The Islamic concept of Mass Media is not man made Therefore, it cannot be compared with other man made concepts of Mass Media, which in fact are temporary. It is impossible to encompass the Islamic concept by any man-made theory. Every concept whether it is Authoritarian, libertarian or communist concept has certain drawbacks. And, also, as far as the freedom of the mass media in these societies is concerned, no society pro\ ides complete liberty.
Every society imposes restrictions. Our basic- assumption appears to be common to all theories of press, whether it is the theory of Toudors, or of the 18lh century as staled by Blackstone and Mansfield. This assumption is, that ’freedom of press is not and never can be absolute.
All agree that some forms of restraint are necessary and that the government has a legitimate function as to the nature and number of these limitations
In order to get the concept of media or freedom conditions. Press in an Islamic state or society, various principles of Islamic state need clarification which deal with freedom, rights and duties of individuals or groups in an Islamic society.
Islamic Concept of Mass Media;5 Facts
- Only men of character and integrity shall be competent to make laws for the state after natural consultation based on the interpretation of the (H R.l\ the SI \\IH and the views and pronouncements of learned and well known Muslims in the present and the past
- Every deed of the Muslim individual or group of individual must be inspired and guided by the law of God (2:130)
- Although the ruler is appointed by the people, his first responsibility is to God, then to the people He has a dual responsibility; on one hand, he is accountable to God for his conduct and on the other, he is responsible to the people who have put their trust in him (2 I 34)
- Every citizen is enjoyed to offer his best advice on common matters and must be entitled to do so
In this way everv citizen has an obligation, in one capacity or another, to fulfil and is deeply concerned directly or otherwise with the conduct of public affairs.
- Under the Islamic system, every citizen is entitled to enjoy freedom of belief and conscience and freedom of thought and expression.
But his freedom is not, and cannot be, absolute, or else it amounts to chaos and anarchy (2:135).
The Islamic state is unique in its structure, its function and its\ purpose; consequently the Islamic concept of press freedom has also to be a unique one It is not pragmatic or instrumentalist.
In conclusion, the Islamic concept of mass media emphasizes the importance of using communication tools to spread knowledge, promote positive values, and foster unity among believers. Through various forms of media, Islamic teachings can reach a global audience and inspire individuals to uphold the ethical principles of their faith.