteristics of the plant
- Area:1,350 km²
- Volume of water: 29 billion m3
- Length: 170 km
- Max height: 196m
- Longitud total: 7.760 m
- Maximum discharge capacity: 62,200 m³ /s
pressure pipes
- Internal diameter: 10.50 m Nominal discharge: 690 m³/s
House machine
- Length: 968 m
- Max height: 102m
generating units
- Quantity: 18
- Power: 715 MW
- Max project jump: 118.4 m
- Approximate weight: 6,600 tons