Is CRM Integrated with WhatsApp Possible?

Today we are going to talk about the CRM integrated with WhatsApp. CRM’s are platforms aimed at optimizing the relationship with new and potential customers. Currently, with the consolidation of the app in the business sphere (and as a result of the pandemic), there has been a considerable increase in forms of online service through social networks and conversation platforms.

In this way, CRM is one of the very viable alternatives to be used by managers and company employees. Its purpose is to improve service, and thus increase productivity and profits. Do you want to know how the CRM integrated with WhatsApp works? So pay attention to this text until the end.

Table of Contents

  • What is the CRM integrated with WhatsApp?
  • Main features of CRM integrated with WhatsApp
    • CRM do Bitrix24
    • WhatsApp Integrators
    • WhatsApp Integration API Application

What is the CRM integrated with WhatsApp?

Using the CRM integrated with WhatsApp is nothing more than a way to systematize information about your customers. This way you can integrate service processes among all employees. In this way, the manager can organize the segments within the platform itself, such as finance, sales and support, for example.

Main features of CRM integrated with WhatsApp

  • Conversation management: the system administrator has access to all records of messages exchanged between employees and customers. This way you can transfer conversations in a practical and easy way, in addition to the option to private certain conversations.
  • Creating a message bank : the manager can also create ready-made responses to be sent automatically to customers. This process makes it possible to ask questions about certain services and products offered. This is an important element to build customer loyalty and create a perspective of increasing your company’s profits and productivity. In addition, it guarantees service scalability, due to the high opening rate of sent messages.
  • Sending personalized labels: this functionality guarantees the filtering and selection of the messages exchanged between employees and the client.
  • Creating a chatbot for service : this is one of the most important functions of a CRM for companies. It links the service provided through a website. of a product or service.

CRM do Bitrix24

Highly customizable, the Bitrix 24 CRM guarantees automation of processes, applications, website integration, among a number of other features. This way, this application adapts to the different needs of each manager. It helps you manage your volume of customers in a quick and practical way.

WhatsApp Integrators

WhatsApp integrators receive and send messages through other mobile devices in addition to the cell phone. Among the different options that exist on the market, it is important to highlight Twilio, Message Bird and Utalk. Utalk is one of the most accessible, as it offers different plans and a free trial period for users. Thus , it eliminates the need to register bank account data.

WhatsApp Integration API Application

Available in the Bitrix24 marketplace for all users with commercial plans on the platform, the WhatsApp Integration API allows sending and receiving messages to be connected to the functions performed by the CRM.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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