is it necessary to change character of the personality

There is a naive opinion that a psychologist, due to psychological knowledge, must change in his mental and behavioral state in a more perfect and correct way.

This opinion arises among people, due to psychological illiteracy and ignorance. They often do not understand the philosophical and deep foundations of mental phenomena. In the end, they do not understand psychoanalysis on a practical level, after reading some books and works in this direction. A commercial, Sigmund Freud, who created psychoanalysis, should have mastered his unconscious processes during his lifetime and fundamentally change his psyche and his mental states. Allegedly, the general knowledge of the unconscious should fundamentally change the human psyche.

Of course, all this is naive. The emotional-volitional sphere of a person, having initially objectively given characteristics, retains its essence, but at the same time it is open to change and psychocorrection in the course of the development of volitional structures in the course of time. Therefore, it is naive to believe that after reading thick books on psychology, people can change in their essence and fundamentally transform their emotional-volitional sphere.

Naked knowledge of psychology does not fundamentally change the psychology of a person, but can only to some extent, and, at times, correct the psyche for a while. The character of a person is an essential component of the psyche associated with his behavior, which can only be corrected, but it is almost impossible to fundamentally replace character in a positive way. Only some correction is possible that does not affect the foundations of the character. If a fundamental transformation of character does occur, then most often this takes place due to degradative mental processes caused by brain injuries, diseases, aging, drug addiction, alcoholism, psychochemistry, etc.

The will and the emotional-volitional sphere of a person cannot be significantly corrected, thanks to bare psychological knowledge, read or heard. Knowledge alone is not enough for the development and correction of this area. We need special conditions in which a person would develop.

Moreover, one of the factors that do not allow to thoroughly transform the psyche and character of a person is the situational component of the psyche. The psyche is often the product of an unpredictable situation, and new unpredictable contents arise within it, to which a person cannot react on the basis of his achieved positive results of psyche correction.

There is a unique, individual and even key knowledge of a person about himself that a person can discover, thanks to the help of a professional master psychoanalyst who can help a person get rid of suffering. By the way, this is what I have devoted my life to … But all this is just a correction of the psyche, although sometimes significant, but this is not a fundamental change in a person’s character.

All of us in the world are surrounded by various immutable entities. The essence of the sun, sky, earth … And how hard it would be for us to live if these essences would change fundamentally. We need these entities. We rely on them. Apparently the same holds true for the essence of the human psyche. And how good it is that we are all so different, that is, we have different essences of our soul and psyche. And how hard it would be if we eluded each other, fundamentally changing our characters and essences …

When a unique and distinctive person is universalized and transformed on the psychic plane into something general and supposedly positive, ignoring his identity, essence and existence, it impoverishes humanity.

Thus, is it worth it to fundamentally artificially change the character and essence of a person? Maybe the world was waiting for him just like that? Maybe in this essence and character of a person is the meaning of being and his mission, that is, the world needed it !? Is it worth it for a person to artificially invade what the World desires?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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