Iron Sulfate | How to use it in gardens and urban gardens?

If you are fond of gardening and horticulture, surely you know how important it is to have adequate products to ensure proper growth and, in addition, that the orchards provide the corresponding fruits. Today we explain all the advantages of using iron sulfate in your crops, either in your garden or in your home garden .

WATCH OUT! You are still looking for a solution to the yellow leaves of your plants…. In that case the article that interests you is that of Iron Chelate , the solution to chlorosis in the leaves.

What is iron sulfate?

It is a chemical that can be easily purchased at any garden store, and has iron, sulfur and oxygen in its formula. It is marketed in the form of powder and granules, and has several positive effects for both plants and soil pH, which can be lowered to less than 7. Therefore, we can say that it acidifies the farmland.

Why use iron sulfate?

The plants in your garden or garden need various micronutrients to grow properly. Iron is one of them. Keep in mind that very high pH soils make it difficult for these substances to dissolve. Iron sulfate solves this problem and helps micronutrients dissolve in the soil.

It should also be taken into account that iron-deficient plants have yellow leaves , and some branches can also be attacked. This mineral is a great restorative of pigments and enzymes of the plant and, in addition, it generates the necessary energy to be able to synthesize chlorophyll.

Also, if you see that your plants have this problem of pigmentation, we suggest you check the state of the roots , since they can present changes in their morphology such as the appearance of a large number of root hairs.

Excess iron problems

If you have decided to administer iron sulfate to your plants, whether from the urban garden or from your home garden, you should be careful with the amount applied taking into account the variety and soil.

If a plant absorbs more iron than it should, its chlorophyll synthesis changes and, therefore , cannot absorb sunlight correctly .

In addition, it is important to remove the remains of iron sulfate left in the leaves quickly, to prevent burning.

Finally, we recommend that you take all possible precautions (gloves and glasses) to prevent iron sulfate dust from reaching your eyes by accident while applying it.

How to provide iron sulfate to plants

So that your garden or urban garden has enough iron sulphate, it is enough that you water once a month with a preparation of 3 grams of this product dissolved per liter of water . In pots, you must replace iron sulfate with citric acid.

In the case of acidophilic plants, it is important that you complement the effects of iron sulfate with the application of iron chelates , which will allow them to absorb other important nutrients such as manganese or copper. Finally, it will be necessary to provide the rest of the elements for a good subscriber, such as phosphorus or nitrogen.


by Abdullah Sam
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